One of my biggest pet peeves is that the people on my friends list aren't highlighted in towns. When you enter a town and someone from your guild or alliance is there, their guild tag is highlighted a color of gold.
I propose doing the same thing for the friends list, but highlight the name (rather than the tag). Make it a different color as well (blue? purple? doesnt really matter) so you can spot them easily when you are in a town.
My reasoning behind this is that you have people on your friends list who may not be in your guild. Maybe they are a former guilde, or a friend IRL who has another guild that they like. Either way, it would be nice to have a visual way to distinguish their name in towns.
/signed anyone?
Friends List Highlighter
Sounds like a decent idea how hard it would be to implement...but doesn't sound...too hard =X
I would really appreciate this kind of change, since it shouldent be to hard to fix nor change gameplayr or anything to better or worst, just easier to find your friends in a city (Since they arent highlighted, as the Guild and alliance thingys are)
Bane of Worlds
/signed, good idea. I usually do spot my IRL friends as far as I know but this would make it a lot easier.
We have this for guilds, we have it for allies, and I for one would LOVE to see it for friends.
maybe you can have a darker highlight for people on your ignore list as well?
maybe you can have a darker highlight for people on your ignore list as well?