for some reason the armor available to me at Henge of denravi is only 65 instead of 70 (aspe manual).curously, I had 65 and I don't know how, but the level increased to 69 by itself. I have asked some people and they have no clue why.
Appreciate any help.
Armor level Henge of Denravi
well... I'm of two minds on this.
Either you misread the armor you had before you entered Henge (could happen, no one is perfect) or it was a bug. I'd suggest contacting GW support and asking them about this.
On the up side, it doesn't seem like that big a deal. You don't have to buy new armor yet which means you can save up a bit more for that Dunes and Drok's armor, both of which should be better.
Either you misread the armor you had before you entered Henge (could happen, no one is perfect) or it was a bug. I'd suggest contacting GW support and asking them about this.
On the up side, it doesn't seem like that big a deal. You don't have to buy new armor yet which means you can save up a bit more for that Dunes and Drok's armor, both of which should be better.
Thanks, Will do.