Do Heroes effect the drop rate?


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


I was farming last night in southern shiverpeaks with a full compliment of Heroes. All 3 that is.

I must have killed everything in the area, yet I only had about 10 drops. Most of which were scrawl headgear or some other scrawl thing.

Hardly any gold, or armor or blue or purple items.

I think I killed close to 75-100 creatures.

From experience that drop rate is remarkably small.

Ive had better drops in nightfall, like a few golds for instance, but I would still say the rate was worse then usual when using henches.

Plus ive played almost through the entire nightfall compaign with just two missions left and I havent had a green drop yet.

When I played through factions with henches the first time around, I had about 3 or 4 green drops by the time I reached the end.

The same goes for Tyria. I had found atleast 2 or 3 greens by the end. With just using henches.

I cant help but think Heroes do effect the drop rate.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



think there just like henchies. and i think theyve changed the drops, as i remmber collector items used tobe hard to find, now, ive got 4-6 after missions.. :O



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

sh*tvill england



all you have to do is A go with a full team of pugs, no hency/heros, or if ur soling a nboss take ur hencys+ heros and kill the badias around him then send them off so there names are grayed out then solo kill him and u shoudl get the drop


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by olly123
all you have to do is A go with a full team of pugs, no hency/heros, or if ur soling a nboss take ur hencys+ heros and kill the badias around him then send them off so there names are grayed out then solo kill him and u shoudl get the drop
Not having someone in range of a kill has not affected the drops for me previously as I've seen drops for people way out of range. So unless there has been a update recently that changed this I don't think it works.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


yea thats why going into UW and Fissure with heroes and henchies, while a lot easier because you don't get people leaving all the time on you, its a pain cause the drops are no where near as good as with a full player party.

I suppose thats the balance of it after all. Anet rewards better those that play well with others.