realm of Torment



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Netherlands



Can someone tell me What the hell is going on in nightfall.
You have F*ckin envoirment effects. (realm of torment)
They put even more stress on the monks (first mission in Realm Of torment), every skill u use gives 20 damage, even the skill Charge doesn't have any effect in the mouth of Fear.
Did ArenaNet Lost there minds.
I have 2 say the fun is out of it, it's made for powerplayers right now.

BTW iff i offended someone i'm sorry.

Yes the game has 2 be difficult but this isn't fun anymore.
i have bin a loyal player since the beginning but they screwd up.




Join Date: Oct 2006


i like a challenge and i think most pve players does.
factions was rly easy u could easly run thru the game, i did not have any problems on the mission there.
I think the relam of tormet and the envoirment effects was a gr8 idea, it makes the game harder and u get a bigger challenge.
if u dont like challanges nf is not something for u.
A-net wanted probably just 2 try something new.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


The effects are all relatively meaningless. The first mission is entirely henchable (you should try it, since you think they're "powerplayers").

I just wish Anet would have added "difficulty" to the degree the Realm of Torment offers earlier in the game. I rather like having incapable players weeded out.

(Nothing in the post is directed toward the OP.)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


the only difficult challenge in nightfall is trying to kill shiro... otherwise its too easy...

Hump Masta

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006



shiro hard? lol not really...sparda just try a little harder find a group to go with that knows what there doing its not hard i henched the whole game till last 2 missions



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Netherlands


let me gues you all played Dialblo 2.
It's going the same way as diablo 2 Factions was difficult and nice to play @ the same time. if i look in the realm of torment there are no more then 4 players
thats a bad sighn. it means it's 2 difficult.
it's not for me it's for all the players


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Valour Of Cantha

Mo/N the end of the game not supposed to be hard?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Netherlands


yes your right the end has 2 be hard thats a fact.
But it's a bad sighn that there is allmost no one in the realm of torment that just means that it's 2 difficult.
I have seen alot games die that way.
And what i sad about factions just makes a game tik.
And the heroes they are just stupit a MM hero can't even MM and a elementelist burns energy its casts a spell gets a change of mind cancels the one picks a new skill gets another change of mind and does the same thing over and over.
And the monks in the realm of torment, iff you cast that spell you get 20 damage thats fine the monk cast a healing spell on me thats fine he gets 20 damage heals himself over and over because he gets the 20 damage over and over.
what do you have a elementelist who has no energy and a monk who heals only him/her self
Call it a bug call it something but it isn't working.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


For me anyway, the difficulty in the Realms of Torment isn't from the Area effects. It's from those damn demons, Especially with heros/henchies. Ever time the heros attack a demon and the demon activates it's duplication skill they switch targets unless your attacking it as well. What kind of stupid idiot lets a monster sit there and double themselves. If you die first, forget about killing the mob cause the heros will just end up doubling the size of it.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Summoners of Forgotten Gods


It's posts like these that make me understand the whole "learn2play" and "cry more noob" fads that existed in WoW for a long time.

You've been with the game since the beginning and you're upset the game is throwing new challenges at you? I bet if it didn't give you new challenges you'd be unhappy the game is too easy and boring. I like the new challenges in Nightfall, and it keeps the game interesting. Once you learn how to beat those missions you'll realize the tricks and how easy they are.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by Sparda
But it's a bad sighn that there is allmost no one in the realm of torment that just means that it's 2 difficult.
If that area is too difficult, wouldn't you see loads of people instead, trying to beat the mission? Just like the bottle-neck in Prophecies, Thunderhead Keep. Loads of people over there, trying to beat this tough mission.

I really can't see why almost no-one in RoT = too difficult

Just try and look up some hero-builds in the buildsdirectory on this forum. I suppose you are just using the wrong builds for them, they work fine for me.


BTW, the environment effect is nothing new. It's already used in the Dragon's Lair mission in Prophecies. A good team shouldn't have too much problems with it really.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


Nightfall is almost completely henchable assuming you've built your heroes up properly. The only mission where I think I needed help was the second to last one, and I finished that with the help of ONE friend and our pool of heroes. I finished the last mission with only heroes and henchies and got a masters in 19 minutes. Seriously it's really not that hard.

After sleepwalking through Prophecies and Factions, I welcome the new challenge in Nightfall with open arms.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

"Pre-nerf" is incorrect. It's pre-buff.

Requirement Begins With R [notQ]


I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't cap a skill in the Domain of Pain. The heroes aren't programmed to kite and have slow reaction times, coupled with monsters that use a Deep Freeze which brings hero/henchman health down to 25%~. I think its excessive and just Anets way of saying "Don't farm our game".

I'm using an axe warrior hero, two Glimmer healers, one Blessed Light monk (me), Illusion hench, Paragon hench and Fire hench and as hard as I try, they just die. It isn't fun, fair or clever. My instinct is to bring a Ritualist hero with Shelter and Rit Lord but there isn't one. My next instinct is to bring more monks but dmg is poor enough as it is with three monks and nothing will die. All I want is more beta-testing before this sort of rubbish is churned out.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

Originally Posted by Arduinna
If that area is too difficult, wouldn't you see loads of people instead, trying to beat the mission? Just like the bottle-neck in Prophecies, Thunderhead Keep. Loads of people over there, trying to beat this tough mission.

I really can't see why almost no-one in RoT = too difficult
all the RoT misions are empty except that one where you have to kill Shiro and the Litch. people gewt stuck there for days, wasting hours and hours trying to beat it. this outpust is always full and all you see is

"GLF monks"

this is the bottle neck



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


At least I got chicken...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


There is nothing in the realm of torment that is TOO difficult. Sure it's hard, but me and a friend + our 6 heroes got masters on every mission in the game, and I've capped every elite down in the realm. I regularly hench the Depths of Madness for Lightbringer point farming.

Your example of the 20 damage whenever using skills effect, when I first saw it I panicked too, but it was so low in practise I barely noticed it, even when spamming adren attacks at full speed. Plus, the enviroment effects don't even affect hench and heroes.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

La Legion Del Dragon [LD]


Didn't find it that hard either, I think it got back on track dificulty wise, Factions was way too easy. I did the all the missions with just henchies/heroes with my first character, only having to tweak a skill here or there.

A suggestion for the person who mentioned the ele hero, manually attune just before you get into aggro range, I have him set up as double atunement and it's worked for me.

And on shiro, I just took my warrior and assasin with the same build that was used in the Palace, that's knock downs, interrupts, and wild blow. When he got below 25% health, I found it worked better to micro manage wild blow for the stances.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Aussie land


Lol I'm not even there yet and I start to feel scared already! I like a game that makes you think, but not too much!

I remember THK and The Eternal Grove, were a pain..........! I almost stopped to play, too much frustration and stress! :P I got on thanks to my guildies.
Really I don't like to always ask for help and a game should not be so stressful to resemble a real life job!
After all: in my case, I play to relax and enjoy the scenary if I have to get upset.... too much, well the game is not for me! I leave it to all the clever people who likes it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Shiro is pretty much the only thing that should give someone problems and I'm kinda torn on if I think it needs a nerf or not (there are good arguments on both sides).

I just used my normal crappy builds I personally use on the heroes and the rest hench, never had an issue with any of the environmental effects. I never saw the henchies start to cast, cancel, start to cast, cancel. None of my caster henchies run out of energy (you need to give them an energy management skill or two - just as you would also normally carry). I'm not that good a player, nor are my builds that good yet I have pretty much no trouble.

All in all it sounds more like you really do not understand how the classes are played and/or you have a really bad team set-up. They should only be running out of energy in either *really* long battles or if you have a very bad skill bar. 20 health lost per skill usage shouldn't have your monk spamming any heal (not even orison). Heck, just adding Matra of Recall to the prot monk or an Attunement on the ele goes from no energy most of the time to mostly constant casting.

Yea, there are a quest/mission or two that can be difficult to hench or need a competent group no matter what. But just the areas in the Real of Torment isn't one of them, I don't think I ever even needed to set a flag and bring out my longbow for pulling. In fact I found the effects over all less annoying than the Dragon's Lair mission in Prophecies.




Join Date: Mar 2006


Lievs Death Squad [LDS]

The 'take 20 damage' area is easy. Just bring a monk hero with Light of Deliverance, problem solved.

The 'skills cost 40% more' area however pisses me off! Its worse than QZ without any helpful side effects.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


The only extremely difficult part of Nightfall I've happened across is fighting Shiro. I can't beat him. With henchies or with a real group. Most people I play with just make stupid moves and I follow along like a domino effect. It sucks. But soon I'll finish.
The second hardest thing I've had to do is trying to go back to Prophecies and to get a run to Droknar's Forge or even FIGHTING my way there ... good god that's getting ridiculous.

Aside from that ... and as much as the environment effects are a little lame, and rather irritating, they only exist in the realm of torment. To me that's all that matters. It is the Realm of TORMENT after all.
It's the realm of an outcast god, what do you expect?

Kool Pajamas

Kool Pajamas

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mage Elites [MAGE]

On that first mission I went with my guildies we had 3 monks (2 of those hench) and me as a motivation/command paragon and we didnt have 1 death and blew right through it. Point is just dont fill your group with a bunch of "wammo" dervishes and stuff and you should be fine in any mission in the game. No such thing as too much defense in my opinion.

Dorn the Furious

Dorn the Furious

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Under the Sea

The Arcane Brotherhood


yeah, but you can never find any real freaking monks, and i hate the hench monks. I've been stuck there forever, not because it's necessarily difficult, i mean we blow right through it, do everything right, and then blam, a bunch of hoodah or another appear right on top of us and we can't do nothing because hench/hero monks are acting stupid. And finding a party as a derv is hard as it is, and so I will usually have to go with a not so good group cause no one else wants me.




Join Date: May 2005


Thread Closed.