Screen Shots of Terror Sheild+Stats.
This column (see image attachment) is right outside Nolani where everyone is farming skulls for candycanes... Either Anet is short of artists to produce unique art for the shield, or we have some good photoshoppers in our midst.
the same artwork can be found in the catacombs & UW as well so having a "terror shield" skin is still belivable
Tigris Of Gaul
Wow! This wasn't posted in the thread that was closed before! Thanks; this new thread after the old one was locked has really put a new insight into GW discussion!
Oh wait... this was posted before. In a locked thread. Nevermind.
Oh wait... this was posted before. In a locked thread. Nevermind.
Undisputable proof right there...

Oh yes so undisputable. I like the way we can't see the item.
No, no, no, you don't do this. I closed the other thread for a reason. Once one of the staff sees it in-game, the other thread will be opened.
The next person who posts this thread will be reprimanded. Let this be everyone's warning.
The next person who posts this thread will be reprimanded. Let this be everyone's warning.
Stone StormChaser Jackal
Btw, I know the admin's of this site don't think these exist, but here is some screen shots of the stats as people were asking me for them.

so anyway, just don't blame me when you find out they don't sell for over 100 ecto anymore.
so anyway, just don't blame me when you find out they don't sell for over 100 ecto anymore.
Sir Skullcrasher
show me the shield in-game?
WHere does one acqiure a terror shield???
Sf, Uw, Fow??
Sf, Uw, Fow??
i need to know.
Total Disfunction
According to chat in lions arch with Gaile she said the IDS was the only new weapon in the game. Ok its a shield not a weapon but don't you think she would have mentioned it.
X of Thulcandra
Of course alot of us don't believe you. All you have been doing is posting shady screenshots. Yet, no one will show anybody IN-GAME. ''I S3LL TH3M FOR HUNDR3DS OF 3CTO LOL'' is nice and all, but why won't you take the time to prove them once and for all by showing a staff member or people that WANT to see it?
The reason the other thread is closed was because at least one of the screenshots was badly Photoshopped. We'd rather you confirm it with a mod to eliminate the "it's fake" and other such comments. As there is another thread that will be opened if the shield is confirmed, closed.