I've come across 2 security issues in regards to the new ability to share Build Templates via email. Recently I sent an email to a younger member of my guild, with a template attached, and witihn 24 hrs I hd received an email from a very concerned parent of that player. They wanted to know who I was and why I was emailing their young child (10-14) with an attachement that had a random string of characters. Two thoughts came to mind, firstly that now with online games abundantly available, so is the ability for online predators to use these games as a medium to seek out victims. Secondly, sharing the templates through email also opens up the receiver to malicious viruses and trojans that could be deliberately or accidently sent through. Virus checkers while helpful as they are, still can not block 100% of viruses.
My proposal is this, GW development make it possible for players to transfer build templates through the Open Trade window, therefore keeping all players secure from online harm.
I would appreciate any serious and mature feedback to this comment.
Security Issues with sharing Build Templates via email
Halius Novadore
Templates are only text correct? Can't you just put it in the guild announcement of a PM then? put it in the bottom of Teamspeak? Ventrillo chat?
Halius Novadore
Yes templates are only text. When you save a template on GW it saves diectly to GuildWars\Templates\Skills folder on your hard drive as an encypted text file made up of non sensible characters. You can copy this file and email it to a player, who can save the file to their directory for immediate use. This allows players to save a build quickly and easily without having to search out the skills and attributes needed.
Yes you can call the skills out as well through ctrl-click of the skills bar, but GW implemented this template ability to literally share the template itself. I'm proposing changing the way the actual template can be shared, not how the build can be shared.
Yes you can call the skills out as well through ctrl-click of the skills bar, but GW implemented this template ability to literally share the template itself. I'm proposing changing the way the actual template can be shared, not how the build can be shared.