Illusion Stance {E}
15e 1c 45r
Lose all Enchantments Can not be targeted for (5...30) seconds You move 25% slower.
Art / Animation, The player with the enchantment sees themselves as transperent, Anybody else sees nothing.
Not only intresting for PvE but a lot of intresting effects for PvP, easpecially AB or Anything Envloving Flags. (And incase you are wondering, at 16 Illusions that makes 38 seconds)
Illusion Stance {E}
15e 1c 45r
Lose all Enchantments Can not be targeted for (5...30) seconds You move 25% slower.
Art / Animation, The player with the enchantment sees themselves as transperent, Anybody else sees nothing.
Not only intresting for PvE but a lot of intresting effects for PvP, easpecially AB or Anything Envloving Flags. (And incase you are wondering, at 16 Illusions that makes 38 seconds)
WWWAYYY to overpowered. Mist form, you take no damage from attacks for 18 seconds, Spellbreaker, spells can't hit you for 12(?) seconds, this.. umm.. nothing but PbAoEs and wells can hurt you for 38 seconds. Even if you are slower, you could just bring a speed boost to counter it.
Suddenly the PvP metagame will be a bunch of W/Me running distoration and this with callibus necros to counter it.
Suddenly the PvP metagame will be a bunch of W/Me running distoration and this with callibus necros to counter it.
I changed a few things, how's that? ... mmm Good, but way more useless.
Well, it's not like you need enchantments when you're invisible. And besides, that seems to give people the ability to attack people for 30 seconds without them being able to attack back for a mere 15 energy and they can do that again 15 seconds after it's worn off.
Face it, this is the reason why ArenaNet never put invisibility or sneaking in the game in the first place. You know, rangers at one time were supposed to be able to hide and sneak. They cut that out because of how grossly abusable that was.
You are still talking about near-invulnerability with no risk or strategy to it. You simply choose to become invulnerable. Imagine 6 Ranger/Mesmers rushing up to the guild lord and setting a bunch of traps on him without anyone being able to do anything about it, except heal. Or Assassin/Mesmers, or Anything/Mesmers. If this only lasted 10 seconds long, it would still be an awesome stance.
Face it, this is the reason why ArenaNet never put invisibility or sneaking in the game in the first place. You know, rangers at one time were supposed to be able to hide and sneak. They cut that out because of how grossly abusable that was.
You are still talking about near-invulnerability with no risk or strategy to it. You simply choose to become invulnerable. Imagine 6 Ranger/Mesmers rushing up to the guild lord and setting a bunch of traps on him without anyone being able to do anything about it, except heal. Or Assassin/Mesmers, or Anything/Mesmers. If this only lasted 10 seconds long, it would still be an awesome stance.
I rather like the concept, but have to say it probably wouldn't fit well in the way Guild Wars runs. I've seen invisibility in other MMORPGs, but you couldn't attack or move, so that just wouldn't work either, heh. Sadly, I think the closest you'll find to it is darting around and teleporting with assassin skills.
Originally Posted by Undivine
Well, it's not like you need enchantments when you're invisible. And besides, that seems to give people the ability to attack people for 30 seconds .
Illusion Stance {E}
15e 1c 45r
Lose all Enchantments Can not be targeted for (5...30) seconds You move 25% slower. Ends if you Attack.
Get to point B without getting hit, Slowrunning, last resort.
I know this will most probably never see the light of day, but is still fun to think about it as a concept.
Did you forget about Shadow Form? Basically the same concept, without actually being invisible. I don't like this version.
If they add something like this they need to set it so it will end if you use an attack skill or preparation.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Originally Posted by Omnidragon42
Did you forget about Shadow Form? Basically the same concept, without actually being invisible. I don't like this version.
/signed but if and only only if they implement as well
Signet of True Sight (any class, st. like Resurrection Signet)
Cast 1/4 sec
Recharge 5 sec
For 45 seconds all party members are able to see and target invisible creatures and do triple damage to them.
Signet of True Sight (any class, st. like Resurrection Signet)
Cast 1/4 sec
Recharge 5 sec
For 45 seconds all party members are able to see and target invisible creatures and do triple damage to them.

Originally Posted by KoalaMeatPie
YES! Thank you, I forgot about that, I meant to write it in.
Mesmer Illusion Stance {E} 15e 1c 45r Lose all Enchantments Can not be targeted for (5...30) seconds You move 25% slower. Ends if you Attack. Get to point B without getting hit, Slowrunning, last resort. I know this will most probably never see the light of day, but is still fun to think about it as a concept. |