What pets in Elona grow?
monkey grip
Sorry if this has been discussed before, couldn't find anything with my limited lunch break.
Mostly, i wanted to know if the lions grow bigger as they level?
What about the hyena?
Mostly, i wanted to know if the lions grow bigger as they level?
What about the hyena?
Lady Of Tyria
yes i think they do grow.. the rats in vabbi at lvl 3 are so small.. at lvl 20 that are huge.
I believe that all pets in all chapters get larger as they level up. At least, that has been my experience.
monkey grip
i don't think the tigers or stalkers grow do they?
Cats, Birds and Pigs Do not grow.
Ascalonian Moa Birds grow. I have a pig for my warrior but don't play wa/ra with a pet too often so he's still a young little porker so am not sure about that one.
Doesn't hearty = bigger pet?
Doesn't hearty = bigger pet?
Ascalonian Moa Birds grow. I have a pig for my warrior but don't play wa/ra with a pet too often so he's still a young little porker so am not sure about that one.
Doesn't hearty = bigger pet?
Doesn't hearty = bigger pet?
My tiger hasnt grown since level 5
So so sosososososososo annoying. i wannabigone!
So so sosososososososo annoying. i wannabigone!
This is from guildwiki:
Tyrian pets generally grow as they increase in level, while Canthan pets generally stay the same size.
Pets confirmed to grow:
Melandru's Stalker
Dune Lizard
Moa Bird / Strider
Snow Wolf
Black Bear
Jahai Rat
Lion / Lioness
Pets confirmed not to grow:
Black Moa (always level 20)
Black Widow (always level 20)
Tiger / White Tiger
Tyrian pets generally grow as they increase in level, while Canthan pets generally stay the same size.
Pets confirmed to grow:
Melandru's Stalker
Dune Lizard
Moa Bird / Strider
Snow Wolf
Black Bear
Jahai Rat
Lion / Lioness
Pets confirmed not to grow:
Black Moa (always level 20)
Black Widow (always level 20)
Tiger / White Tiger
Texas Flood
Does anyone know what the different prefixs mean?
(playful, dire, hearty)
(playful, dire, hearty)
Texas Flood
Wow sorry about that computor messed up
anyway to delete those?
anyway to delete those?
All pets from tyria gotten at level 5 or lower grow at each stage of evolution. All pets gotten from Elona which start at level 3 or 5 grow similarly. All pets gotten at level 15-20 are at final evolution and will never grow. All pets from Cantha are confirmed to not grow regardless of level capped (including phoenix).
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hearty: ++ life --damage dealt by pet
playful: + life - damage dealt
elder/no evolution: both average
aggressive: -life, +damage dealt
dire: --life, ++damage dealt
generally a pet starts with no evolution, on average they will evolve to EITHER playful or aggressive (depending on playstyle) at about level 11, and once again evolve at level 15 (usually further along the same evolution unless your playstyle radically changes). Once the second evolution happens, they are 'fixed' and will not change again. There are instances (like when I take a level 3 pet and level them on level 23 opponents) when they will not evolve at all.
there is a HUGE (and very well regarded) article by Jenosavel and Epinephrine in community works on pets...check it out.
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hearty: ++ life --damage dealt by pet
playful: + life - damage dealt
elder/no evolution: both average
aggressive: -life, +damage dealt
dire: --life, ++damage dealt
generally a pet starts with no evolution, on average they will evolve to EITHER playful or aggressive (depending on playstyle) at about level 11, and once again evolve at level 15 (usually further along the same evolution unless your playstyle radically changes). Once the second evolution happens, they are 'fixed' and will not change again. There are instances (like when I take a level 3 pet and level them on level 23 opponents) when they will not evolve at all.
there is a HUGE (and very well regarded) article by Jenosavel and Epinephrine in community works on pets...check it out.
A Leprechaun
im pretty sure my warriors crab (citizen snip) has grown
Guildmaster Cain
All pets are able to grow, they evolve around lvl 10 and 15. How they evolve depends on wether u do most dmg and let pet tank or other way around. This way he evolves 1 step closer to tank-mode (more HP).
However, if you capture a pet at lvl 15 (elder), they usually arent grown up and dont have any chance to grow anymore.
My White Tiger has certainly grown since I started feeding him dragon mosses and Shiroken...
However, if you capture a pet at lvl 15 (elder), they usually arent grown up and dont have any chance to grow anymore.
My White Tiger has certainly grown since I started feeding him dragon mosses and Shiroken...
Crabs dont grow.
Essentially Prophecies pets grow, Factions pets dont. Cant say for Nightfall, as Im saving myself for a Hyena.
Essentially Prophecies pets grow, Factions pets dont. Cant say for Nightfall, as Im saving myself for a Hyena.
Crocodiles do. My P/R's croc did at any rate.
yep, crabs dont grow, neither mine nor my hubbys have changed since day one .....hope those rats grow though, that would be sooooooooo coool!