Guild Wars is better than World of Warcraft because...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


First off, because of the non-existent monthly fees.

I am just starting out playing both games (yep, bought and loaded both). I'm trying to determine which game to stick with. I find myself playing GW (the original) a little more. I do enjoy both, but will only commit to one of them. Give me some more reasons why I sohlud stick with Guild Wars.

Any info is appreciated. Thanks so much for your time!


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Also because Guild Wars has a dedicated Arenanet staff that maintain the game and make the improvements and changes that are necessary. They provide us fun events like the Dragon festival thing, Halloween and Wintersday.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by manooly
non-existent monthly fees.
That is it.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

A Galaxy Far Far Away


I played GW for bout 4 months, then switched to Wow for 3 months after hitting 60 I came back to GW.
I have found that GW players are way more friendly & helpful.

Samuel Anders

Samuel Anders

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


I was a hardcore raider in WoW for nearly 2 years. Many people say you can't fairly compair the games, but here's what you're looking at from my perspective.

Buy WoW if...
1) You want to take a while to reach the level cap.
2) You want to join massive groups of people (up to 40) and kill huge bosses for good loot.
3) You're willing to play for at least 5 hours a night 5 days a week to raid for the best gear. (I'm not kidding. If you can't do this, you will get slaughtered in PvP.)
4) You care more about acquiring powerful armor and weapons than you do about acquiring powerful spells.

Buy Guild Wars if...
1) You can't afford the monthly fee from WoW. (Duh!)
2) You want a company that listens to their fan base and adjusts the game accordingly. (Blizzard might listen, but it'll take them months to imlpement even the smallest changes.)
3) You want to play casually, but still be competive in PvP.
4) The prospect of seeking out new and powerful skills excits you.
5) You want three huge continents to explore.
6) Story matters to you. Yes, Guild Wars has a story. WoW doesn't.

That pretty much sums it up. If you're willing to devote around 40 hours of playtime a week to run end-game instances in WoW for the best gear, you can be competive there, and will probably blow right through the Guild Wars campaigns. I've done the raiding scene and, though it looks fun at first, try doing it week after week after week. WoW is entirely based off that gear. People with powerful gear slaughter people without it in PvP, so it's entirely pointless to PvP if you don't raid.

Guild Wars is more based on the skills available to you then the gear. Gear provides certain bonuses, but the stat points you allocate boost the power of your spells. There are hundreds of ways to play each class combo in Guild Wars, but classes in WoW are generally pigeonholed in the raiding scene. (Paladins, Druids and priests are healers, Warriors are tanks, etc)

TEX Cougar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006




Correct me if im wrong but blizzard owns ANet do they not?
Or NCSoft owns ANet and blizzard



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Well, I list few major reasons where WoW is better than GW and vice versa. It is possible to like from both, you know.


+ open and more alive PvE
+ good factions system (random human patrols are fun and annoying)
+ not so much AI to reduce human interaction

- heavy grinders are always step(s) ahead in combat
- combat is quite messy with large groups because there is so much functions
- monthly fee


+ very large player community (WoW has like couple thousand per server?)
+ pretty balanced and simple combat system (skill matters more than spent time)
+ no monthly fee

- current AI mates are converting GW to single player
- PvE world is too private and quite tight.
- not much PvE rewards and fast dynamic action in both PvE/PvP

I'm not going to compare graphics because both have their strengths and weaknesses. WoW might look old but its cartoon style forgive so many technical flaws while GW is more serious and detailed. Artistic issue which is completely subjective.

IMO, GW PvP is designed for too organized players while WoW PvP prefer grinders and cookie cutter builds. Personally I like random and fun PvP action which has other goals than wiping the hostile team. Fort Aspenwood is the only working solution for GW because it is fast. Sadly, leeches are soon going to kill it.

WoW shines with random encounters and open PvE with better human player spirit. That is the major pro for it. Can't really think anything other where it is better than GW. However, this alone improves PvE a lot. Some like from expensive mounts and rare powerful gears but these shouldn't be advantage because it just attract 1337 n00bs. Sure, it adds PvE goals but these should be easier to get so 24/7 players won't gain too much compared to others.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Underworld

Leader of Grenth Gaming Inc [GG]


TBH I have a friend who plays WoW and we always talk about which game is better. They are honestly both good but these two main points will tell you which one to play:

Power Measured in Time Played, then knowledge, then skill
Payment is monthly.

Power measured in Skill, then knowledge, then time played
Payment is every 6 months to get the new expansion (optional)

Personally I prefer Guild Wars just because it doesn't require enormous hours and its possible to have up to 10 Leet Characters. As for WoW you focus on a single character to improve his gear.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by TEX Cougar
Correct me if im wrong but blizzard owns ANet do they not?
Or NCSoft owns ANet and blizzard
  • NCSoft is the parent company/publisher for ArenaNet (and a few other companies such as Cryptic Studios, Inc.)
  • Blizzard Entertainment is an independent company without any with NCSoft/Arenanet.

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