It doesn't say in their inventory screen that their armor is infused, however, didn't Anet apply an update that makes all hench infused? also, i tested this out, sending a hero against 3 mursaat, and the test would suggest that he was infused. Anyone know for sure?
1 more question, the armor for Olias on his head gear says: +1 Item's Attribute. What does this mean? does this mean that if he is holding a blood magic staff that the game will recodnize it, and raise his blood stats by 1? I've actually tested this out with minions, as thats the easiest way, and it seems that when equipping a death magic staff, his death magic isnt upped by 1. So anyone know what the ITEM'S ATTRIBUTE +1 really is? i mean i figure it boosts the att of the weapon, it even says ITEM'S in the description, which would suggest that, because ITEM'S is possesive? ugh iono
So, does anyone know if Hero's need to be infused?
The Pointless
For the "Item's attribute", you need to apply a rune to that piece for it to switch to the attribute you want. For example, apply a Death Magic Rune, and "Item's Attribute" will change to "Death Magic +1"
As for Hero infusion... Many seem to agree that the armour is infused, despite what the description says.
As for Hero infusion... Many seem to agree that the armour is infused, despite what the description says.
Well, I'd say if they don't pop in seconds against the Mursaat, then I'd assume they're Infused, considering how much obscene damage Spectral Agony deals to a completly un-Infused character.
Would make sense to me, considering Anet lets us take them to Tyria, would seem pretty silly if they let us do that yet made them permenantly useless against prolific engame mobs. Pets are infused, and like Pets, you can't have Heros participate in the Infusion process, so...logic would seem to agree with you guys. (Havn't tested yet myself.)
Would make sense to me, considering Anet lets us take them to Tyria, would seem pretty silly if they let us do that yet made them permenantly useless against prolific engame mobs. Pets are infused, and like Pets, you can't have Heros participate in the Infusion process, so...logic would seem to agree with you guys. (Havn't tested yet myself.)
I was capping elites with my heroes in Ring of Fire today for a couple of hours, and I am confident that heroes are infused.
Kool Pajamas
I dont think you need to apply a rune to a weapon...there isnt even a way to do that on the pvp screen. I'm pretty sure if its a blood staff then it means that his blood stats are raised by 1. Or thats how its supposed to be. Maybe its bugged.
Originally Posted by Bellucci
1. So anyone know what the ITEM'S ATTRIBUTE +1 really is? i mean i figure it boosts the att of the weapon, it even says ITEM'S in the description, which would suggest that, because ITEM'S is possesive? ugh iono
For instance - if I put a rune of superior Mysticism in the head piece that text will change to "mysticism +1 (non-stacking)" (I think non-stacking). I haven't put a vigor rune there, I wonder what it would do?
Yea, that was confusing. At first I thought it meant it boosts according to the item equipped such that a axe would give a +1 to axe mastery but it is just their way of saying "Whatever +1 attribute boost type of headpiece you want, put that rune in this item" (thus "items attribute +1" sorta makes sense). I guess when you have to condense that down to two or three words it is going to be confusing.
I will confirm that Heroes are infused. I monitored Drunkaroo while he was hit with spectral agony... displayed 3 pips of degen, just as an infused player would.