Rune trader -- a mess!
I've wanted this for a long time, but now it's even more needed:
Put small gaps between each profession's runes/insignias in the rune trader's window... or, put headings (like Monk Runes) before each profession's runes/insignias.
yes this is minor, but it's a gigantic block of items right now -- akin to not using paragraphs when writing! the best thing for Anet is that it's easy to fix!
Put small gaps between each profession's runes/insignias in the rune trader's window... or, put headings (like Monk Runes) before each profession's runes/insignias.
yes this is minor, but it's a gigantic block of items right now -- akin to not using paragraphs when writing! the best thing for Anet is that it's easy to fix!
Isaac Lunoa
Or add an Insignia Trader.
NoChance, you, my friend, have a great idea. Small, doable, practical, and needed. I think they do need to wided the gap between the names or make tab bars for each profession. Or, like stated above, add an Insignia trader.
Or even add a tab onto the rune trader for Insignia. But yes my guild members and I were talking about that the other day.
Now why should Anet go and do that? There are only about 100-120 items in the rune trader if you count everything. That's less clutter than the skill lists.
Alt F Four
I'd rather Anet work on something that's actually broken. It's fine how it is.
The skill lists are seperated into attributes, and they're sortable via a drop-down menu.
This would make the rune trader more user-friendly. Granted, it's not -needed-, but hey, alot of changes/additions they've made havn't been -needed-. Were they appreciated? Definatly.
This would make the rune trader more user-friendly. Granted, it's not -needed-, but hey, alot of changes/additions they've made havn't been -needed-. Were they appreciated? Definatly.
Gaps between Classes and an insgnia Trader.
It's just an absolute mess right now. Clean that sucker up
It's just an absolute mess right now. Clean that sucker up

Originally Posted by Alt F Four
I'd rather Anet work on something that's actually broken. It's fine how it is.
/notsigned |
I totally agree with you, it is a mess in there.
/signed could have been tidier
Perhaps sort each magic accordingly as well..
Like for instance
Minor Blood Magic
Major Blood Magic
Superior Blood Magic
Minor Curses
Major Curses
Minor Domination Magic
Major DOmination Magic
Superior Domination Magic
Minor Fast Casting
Major Fast Casting
The colours would keep the list tidy and you'd find everything much faster.
Like for instance
Minor Blood Magic
Major Blood Magic
Superior Blood Magic
Minor Curses
Major Curses
Minor Domination Magic
Major DOmination Magic
Superior Domination Magic
Minor Fast Casting
Major Fast Casting
The colours would keep the list tidy and you'd find everything much faster.
Badger Muffin
/signed like Emiks idea
or something like the balth factions rewards window would be nice...
or something like the balth factions rewards window would be nice...
That would make sorting out the info so much better.
That would make sorting out the info so much better.
or make it like the priest of balthazar.. organized in tabs and profession buttons.
or make it like the priest of balthazar.. organized in tabs and profession buttons.
Originally Posted by Dalimoor_Kalkire
I understand, but I don't think something this small would eat up very much time. An inprovement is an improvement in my opinion no matter how big or small. =^_^=
/signed i think doing it liek priest of balthazar would be best
I really like the tab idea. It would make things much easier.
Dougal Kronik
/signed for Tabs like the Priest of Balthazar or sortable via a pull down menu.
Moist Muffin
/signed its frustrating hunting for something and in some cases reading the runes when they overlap onto each other. Am I the only person with the overlap problem?
Originally Posted by Emik
Perhaps sort each magic accordingly as well..
Like for instance Necromancer Minor Blood Magic Major Blood Magic Superior Blood Magic Minor Curses Major Curses etc... Mesmer Minor Domination Magic Major DOmination Magic Superior Domination Magic Minor Fast Casting Major Fast Casting etc... The colours would keep the list tidy and you'd find everything much faster. |
It's a mess, you can't say it isn't and skills can't be used as an argument, you can sort them however you like.
It's a mess, you can't say it isn't and skills can't be used as an argument, you can sort them however you like.
Maria The Princess
yes please organise by head lines!
and make a diffrent tab for insignias
yes please organise by head lines!
and make a diffrent tab for insignias
Gris Greene
Yeah, anything would be better than the way it is now, one long hard to read list.
Yeah, anything would be better than the way it is now, one long hard to read list.
The rune trader is completely unorganized.
I suggest tabs across the top, maybe somthing like this:
Minor Runes | Major Runes | Superior Runes | Other Runes | Insignias | Sell
And then inside each tab you could have the runes broken down by profession in ALPHABETICAL order regardless of the campaign that profession belongs too.
EDIT: I'm also totally keen on the idea of a seperate insignia trader in addition to this as well.
I also have this problem.
The rune trader is completely unorganized.
I suggest tabs across the top, maybe somthing like this:
Minor Runes | Major Runes | Superior Runes | Other Runes | Insignias | Sell
And then inside each tab you could have the runes broken down by profession in ALPHABETICAL order regardless of the campaign that profession belongs too.
EDIT: I'm also totally keen on the idea of a seperate insignia trader in addition to this as well.
/signed its frustrating hunting for something and in some cases reading the runes when they overlap onto each other. Am I the only person with the overlap problem? |
Bane of Worlds
/signed for tabs and/or sort option
minor improvement but it would be nice
---Follower of Grenth
minor improvement but it would be nice
---Follower of Grenth
Titan Chrae
/ signed
Almost anything would be better than the way it is now. I'd like to see tabs.
Almost anything would be better than the way it is now. I'd like to see tabs.
This is almsot reiterating the points made, but I would like to see some of, if not all of, these following changes:
- A different tab or different NPC for runes and insignia. I have never been to the rune trader looking for runes AND insigni at the same time.
- Split all runes into different professions with tabs, such as the priest of Balthazar. Is it jsut me, or are the different professtion not even in alphabetical order any more? Warrior runes seem to be first. This would make jumping to the correct runes very much faster.
- Perhaps have the idea of the minor, major and superior grouped together, or the ability to select that style if you want it.
- THIS ONE IS NEEDED! -- More space between the items. At the moment it is a mess. All of the lines come directly after eachother. It looks a mess, and it is hard to find what you are looking for. (My runes overlap aswell, Muffin ;-) )
- Possible 'search' option, to find the rune instantly.
/signed signed signed
- A different tab or different NPC for runes and insignia. I have never been to the rune trader looking for runes AND insigni at the same time.
- Split all runes into different professions with tabs, such as the priest of Balthazar. Is it jsut me, or are the different professtion not even in alphabetical order any more? Warrior runes seem to be first. This would make jumping to the correct runes very much faster.
- Perhaps have the idea of the minor, major and superior grouped together, or the ability to select that style if you want it.
- THIS ONE IS NEEDED! -- More space between the items. At the moment it is a mess. All of the lines come directly after eachother. It looks a mess, and it is hard to find what you are looking for. (My runes overlap aswell, Muffin ;-) )
- Possible 'search' option, to find the rune instantly.
/signed signed signed
good one
good one
Skye Marin
Also, make the lists collapseable.
Yeah, that's a great idea. I mean, it's not a big deal, but it would be much easier to choose your runes. natuxatu, your idea would be even better, actually. /signed
Yes please! Sort or tabs by profession.
Whatever they do, any sorting or organization would be really great considering the huge amount of stuff on the Rune Trader already. Or just do an Insignia Trader although that would imply in also having the weapon insignias on the trader too...[dream]along with a Weapon Upgrades, Unique Weapons, Weapon Insignias[/dream]
Whatever they do, any sorting or organization would be really great considering the huge amount of stuff on the Rune Trader already. Or just do an Insignia Trader although that would imply in also having the weapon insignias on the trader too...[dream]along with a Weapon Upgrades, Unique Weapons, Weapon Insignias[/dream]
Back when insignias first came out I suggested an insignia tab in the rune trader.
Orphan Anthem
If i were Anet i would put it on the end of a VERY long "to do" list.
not needed but eh, makes things simple
not needed but eh, makes things simple
I've seen this idea posted before and agreed to by many. It's an awesome idea. Just give it time. Anet needs time to do these things.
"Or add an Insignia Trader." -Isaac Lunoa
Another great idea. They're not runes to begin with.
"Or add an Insignia Trader." -Isaac Lunoa
Another great idea. They're not runes to begin with.
/signed for tabs