Zenmai stuck
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I noticed this on all of my characters and so did my girlfriend. If you walk out of Kaineng Center or The Marketplace, into Bukdek Byway, Zenmai will always be stuck near the entrance or the ressurection shrine. She doesn't respond to anything, flags, target-calling or behaviour change. Has anyone else noticed this?
I've noticed it as well. and I would also like to know what is happening.
I've noticed this as well... very annoying.
Not only that but around Cantha in general she does many strange things.
She will sometimes go off on her own for a little while or refuses to move until you get far away (which usually ends up with her running smack dab into the middle of a group I ran around). Like you, I've never once had her move from that spot coming out of Kaineng city.
I do not seem to have these errors with her in Elona or Tyria. I can not take her on any Canthan run and I do not trust it to be Canthan only so I do not take here elsewhere. The Realm of Torment is hard enough without being a character down.
She will sometimes go off on her own for a little while or refuses to move until you get far away (which usually ends up with her running smack dab into the middle of a group I ran around). Like you, I've never once had her move from that spot coming out of Kaineng city.
I do not seem to have these errors with her in Elona or Tyria. I can not take her on any Canthan run and I do not trust it to be Canthan only so I do not take here elsewhere. The Realm of Torment is hard enough without being a character down.
Terra Xin
maybe she's bugged with that quest when you first got her.
Marty Silverblade
Nope, it's just a bug with Zenmai. GuildWiki knows about it and says so. She only gets stuck in Bukdek Byway, and does nothing except take her share of items and cash (Anet made a leecher hero ftl (joking
)). Anyway, just take the hench assassin when your in Bukdek Byway.