I've played Prophecies for little over a year now and I'm working on my 5th character now and it really amazes me how much runners are charging these days for a droks run. Granted I understand that not only has Factions been out a while now, but now Nightfall is here too and I can see how much it's changed the "running economy" in Prophecies (at least with Droks runs). In Beacon's Perch there still seems to be a fair amount of people looking for runs still, but there is very, very few runners right now. I can only assume these people are spending more time playing other campaigns now.
A couple months ago you could go into Beacon's Perch and easily get a 2-3k or sometimes a free test run if you were lucky. Now I'm rarely even finding any runners and those I do see are charging 8-10k for runs. I haven't seen anything cheaper!!!
I guess that's supply and demand for ya, but man talk about price gouging. I can afford those runs, but I refuse to pay someone that amount. I refuse to get raked across the coals like that.

Oh well, maybe Santa will be nice and get me Factions and/or Nightfall.