Accepting LFM invites (noob question)
OK. I'm in an outpost. Someone puts out a LFM call and I want to respond. Currently, the only way I know to do this is to hold down the ctrl key, find that person's name amidst the chaos, then click on it then click on the plus/join key. There has got to be an easier way to self-invite. Please tell me what it is.
you can hit the tab key until their names comes up
Type / invite *user name*
Also, if you click on the persons name so that it goes into the Whisper box, you can then highlight their name and then cut and paste it using Control C and and Control V so that you don't even have to type the name.
Also, if you click on the persons name so that it goes into the Whisper box, you can then highlight their name and then cut and paste it using Control C and and Control V so that you don't even have to type the name.
Can also cut/paste the name into the blank spot in the party window, then hit enter to invite them.