Nightfall: Lost primary mission

Bawls Guarana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


I have 6/20 missions done in Nightfall, last one being Konodur crossroads mission. fter that I did some other things and I didnt seem to take the primary quest in the city I ended up after completing it.
Now I have no clue what to do, I dont know where I can find the primary mission anymore. Im sunspear general, roughly 4500 promo points. (maybe good to tell that as well).
Can someone please help?

thanks in advance



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Join Date: Oct 2006

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Unique Warriors [UnWr]

In NF it's ESSENTIAL not to break a primary quest chain. As has been said many times before, ALWAYS take the next quest before zoning, because
1. It may be hard to find the spot again and
2. NPCs tend to disappear...


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Did you take the Mysterious Message quest from Lonai? If yes, did you complete it but log out prior to taking a quest from Margrid the Sly or Master of Whispers? If no, you need to take Mysterious Message.

Bawls Guarana

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ok here's what I found out.

Lonai gives the quest Mysterious Message, I remeber doing that quest. I kneeled at the statue and talked to Master of whispers and Margrid the Sly. (etc)
Then I took Margrid's quest, I remember going to another city then and killing some people for her, then it goes blank for me.

Can someone please reply to this, thanks


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Did you get a quest reward from Shifty Lem? If yes and you have no primary quest active, walk straight out of Yohlon Haven into Marga Coast. There, you will find Margrid with a quest for you.