Nightfall Mixed Feelings
Tok Quickshot
I have recently beated Nightfall with my ranger and got the sweet end of game armor. Thats one of the pros of nightfall: armor. The armor, in my opinion is better, although I do not like how there is no PvP nightfall armor. The mods on the armor such as insignias are good. I did not like factions very much, i did not like the enviroment and found the chinease slums a BIT repetitive, and i am glad that Nightfalls enviroment is nice and back to more Tryian style areas so thats another pro: Enviroment. The story line is good too, i like how it ties together alot of questions. So pro again: Storyline. It basically stops there, the pros are the first few days of the game. I beat Nightfall the weekend it came out, and as soon as i beat it i said "... What now?"
These words haunt me to this day, i have found very little in nightfall that keeps me occupied. Even factions had farming and chest runs. Nightfall has done away with these things for the most part. Con: almost no exsistent farming, and chest runs almost useless. I have done chest runs in many places, and noticed that the system was changed. Instead of it being a "gold" or "purple" chest, it is now random for everyone. Boooo. Not to mention the drops suck and the drop rate is bad. Boooo. Farming.... meh... boring and basically not there. Few greens are acually worth farming, and the ones that are, have TERRIBLE skins (ex. Chor's Axe) blech. So i am STILL looking for places to make money and am very upset with how much I and the rest of the Guild wars community has found.
Well, the only thing that kept me going through factions was the hope of nightfall comming up. When i got it, i was entransed for about 48 hours, then it stopped. No farming, no chest runs, no pvp in nightfall (i have not tried the hero battles ill do that this weekend) So i decided i will do what i did in Factions when i was bored, help guildies and friends. The only problem with Nightfall is, people can choose different paths, and get to places and not have the mission available. Now granted, it is possible for me to help.. but its just sooo confusing. The line of travel is odd to say the least, i fail to see structure in Nightfall, its not a straight line like Prophecies or Factions, i found my self constantly going back to the Sancuary and other places... just plain annoying.
So let me map out the pros and cons one more time
New and exciting story line
Better graphics and more advanced gameplay
Running (gone)
Chest runs (basically nerfed)
Post game activities (none)
Difficult path of story line to follow
SUMMARY: Its all good for the first few days (or weeks if your a slower player) Ya got all these new places and armors and people and its fun. Your going through the story line your getting into it. You push yourself to finish it, then you do and you feel great. Then it happens, the unstoppable "What now?" thought in your mind. Then you, there is nothing now. Few things have been found and i doubt this game will be as in depth as Prochecies or Factions. Good luck and I really do hope I'm wrong.
These words haunt me to this day, i have found very little in nightfall that keeps me occupied. Even factions had farming and chest runs. Nightfall has done away with these things for the most part. Con: almost no exsistent farming, and chest runs almost useless. I have done chest runs in many places, and noticed that the system was changed. Instead of it being a "gold" or "purple" chest, it is now random for everyone. Boooo. Not to mention the drops suck and the drop rate is bad. Boooo. Farming.... meh... boring and basically not there. Few greens are acually worth farming, and the ones that are, have TERRIBLE skins (ex. Chor's Axe) blech. So i am STILL looking for places to make money and am very upset with how much I and the rest of the Guild wars community has found.
Well, the only thing that kept me going through factions was the hope of nightfall comming up. When i got it, i was entransed for about 48 hours, then it stopped. No farming, no chest runs, no pvp in nightfall (i have not tried the hero battles ill do that this weekend) So i decided i will do what i did in Factions when i was bored, help guildies and friends. The only problem with Nightfall is, people can choose different paths, and get to places and not have the mission available. Now granted, it is possible for me to help.. but its just sooo confusing. The line of travel is odd to say the least, i fail to see structure in Nightfall, its not a straight line like Prophecies or Factions, i found my self constantly going back to the Sancuary and other places... just plain annoying.
So let me map out the pros and cons one more time
New and exciting story line
Better graphics and more advanced gameplay
Running (gone)
Chest runs (basically nerfed)
Post game activities (none)
Difficult path of story line to follow
SUMMARY: Its all good for the first few days (or weeks if your a slower player) Ya got all these new places and armors and people and its fun. Your going through the story line your getting into it. You push yourself to finish it, then you do and you feel great. Then it happens, the unstoppable "What now?" thought in your mind. Then you, there is nothing now. Few things have been found and i doubt this game will be as in depth as Prochecies or Factions. Good luck and I really do hope I'm wrong.
Personally I put 'Running (gone) in the Pro category. Chest runs... not sure. Might also put that in the Pro category but I'm on the fence on that one.
I like the storyline complexity of Nightfall. It is what drives me back to the game.
I like the storyline complexity of Nightfall. It is what drives me back to the game.
No post-game activities?!
I don't think you realizes that a million quests are unlocked after you beat the game. Look around. There's a funny quest about "Norgu's Nightfall."
I don't think you realizes that a million quests are unlocked after you beat the game. Look around. There's a funny quest about "Norgu's Nightfall."
if the route is different for different ppl then take another route with a dif char and BAM! new story line which you said you liked
The Meatslicer
Chest Running Hasn't Really Been Nerfed.
I'v Got Maybe 3/6 Chests That I Will Get Golds From And There All Decent
Just My Opinion
I'v Got Maybe 3/6 Chests That I Will Get Golds From And There All Decent
Just My Opinion

well, heros are nice as they make pve alot more friendly, though i do enojoy constant PuG's, seeing how people misbehave, seeing how people rage quit and seeing some random wammo aggro 10 mobs at the same time...
i guess you can say i miss the old tyria PuG....
just my 2c tho
/runs for cover
i guess you can say i miss the old tyria PuG....
just my 2c tho
/runs for cover
And this couldn't be posted in the "Anyone else Bored?" thread? Sounds like the same stuff to me.
Otherwise, I disagree about the "no more running" being a Con. I disagree about the chest runs - they're now completely random, the way it should be, it's a gamble, that's the point. I disagree about "no post game activities", simply because there is plenty of other character slots, two other chapters (if you own them), challenge missions, PvP, tons of quests, farming is still viable (despite what people say), skill hunting, aid and assist guildies, services you can run, FoW/UW, etc.
Difficult path of storyline? I can't really disagree because I don't understand what you're talking about. But otherwise, people are entitled to their opinions, and everything I've said was just that, my opinion. You're bored, I'm not. Others are bored, and of course, others are not. It happened in Prophecies (I had a few friends who played since beta, and within a month after release were bored as sin), it happened in Factions (just look back at all the bitching posts), it's happening again with NF, it just happens.
Otherwise, I disagree about the "no more running" being a Con. I disagree about the chest runs - they're now completely random, the way it should be, it's a gamble, that's the point. I disagree about "no post game activities", simply because there is plenty of other character slots, two other chapters (if you own them), challenge missions, PvP, tons of quests, farming is still viable (despite what people say), skill hunting, aid and assist guildies, services you can run, FoW/UW, etc.
Difficult path of storyline? I can't really disagree because I don't understand what you're talking about. But otherwise, people are entitled to their opinions, and everything I've said was just that, my opinion. You're bored, I'm not. Others are bored, and of course, others are not. It happened in Prophecies (I had a few friends who played since beta, and within a month after release were bored as sin), it happened in Factions (just look back at all the bitching posts), it's happening again with NF, it just happens.
Well, after I've finished Nightfall, and all the extra quests, capped all Ranger-elites, finished Elona GMC etc. etc. I'll just hop back to Tyria/Cantha to finish a few aborted quests, farm some runes ans so on. Maybe get my mesmer (who has been stuck in Yak's Bend for over a year now) to finish Prophecies. I don't know, still lots of stuff to do for me.
Well i can agree with the OP that running is gone despite the large wide areas but only because Its not needed anymore .
If you were to just follow the storyline, all the towns are pretty close to each other without much resistance in between and most primary quest and missions are quick to complete if you are not fussy about bonus, you can still speed through the game by *grasp* playing it normally. Bottle neck missions are a matter subjective builds again.
Chest Run Nerfed?? well if you are talking about the prices of mods dropping due to overall increased supply of perfect mods flooding the market since Salvaging is made easier, then you are perhaps right. Otherwise theres no better time for players not looking to profit but get perfect mods for themselves from chest than now with inscriptions in Nightfall as well. Otherwise i am not sure which aspects of chest are nerfed?
Post game activity? since when was there any post game activity to begin with? The Elite mission perhaps qualify IF it needed you to complete the game before you have access. But its not even out yet. Or perhaps i will quote the famous "PvP is PvE endgame" saying :S
Difficult path of story to follow: it bring back to point 1 again about running. Since it doesnt matter if you can enter certain later towns, it will be useless if you dont have the primary quest to activate the mission to cross bottlenecks in the story. Well, hate to say this myself but you just got to play the game...
If you were to just follow the storyline, all the towns are pretty close to each other without much resistance in between and most primary quest and missions are quick to complete if you are not fussy about bonus, you can still speed through the game by *grasp* playing it normally. Bottle neck missions are a matter subjective builds again.
Chest Run Nerfed?? well if you are talking about the prices of mods dropping due to overall increased supply of perfect mods flooding the market since Salvaging is made easier, then you are perhaps right. Otherwise theres no better time for players not looking to profit but get perfect mods for themselves from chest than now with inscriptions in Nightfall as well. Otherwise i am not sure which aspects of chest are nerfed?
Post game activity? since when was there any post game activity to begin with? The Elite mission perhaps qualify IF it needed you to complete the game before you have access. But its not even out yet. Or perhaps i will quote the famous "PvP is PvE endgame" saying :S
Difficult path of story to follow: it bring back to point 1 again about running. Since it doesnt matter if you can enter certain later towns, it will be useless if you dont have the primary quest to activate the mission to cross bottlenecks in the story. Well, hate to say this myself but you just got to play the game...
Some Guru Named Kai
I did not, for any point, find the storyline "too difficult to follow". In fact, I loved the storyline, it measures up to Proph. (in content)
As for the OP's feelings about "what now?" I think that's just the rush syndrome most people felt after the need to rush through the game. So it's not Nightfall's fault that people still don't slow down to smell the pixelated roses.
And the running aspect, I felt that was only needed in Proph. when people wanted max armor from droks. But NF gives you max armor pretty early, considering you're able to purchase it on Istani. (even if it's the last mission, much earlier than droks) So, I agree, runs aren't needed anymore.
As for the OP's feelings about "what now?" I think that's just the rush syndrome most people felt after the need to rush through the game. So it's not Nightfall's fault that people still don't slow down to smell the pixelated roses.
And the running aspect, I felt that was only needed in Proph. when people wanted max armor from droks. But NF gives you max armor pretty early, considering you're able to purchase it on Istani. (even if it's the last mission, much earlier than droks) So, I agree, runs aren't needed anymore.
OP, how come you didn't mention pvp at all in your post?
of course there's no end game for you. armor means nothing, pve is boring after you get through the story, you either quit or pvp. That's it.
of course there's no end game for you. armor means nothing, pve is boring after you get through the story, you either quit or pvp. That's it.
There are a few things. One, if you "finish" the game in a weekend and are now bored - welcome to the real world. You get either grind or not grind. GW goes with the not grind model so it is possible to do what you did. If you do not like this go play another game - I do not mean that in a smart ass way. You are not made for GW and want a game where you have enough grind to last a while. That's why there are many different games.
Next, end game. There is still the same thing you have had before. Elite missions, UW, FOW, and there will be another some type of elite mission "shortly" (whatever Anet means by that). I doubt you did every quest/mission in a weekend with several characters, nor max other title (say, lightbringer). I suspect you meant "beat every mission with X character and that is enough". There is always more characters and paths through the game - though some are not interested.
Of course, there is always PvP which is generally where the "hardcore" players focus.
In the end, if you do not find GW fun go play another game. Again, not a smart ass response. That is the way things work. I hate FPS'ers with a passion. While I will sometimes find one I enjoy (first doom, halo, and a few others) it is generally true. What I hate in them is what fans in them like.
There are a few things. One, if you "finish" the game in a weekend and are now bored - welcome to the real world. You get either grind or not grind. GW goes with the not grind model so it is possible to do what you did. If you do not like this go play another game - I do not mean that in a smart ass way. You are not made for GW and want a game where you have enough grind to last a while. That's why there are many different games.
Next, end game. There is still the same thing you have had before. Elite missions, UW, FOW, and there will be another some type of elite mission "shortly" (whatever Anet means by that). I doubt you did every quest/mission in a weekend with several characters, nor max other title (say, lightbringer). I suspect you meant "beat every mission with X character and that is enough". There is always more characters and paths through the game - though some are not interested.
Of course, there is always PvP which is generally where the "hardcore" players focus.
In the end, if you do not find GW fun go play another game. Again, not a smart ass response. That is the way things work. I hate FPS'ers with a passion. While I will sometimes find one I enjoy (first doom, halo, and a few others) it is generally true. What I hate in them is what fans in them like.
Personally, I missed the running part. I feel that it takes away the freedom for you to move around places at your desire, but I find that this is more true in Factions than in Nightfall. You can run to most of the places in Nightfall except those that are tied to the storyline (e.g. Realm of Torment, some other outposts in Elona, etc). Mission spots are a better implementation now IMO, being normal places until you finished the quests that allow you to take up the mission. All in all, I find it a good improvement but I'd honstely rather they make all places that exist on the same land to be runnable at least (like Prophecies) and incorporate the mission system in Nightfall. Getting the highest armor aside, I find that being able to get to different places at your desire nullifies the feel that GW is mission-oriented and provides better immersion to the world.
I don't really have much complaints about Nightfall. It's boring for me after I've completed it once, however, I must admit I see alot of improvement in many areas. There are quite alot of post-game activitives (if you take the quests into account and completing all missions as end-game), however, not much variety I would put it. But then again, there has never been much of a variety, even with the introduction of challenge missions since Factions for a PvE player.
I don't really have much complaints about Nightfall. It's boring for me after I've completed it once, however, I must admit I see alot of improvement in many areas. There are quite alot of post-game activitives (if you take the quests into account and completing all missions as end-game), however, not much variety I would put it. But then again, there has never been much of a variety, even with the introduction of challenge missions since Factions for a PvE player.
PVE "Endgame" in GW is always about variety. Not the kind of variety that's spoon fed to you by the devs, but the kind you go out and find for yourself. Beat the final mission? Good. Find a new way to do it. Same goes for every other mission and explorable area. Get new skills. Try them out. Change your role in the team. Adjust your heroes to compensate. Give your team a run at Shadow Nexus. There's so much replay value in NF it's not even funny.
Anyway, I just finished the storyline for the first time and I feel like the real 'game' has just started. Other games really are locked down once the story ends and you're stuck with a character that can't change anymore.
Anyway, I just finished the storyline for the first time and I feel like the real 'game' has just started. Other games really are locked down once the story ends and you're stuck with a character that can't change anymore.
Originally Posted by Tok Quickshot
Running (gone) Chest runs (basically nerfed) Post game activities (none) Difficult path of story line to follow SUMMARY: Its all good for the first few days (or weeks if your a slower player) Ya got all these new places and armors and people and its fun. Your going through the story line your getting into it. You push yourself to finish it, then you do and you feel great. Then it happens, the unstoppable "What now?" thought in your mind. Then you, there is nothing now. Few things have been found and i doubt this game will be as in depth as Prochecies or Factions. Good luck and I really do hope I'm wrong. TOK |
Chests aren't "nerfed". I hate when people toss around that word at every altercation in the game. It's random now. Sure beats having 7/8 people waiting for one guy/girl to blow a key so they don't have to waste theirs. Now, if YOU want a rare item YOU have to gamble for it, not someone else. This is the way it should have been a long time ago.
Granted, some areas of Nightfall might be a little tricky, but it sure beats it being a linear...Point A to B to C to D...ect....Now you can branch off and do different quests, go to different areas first and get different Heros over others. It adds some spice to the campaign rather then having only one option the entire way through. Helps if you are bringing more then one (which most are) character through the Elona Campaign
Originally Posted by semantic
PVE "Endgame" in GW is always about variety. Not the kind of variety that's spoon fed to you by the devs, but the kind you go out and find for yourself. Beat the final mission? Good. Find a new way to do it. Same goes for every other mission and explorable area. Get new skills. Try them out. Change your role in the team. Adjust your heroes to compensate. Give your team a run at Shadow Nexus. There's so much replay value in NF it's not even funny.
Anyway, I just finished the storyline for the first time and I feel like the real 'game' has just started. Other games really are locked down once the story ends and you're stuck with a character that can't change anymore. |
What I do when I'm done with end game? Make money, farm, run chests, or go to towns and start talking. That's about all that's not boring to me.
Originally Posted by semantic
Beat the final mission? Good. Find a new way to do it. Same goes for every other mission and explorable area.
Originally Posted by semantic
Get new skills. Try them out. Change your role in the team. Adjust your heroes to compensate. Give your team a run at Shadow Nexus.

I have all three chapters and in my opinion Nightfall is the BEST. I liked the slow, somewhat involved storyline of Prophecies but had little use for the gogogo pressure of Factions. Now I find myself willingly side tracked from quests on the Elonian mainland. Every time I get into a new area, I find myself thinking, "hmm, wonder where this path goes" (actually said that when a friend was over here yesterday. She just laughed. Especially when I tried to talk to a wurm only to be rebuffed and then succumbed to the sulfurous fumes
The storyline - all integrated. The scenery - gorgeous. The monsters - much more creative.
Your list of cons aren't really cons to me. I don't play GW to run places (or be run) or to endlessly farm chests.
NF brings back something (for me) that Factions took from PvE Guild Wars -- enjoyment of the game itself. Prophecies, after the first few characters, was stale with its vast, often empty, spaces. Factions was relatively non-stop grind, either timed or 'fed-ex' A-B quests that quickly became redundant. Night Fall blends a complex mission storyline with goals rather than a timer, logical sequence rather than running shortcuts -- and here I must add that with exploration, outposts and mission spots can easily be opened up but the mission itself not accessible until unlocked, something I think superb!
(And yes, there are a few things I don't particularly like about NF, but they are so far out-weighed by the 'likes' list as to be not very important. To this point, most of the "problems" have been solved by my own regrouping and rethinking of how my character plays - skills, etc.)

The storyline - all integrated. The scenery - gorgeous. The monsters - much more creative.
Your list of cons aren't really cons to me. I don't play GW to run places (or be run) or to endlessly farm chests.
NF brings back something (for me) that Factions took from PvE Guild Wars -- enjoyment of the game itself. Prophecies, after the first few characters, was stale with its vast, often empty, spaces. Factions was relatively non-stop grind, either timed or 'fed-ex' A-B quests that quickly became redundant. Night Fall blends a complex mission storyline with goals rather than a timer, logical sequence rather than running shortcuts -- and here I must add that with exploration, outposts and mission spots can easily be opened up but the mission itself not accessible until unlocked, something I think superb!
(And yes, there are a few things I don't particularly like about NF, but they are so far out-weighed by the 'likes' list as to be not very important. To this point, most of the "problems" have been solved by my own regrouping and rethinking of how my character plays - skills, etc.)
simone mom has the grey giant mini pet!whisper Nyya Arie or Simone Shatas!(40k)