Factions or Nightfall? I already have original.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

hi, I just recently started playing again. I stopped for a while cuz I had finished with 3 chars, in the original Guild Wars.

So Im wondering. I dont have factions, but I want to get a new guild wars.
should i get nightfall or factions? Does the nighfall include everything the factions does? thanks alot



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


I'd say get Nightfall... Its a better game bar afew things.

But anyway, nope Nightfall doesn't have everything Factions has... If you buy NF you'll be missing afew *Factions only* skills, weapon skins and lovely armor skins. Also you won't have access to Alliance battles, faction farming for your Guild and lastly the ability to create an Assasin or a Ritualist.

Other than that Nightfall wins hands down... Can't speak for Paragon but the Dervish class is extremely fun to play with. The PVE story seems alot more intresting than Factions and the environment is blindingly beautiful. The addition of Heros is amazing to... I wasn't keen on them at first but now i love them.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Lost Dynasty [SEEK]


Factions Pros: Cool looking armor, Alliance Battles, Kurzicks vs Luxons thing was a great idea, cool weapon skins

Cons: The story seemed a little... lame, Inability to run almost anywhere from almost anywhere like in Proph

Beatrix of Alexandria

Beatrix of Alexandria

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

I like them both, but Factions seemed more pvp-oriented and Nightfall seems more pve-oriented. Thena again, I think I'm one of the few that actually liked pve in Factions so my saying that both are good is probably going to get some arguements going.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Id definately vote nightfall.. i hate the way you have to grind 10,000 faction in order to progress in Factions, it sux. Personally, faction grinding aside, i think nightfall has a way nicer feel to it..



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



Originally Posted by Slainster
Id definately vote nightfall.. i hate the way you have to grind 10,000 faction in order to progress in Factions, it sux. Personally, faction grinding aside, i think nightfall has a way nicer feel to it..
I'd say NF too, but I'd say that there's more grind in NF than Factions. 10k faction is very easy to get, and you only have to reach 10k once. 1 AB can net you 1,250. Nightfall, on the other hand, requires that you farm Sunspear and Lightbringer points. You need Sunspear General at a certain point in the game to progress, and many people have complain about this "grind." You can only reach later parts in the game after you have reached a certain Sunspear rank.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


Purple Puzycats


Nightfall first if I had to choose. If I was bored and needed something to do after I finished Nightfall I would get Factions.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
I'd say NF too, but I'd say that there's more grind in NF than Factions. 10k faction is very easy to get, and you only have to reach 10k once. 1 AB can net you 1,250. Nightfall, on the other hand, requires that you farm Sunspear and Lightbringer points. You need Sunspear General at a certain point in the game to progress, and many people have complain about this "grind." You can only reach later parts in the game after you have reached a certain Sunspear rank.
Thats assuming there are enough people for AB these days