ive seen a lot of people talking about SS was nerfed..how?
i have been playing MM since the release so i dont know what has happened.
how has SS been nerfed?
death fuzzy
It wasn't a specific SS nerf... It was a nerf to all AOE skills like SoJ, SS and Glads Defense... Instead of monsters beating them self to death, they run away to regen when their health gets low. Making it painfully slow and not really worth the effort to kill them...
Dutch Masterr
only changed ss in pve bassically to make farming harder, or to some extent non-existent. hasnt changed in pvp though.
Here's the best way to put this. SS has ONLY been nerfed when trying to fight a group souly made up of Warriors/Aggro characters. As long as there are casters in teh group it hasn't been nerfed. I have continued to play SS since Nightfall came out and beat the game as an SS. Never had any problems in any areas. If you cast SS on the Monks/Mesmes/Casters, then you will find it works very beneficial. As the AI is not smarter so the Casters attack alot more normally in addition to casting. So if your Tank in the group will aggro around the casters, then SS is VERY effetive. I can still take down a group just as easy, if not easier than I use to.
Alot of people are skeptical, but I found this works very well to cast SS on a Boss is they're in the group, usually they end p destroying the rest ofthe baddies with them since theyhave a higher HP.
Imo, if anything SS is stronger than it's ever been. UW farming is kinda messed up now, but for general farming/fighing purposes, it's awesome!
Alot of people are skeptical, but I found this works very well to cast SS on a Boss is they're in the group, usually they end p destroying the rest ofthe baddies with them since theyhave a higher HP.
Imo, if anything SS is stronger than it's ever been. UW farming is kinda messed up now, but for general farming/fighing purposes, it's awesome!
death fuzzy
k thanks for the answers.