Insignia's question
What happens if i put 2 centurion's insignia +10 armor (when affected by shout echo/ chant) on chest and legs ea, do i get +20 armor bonus? IF not should i just buy one and put one ONLY for the whole seet of armor?
You mean put 2 insignias on one piece? Thats not possible
If you put the insignia on the chest it will affect only the chest. In this case you will only have a higher armor on the chest piece unless you put the same insignia on all your armor pieces
If you put the insignia on the chest it will affect only the chest. In this case you will only have a higher armor on the chest piece unless you put the same insignia on all your armor pieces
Originally Posted by Ensign
Each player can use up to five pieces of armor - a chest piece, leggings, boots, gloves, and a hat. Any given attack on a player will hit one of these five locations, and only the armor at that location is considered - all the other pieces are ignored. Additional defensive measures, such as an armor-boosting enchantment or a shield, are added to the target's defense, regardless of hit location.
No, i meant put one on the leg and one on the chest, so i get total of 20 bonus armor or just 10? Thanks for your reply ^^
Oh, thank you thnk you^^. i never knew there is this hit location =l. what about elemental spell attk like deep freeze, does it have hit location?
Yes. Though ele spells have been shown to never hit the hands for some reason...
ele spells have been shown to never hit the hands for some reason |
How exactly is this tested?