Can't enter the mission


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

I have played GW NF and I do not understand why I can not enter missions. Actually I don't see "Enter mission" buton. Any idea?




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Clan W A S D [WASD]


in nightfall missions there is no enter mission button. in each mission town, there is an NPC with a sword+ shield icon above thier head. talk to them to access the mission.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

I also can't find that NPC.




Join Date: Aug 2005

Hong Kong



There's a green sword/shield icon floating above them.

Moving to Q&A.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Ashikaa
I also can't find that NPC.
Maybe it's because you skipped a primary quest. The mission only gets unlocked if you do the primary quests in sequence.

It isn't like Prophocies where you could run all the way to Sanctum Cay or Ice Caves of Sorrow and do the mission there.

DAS Achilles

DAS Achilles

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006


if its a mission near the start the second one i think then u have to be a certain sunspear lvl to enter i got mad there aswell wondering y cant i do this then i asked : )


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Finsih your primary quests and then see if you can find the NPC with the green icon to enter the mission. Your primary mission would usually end with the same NPC giving you the prize.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

S??o Paulo Brasil


i have the same problema, i draged my ranger through to finish nightfall, but i did all quests avaliable and cant do any other mission after cemitery, i even walked my way to gates of desolation and on the other side to the vabbi fortress, wich is closed, not any other twon become mission, so i think something was missin, since i did all quests on town and on map and my sunspear rank is castellan, i beleve the problem is my lightbringer is at 48 points, im tryin to gather more lightbringer points to see if i can move forward, i hope i can get nightfall done, cuz until now this ideaof towns become mission points to me seem a little confuse, cuz now i have more than 7 towns maped and no mission to do and no clue from any npc.

sad sad sad



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by Twonaiver
i have the same problema, i draged my ranger through to finish nightfall, but i did all quests avaliable and cant do any other mission after cemitery, i even walked my way to gates of desolation and on the other side to the vabbi fortress, wich is closed, not any other twon become mission, so i think something was missin, since i did all quests on town and on map and my sunspear rank is castellan, i beleve the problem is my lightbringer is at 48 points, im tryin to gather more lightbringer points to see if i can move forward, i hope i can get nightfall done, cuz until now this ideaof towns become mission points to me seem a little confuse, cuz now i have more than 7 towns maped and no mission to do and no clue from any npc.

sad sad sad
Twonaiver, try looking in the command post as there are several quest lines which are started by the npc's in there?

and to the op, there are lots of quests to do early on in nightfall, if you do them you will end up doing the mission when you are supposed to (when your character is ready to). there is a story which needs to unfold which is partly unlocked by levels, sunspear rank and even some of the side quests open up new options.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Sequence of missions.

This should help.




Join Date: May 2005


and if Wiki is giving you problems, you can check the sequence of mission's and quest's as done by Savio ->