Questions about this forum...


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The edge of reason

I don't play any more.


What are referrals? I was looking up my user profile and it said that I have one. Are they good or bad too >_>

Oh, and where can I find the list of member ranks and how many posts are needed to find them? I saw it once, but I can't remember where it was.

Sain Cai

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Referrals should be if you told someone about this website.

As for user ranks, I didnt really find anything, maybe try a search for some.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

  • Referrals:
When you go through the Guru Site Registration, there is a Additional Information section where is ask you
If you were referred to this site by an existing member of Guild Wars Forums - GW Guru, enter their name here.
After you fill in the field an submit your application a point (1) will be added to the person's name you typed in the "Referrer" section.
  • Post Titles:
Pre-Searing Cadet 0
Ascalonian Squire 10
Academy Page 50
Frost Gate Guardian 100
Lion's Arch Merchant 200
Krytan Explorer 300
Wilds Pathfinder 500
Jungle Guide 750
Desert Nomad 1000
Forge Runner 1500
Furnace Stoker 2250
Grotto Attendant 3250
Hell's Protector 4500
Hall Hero 6000
Underworld Spelunker 7750
Tyrian Patriarch 9750
Guru 12000