this is of course the idea behind blocking ebay buyers, but who i wouldn't be suprised if they mistaken you for one...
to bad i guessed on that sword couldn't even sell it because of the skin
Marth Reynolds
Ole Man Bourbon
Tauren Arcanist
Originally Posted by Tauren Arcanist
A Slight update, The account was banned early yesterday morning with a message stating that it will be banned for 68 hours. 24 hours later the account still has the same amount of hours remaining on the ban. I personally think this is disgusting. The fact that Arenanet would ban first and ask questions later is just disturbing.
The fact that nearly a day later still nothing has been accomplished is disturbing. WoW is in fact looking better and better every day. I do not believe that him losing valuable play time should go un-repayed. I know personally that if his account will not be re-instated that I will be packing my bags and moving on. I have played this game through every nerf since gwen burned us all in the town. Arenanet seem's to purposly punish it's players and we sit there and take it in hopes that they will see what they are doing. |
Originally Posted by Thallandor
Other than just posting here, i would advise that your friend seek a support ticket with NCsoft support as well and also pm the community manager Gaile Gray with the title: wrongfully banned, please help with a detail written account of events. Doing these will be the most realistic approach toward solving the problems rather than suggesting WoW over GW which might bring flames towards yourself possibly by forum members of the offending guild in question. After doing so, also please provide Anet with some time to investigate the chat logs so that they can better determine the real offender. Please also note that should your friend who got banned engaged in exchange of words deemed offensive and bannable, then unfortunately in this case he has fallen into a trap which he cant redeemed himself out off. Best of luck otherwise and be sure that the real offenders will not go unpunished. |
Funk ee Monk ee
Originally Posted by Mr Fenring
Keep in mind that what happened and what was reported may be wildly different. So don't be too harsh towards Anet's response.
Tauren Arcanist
exiled mat
Originally Posted by Kijik Oni Hanryuu
wow.... this is just.... bringing me to near tears... I could have swore this game was rated "T" for teen not "I" for idiots who screw upandbuy something early and then get someone BANNED... sickening, and I can't believe Anet would ban someone because some NOOB EBAYERS complained.. this really tests my faith in the goodness of people and Anet.
Tauren Arcanist
exiled mat
Originally Posted by Tauren Arcanist
God Im so pissed off I cant type straight.
This is horrible. And the thing that really gets me the most is there is some Nooblet guild out there reporting people and getting accounts banned. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ANET? DO THEY NOT EVEN CARE? WHY DONT I HAVE A BLUNT TO CALM ME DOWN? -.- |
Pandora's box
Dark Angle
Phaern Majes
Cow Tale
Originally Posted by Red-Tide
The issue isnt about his ban any longer, it was lifted, The issue is now that Anet wiped his storage vault (Cash, Ectos, Shards etc...).
Sir Mad
Tauren Arcanist