Luxon or Kurzick?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


im currently luxon, but i'm thinking about switching over

the kurzick always win in AB
some of the kurzick guilds have more active members and events
and the armour looks a bit better
should i switch?

Warrior Of The Toon

Warrior Of The Toon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Returning after a 50 month break. Hi.



TBH it doesn't really matter, unless it means switching what guild you are in for alliance, all it takes Kurzick Faction > Luxon Faction and you're able to talk to all the Kurzes. Btw spend your Luxon first though.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Yeps I switch over all the time... you might need to get a guest pass to goto the other side for AB unless there is another way to get there that I dont know about.

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


...You want to switch to Kurzick because you keep losing AB...

*Beats self with a nail bat*



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

if u stay luxon, hope the kurzicks get you to the cliffs, then its some of the easiest faction u can get