Why only eight skills in bar?Why not at least nine?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

[XG]X-treme Gamers


I have been playing this game since the beginning, and still have yet to have a problem with my skills. This is a thinking game, each profession has it's own thing.

Maybe the reason you are dying so much is because you loaded up on superior runes? Are a caster and think you can tank? Maybe you don't have a good team put together?

There are many factors that could be the real reason, you also have to know your place in the game. The basic principle is tanks lead the way (first line) then casters (second line) then the monks (last line). That my basic rule of thought when playing. Of course it depends on builds and what you are doing, but when I monk I dont fight I just save my energy for healing team members. If I necro (depending on the build) I am between the tanks and the monks as a back up line.

I am not sure how you play, but if you use that basic concept you should be fine. As for the rez comment, you dont have to take it, it is a choice, usually if you have a good team together and the monks know when to turn around and stay alive, they have time to rebirth. Like I said I does depend on the build and team, have a good team, and you will have a good outcome.

Good luck... just think about what you are doing, research, try it and sub skills that work better for you... (also the more skills you have the more energy management problems you will have)... take care guys.




Join Date: Jul 2005

Eight skills are seven to many for most people.

Seriously, if Guild Wars is too hard for you with eight skills, how *exactly* would one more make it easier. For you. Be specific. Requesting a "one hit kill all foes" skill doesn't count.

As for the statement in this thread that only warriors can tank, sheesh, you really need to spend some time learning the game. That comes dangerously close to dumbest statement of the thread. Not exactly a claim to fame either.

Rezzes. Ugh. If your group needs more than one rez per expedition, you need a new group. Most player deaths are caused by that players own stupidity.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006




That's the great thing about guild wars.. every build has a way to beat it, you just have to figure out what it is. If your build is being beaten to easily, perhaps you are using the wrong one for the situations that you use it in.

Example, certain PvP builds are horrible in PvE and the same as PvE builds can be horrific when applied in PvP.

The whole 'only 8 skills' thing is what makes this game a good challenging game instead of something like WoW where you can have loads of skills and it doesn't really matter what you click on.

Kuldebar Valiturus

Kuldebar Valiturus

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Garden City, Idaho

The Order of Relumination (TOoR)


I am open to the idea that other professions can "tank"

Tanking means:

-Holding aggro of one or more mobs
-Absorbing damage with out dying outright so your party can DPS the mobs

Obviously warriors have the best armor, and damage mitigation, any other class would need to use smoke and mirrors to stand in for a warrior but it's doable just not as easy or practical.

Rez Signets

Really, in PvE, I'm not buying that EVERYONE needs to bring one.

I'm sorry i have played way too many MMO's where you only had oNE class that could rez...I know you can do without 8 rezzes in a group. o.O

And if you do need 8 rezzes, you may want to just get another group.

I'll eat my words if I find this not to be the case. Guild Wars is different than a lot of games on the market, but this is just fundamental.

In most games you have a primary rezzer and a backup, and that's considered being safe.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Only 8 skills doesn't mean that it requires more skill.
There are alot of builds on the internet that you can just take over and then you just have to press 8 buttons.

Kuldebar Valiturus

Kuldebar Valiturus

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Garden City, Idaho

The Order of Relumination (TOoR)


Originally Posted by silly
Only 8 skills doesn't mean that it requires more skill.
There are alot of builds on the internet that you can just take over and then you just have to press 8 buttons.

A good build will only get you so far. And from what I have seen, builds don't last forever, they go out of phase when they become overly popular. People start countering specific builds that become over used.

It's a self evolving, competitive cycle.

The movers and the shakers in the game will come up with builds, those builds will get a reputation for success, that reputation will evoke people to counter the build.

In this game, no one is playing with a full deck.

Unlike other games, where you have every card in the deck in your hands when you sitting at the poker table, this game only allows you 8 cards of your own choice.

Hope you chose well.




Join Date: Dec 2005




The 8 skills limit is what makes GW great.

You can play GW in many different styles.

Some play it as a hack'n slash game( whammo's ) some prefer fast-paced-almost-fps action ( PvP, RA ) others like to adventure ( Your average Joe Pve ) and others like creating powerfull combinations ( builders, like a deck of cards )

If GW wouldn't have 8 skills, some of these playstyles would vanish.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Hockster
Rezzes. Ugh. If your group needs more than one rez per expedition, you need a new group. Most player deaths are caused by that players own stupidity.
Highlighted the key word. The second highest cause of death is probably another player's stupidity. However, honest mistakes and simple bad luck do come in there as well... and, let's be honest, there is the 'this is the first time we've done the mission' syndrome. Hey, it DOES happen... although far more frustrating is 'this is the first time I've done the mission, but I'm going to ignore advice from people who have' syndrome.

I'd say at least two are far more preferable than one. That way, if the character with the one res goes down - for reasons related to their own stupidity or otherwise, you aren't completely screwed. Furthermore, you shouldn't rely on resses carried by NPCs unless you have to.

And while good groups can certainly get away without so many of them, when it comes to PUGs, I personally think everyone should carry something just in case. I don't know about you, but at the time I play, I'm often lucky to get a PUG at all (believe me, heroes are a godsend - I didn't even touch PUGs in Nightfall until after I reached the Realm of Torment), let alone a good one - although my observation has been that the average quality of the groups you DO get at those times seems to be a little higher than at primetime.

But I digress. Nine times out of ten, you won't need your resses - but if you didn't need them in the first place, the slot you used for them didn't exactly lose you the mission either. There are a few situations in which not carrying a res is justified - when a particular build really does require eight slots or when you need to add a specific functionality to a build that normally requires all seven other slots - but if you're not carrying a res, you should inform the party so they know that when things go south they shouldn't bother sacrificing themselves so that you can get away.

Res sigs - and, even more so, the Sunspear Rebirth Signet - also have a nice tactical element to them for mid-battle raises. First, they're faster than most hard resses. Second, they get the subject up in much better condition to fight than most hard resses. Third, and possibly most importantly, and this goes for hard resses on secondary classes as well - they give a method for getting someone back into the fight while allowing the healers to keep doing their job.

Ultimately, I'd much rather get through a mission with a less-than-perfect group with judicious uses of resurrection skills than spend all my time ragequitting and looking for that perfect group. Heck, some of the most satisfying experiences I've had have come after someone who thought themselves indispensible had ragequit after an early setback and we ended up completing the mission nonetheless.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Society of Souls [Argh]


i always though it was 8 because we have 8 fingers *same as the signet ring thing really* i know some people who dont bother using the mouse, they just keep the left hand on wasd,right hand on 5678, then switch their left onto 1234 when a fight starts...anywho..if there were 9 skill slots, how much difference wud it make?
if ur playing a monk *i am assuming this from ur profile* then it sounds like you play smite...try playing a healing or prot monk, let sum1 else kill things, smite is only good vs undead anyway, and keep the party alive.. or if you really want to kill things, try a different class

Fiendz Bane

Fiendz Bane

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Netherlands

Wee Free Men [凸〇一〇]


Wasn't it so in Beta that signets had their own slots (i think it was 2) in wich you could equip a signet ring on top of the 8 skills.

Maybe it's a good idea but make it not 2 but 1 slot ^^