pre quests two builds in pre?
I was wondering if you have two builds in pre......exp. I play one and my wife plays another do some of the quests disappear if she does it......cause there are a few I haven't done and it won't let me was just wondering if that is what the problem is.....thxs for any info
You will probably need to do other quests to see them. Quests are character based, rather than account based.
It also depends on your professions, there will be specific quests for specific professions. If you are a monk/mesmer you won't get ranger, warrior, elementalist and necromancer quests.
Are you each playing different characters or is she running your same character around? Most quests are not repeatable. If you are playing separate characters with different classes, you will have different quests as stated above. Only necromancers are able to complete necro quests, etc.
Aside from the profession specific quests there are other quests, some of them work in a chain. One leads to the next and so forth that could be an issue if someone is further along than you.
Gargle Blaster
Originally Posted by DeanBB
It also depends on your professions, there will be specific quests for specific professions. If you are a monk/mesmer you won't get ranger, warrior, elementalist and necromancer quests.
you can do the first quest of the secondary professions in presearing before you choose a secondary...
Edit: if you choose a secondary profession too quick you will not be able to complete these first quests.
But that's only the first quest in a chain, and being so picky isn't worth it. It wouldn't help him with the question anywya, because one doesn't rule the other out.