I have been hacked


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by maraxusofk
Man if theres any anet empolyees reading this, i hope u implement a feature similar to that of Gunbound. It has a feature that scans ur file for hax and/or key logs that are associated witht he program before u can even play the game (or something to that extent). Please use a version of this to prevent anymore hax.
Why should they have to babysit us? It is your responsibility to make sure you don't have security leaks on your side. Unless you are getting the keyloggers from guild wars itself (lol), then this is not their problem. I wish people would stop throwing around the idea that they have been hacked as well. It seems to imply that some feature of guild wars is being exploited to allow a "hacker" to access their accounts, when in reality the person is getting the information to access your account elsewhere. If someone can access my account without having the email address that is associated with the account, I would gladly hand them my items and save them the trouble.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


As long there are people buying gw stuff from ebay, hacking accounts is big business. These arent inviduals who hack accounts but well organized crime organisations. The same people who tried to rob peoples online bankaccount discovered that is a lot easier to steal virtual money from populair games and selling it on ebay, than to steal real money. As long as it isnt real money nobody will hunt those criminals... What can you do when your account gets hacked? Can you go to the police and tell them that your gw cash has been stolen?? I think those cops will laugh at you...

Another thing is that a few weeks ago chinese police discovered a house full of kidnapped teenagers who were forced to farm 12 hours a day (WoW)... without a break. Their "boss" sold the money on ebay.

As long people keep buying gw/wow cash and other valuables on ebay this will get worse and worse (again, police does nothing, anet does nothing and many people dont give a sh*t.... as long as their account isnt hacked)

Tide to Go

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

I War Torn I [Torn]


wow.....I wouldent play the game for awhile......I dont think you can get them back unless you remake them



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

I heard that WoW does give u back ur items if u get hacked. Happened to my raid leader and i think she got her stuff back. Pls correct me if i'm wrong. So why can't Anet do the same?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006


Ordo Chaotika


Originally Posted by bart
I heard that WoW does give u back ur items if u get hacked. Happened to my raid leader and i think she got her stuff back. Pls correct me if i'm wrong. So why can't Anet do the same?
Don't think it's likely for ANet to do this since there's no monthly subscription involved in playing GW. Backing up those types of data would incur alot of costs I believe.

Btw, does anyone think it's possible to use bruteforce method on a GW login? If it's possible, perhaps we should hide our email addresses while using GW-related forums, especially if it corresponds to the login info.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Inside your closet of nightmares...

O'Shea's Bandits [OSB]


Originally Posted by bart
I heard that WoW does give u back ur items if u get hacked. Happened to my raid leader and i think she got her stuff back. Pls correct me if i'm wrong. So why can't Anet do the same?
While theoretically possible, it's not a plausible request. ANet/NCSoft simply don't have the time, money, and staff to undertake the very substantial developmental effort it would take to create any practical way to do this. The necessary background data are deeply and intricately linked, and even a tiny mis-adjustment could potentially cascade real trouble into all manner of obscure corners, where it'd take huge effort to fix. An "edit account" tool is simply not going to happen until all other issues are fixed, or until ANet becomes sufficiently successful that they can hire the extra bodies to implement one.