Were a chapter directed towards an Eastern European theme (please?) I beleive that a Wicca would fit the bill nicely.
With the mythology of the area based heavily on vampires and werewolves, rather than having these two as classes, it would be neat to introduce them as optional races based heavily on pve, but that's discussion for elsewhere.
The Wicca would deal in dark energies, drive their enemies to madness with both physical and illusionary damage. Adept at applying a widespread number of conditions on an enemy quickly and consistently, misdirecting damage is a large part of their defensive strategy.
They would have two very different weapons, something not seen since the warrior.
1. Thurible
2. Effegy
The Thurible is basically a big metal ball on a chain in which incense is burned. It would be two handed, deal physical damage by being swung at a range half of that of the shortbow or spear, and be integral to spells of the corresponding attribute.
The effegy would deal damage at a range similar to that of a longbow. Again, it would be two-handed, and the character would frantically stab the ffegy to deal non-physical damage.
The attributes would be:
1. Thurible Mastery
2. Effegy Mastery
3. Glamor (Primary)
4. Symbolism
Skills in Thurible mastery would follow two paths. First, imbuing the item itself with offensive buff and dealing bonus damage. Second, clouds of smoke from the incense inside the Thurible would either apply conditions to enemies, or defend yourself.
Effegy Mastery would be similar to the previous, only conditions would be applied directly to the effegy, and no attacks or attack bonusus would deal physical damage.
Glamor, as the primary attribute, would inheritley increace your evasion capabilities. "For each point of glamor, you gain a 1% chance of dodging attacks with a .5% chance of redirecting damage to the attacker." Glamor would deal with spells that confuse the enemy and redirect damage.
For instance a skill concept I had was "for (?)seconds, all damage dealt to target ally is redirected to nearest other enemy."
Lastly, Symbolism would deal with applying conditions to enemies and dealing aoe damage. The animations would include the character dropping to his/her knees and furiously scribbling inscriptions into the ground or the air in front of him/her.
So what do you think?
Concept Class: Pagan
Unkillable Cat
WHat your sugesting then is a cross beteween catholicism, and Voodoo.
This has about as much to do with paganism as inflatable animals. Also be more careful in future as a Paganism is still a widely practiced religion, and you can easily offend people with poorly thought out ideas like this.
This has about as much to do with paganism as inflatable animals. Also be more careful in future as a Paganism is still a widely practiced religion, and you can easily offend people with poorly thought out ideas like this.
I really like the idea. It sounds cool and I like the different attributes. But I have to agree that this would offend quite a few people. But then again Dervishs are real too (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dervish).
Unkillable Cat
To clarify my point earlier, as a pagan myself I had primarily knee-jerk reaction but should point out what the true pagan warriors were.
The traditional pagan warrior was in gaming tems, a bezerker, that fought naked to show thier lack of fear, and usualy coated themselves in either animal blood, or woad (a mix of semen, and woad powder) again to show thier masculinity. The idea of trying to EVADE combat would be the worst thing you could ever do, and would likely result in you being the next sacrifice.
Pagan warriors dealt in 2 things, fear, and frenzy. One of the "weapons" that best shows this is the decapitated head. At the end of battle, some tribes would decapitate the bodies of thier enemies, soak the heads in quick lime, and use them as projectile weapons in the next battle. The quicklime would burn the skin, and seeing your best friends head hit you in the chest would crush morale. To then see a crazy naked guy (or girl since women were equals) charging at you with the heaviest weapon they could carry would either scare the crap out of you, or resut in your untimely demise.
Oh and Paganism is a WESTERN European religion not eastern as you suggested
The traditional pagan warrior was in gaming tems, a bezerker, that fought naked to show thier lack of fear, and usualy coated themselves in either animal blood, or woad (a mix of semen, and woad powder) again to show thier masculinity. The idea of trying to EVADE combat would be the worst thing you could ever do, and would likely result in you being the next sacrifice.
Pagan warriors dealt in 2 things, fear, and frenzy. One of the "weapons" that best shows this is the decapitated head. At the end of battle, some tribes would decapitate the bodies of thier enemies, soak the heads in quick lime, and use them as projectile weapons in the next battle. The quicklime would burn the skin, and seeing your best friends head hit you in the chest would crush morale. To then see a crazy naked guy (or girl since women were equals) charging at you with the heaviest weapon they could carry would either scare the crap out of you, or resut in your untimely demise.
Oh and Paganism is a WESTERN European religion not eastern as you suggested
I don't care what pseudo-mystical hokum you want to do in your basement buddy, but keep it out of my game please.
I apologize if the name Pagan offended anybody. Originally, I thought I could call the Class "Witch," however, I thought that people would associate the word with females.
I chose the word Pagan, because during the emergence of the catholic church, all religions not recognized by the church were considered pagan. Although the Paganism you are referring to is probably the most recognized, Witchcraft was considered a Pagan art at the time.
The blending of The Catholic Thurible with more traditional witchcraft to which you implied was stupid and poorly thought out, was my own little twist on the idea. In a land with 5 Gods being the dominant religion, the idea of one true God would be Pagan in their eyes.
I chose the word Pagan, because during the emergence of the catholic church, all religions not recognized by the church were considered pagan. Although the Paganism you are referring to is probably the most recognized, Witchcraft was considered a Pagan art at the time.
The blending of The Catholic Thurible with more traditional witchcraft to which you implied was stupid and poorly thought out, was my own little twist on the idea. In a land with 5 Gods being the dominant religion, the idea of one true God would be Pagan in their eyes.
The first paragraph is where I got my idea for the name. However, remember that in the line:
"refers to 'one who worships something other than The God of Abraham'."
Just think instead:
"refers to 'one who worships something other than The Five Gods'."
In interest of political correctness, perhaps Heathen would be a better name.
The first paragraph is where I got my idea for the name. However, remember that in the line:
"refers to 'one who worships something other than The God of Abraham'."
Just think instead:
"refers to 'one who worships something other than The Five Gods'."
In interest of political correctness, perhaps Heathen would be a better name.
I've changed the class-name from Pagan, which received flak for political incorrectness and changed it to the far more appropriate "Wicca"
unholy guardian
gaint metal mace thing sounds good to me