So Im wondering. I dont have factions, but I want to get a new guild wars.
should i get nightfall or factions? Does the nighfall include everything the factions does? thanks alot

Beatrix of Alexandria
Originally Posted by Slainster
Id definately vote nightfall.. i hate the way you have to grind 10,000 faction in order to progress in Factions, it sux. Personally, faction grinding aside, i think nightfall has a way nicer feel to it..
Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
I'd say NF too, but I'd say that there's more grind in NF than Factions. 10k faction is very easy to get, and you only have to reach 10k once. 1 AB can net you 1,250. Nightfall, on the other hand, requires that you farm Sunspear and Lightbringer points. You need Sunspear General at a certain point in the game to progress, and many people have complain about this "grind." You can only reach later parts in the game after you have reached a certain Sunspear rank.