Hi there,
Welcome to my first build thread in the farming section.
The creatures in this Area drop some decent items, ranging from spears and swords to staves and rods that aren't very common. So far, each run can net you a decent sum. But the other great thing about these runs is that you'll be a boss, which drops a nice green. So let's get started.
Arkjok Ward -Elona
For Pulling: Either a Long- or Flatbow. The stats don't matter ofcourse.
For Fighting: Just some good stuff, I'm using the following:
Furious Gothic Sword of Shelter
15-22, dmg +15% (armor -10), Armor +7 (vs. physical), Double Adrenaline (10%).
Exalted Aegis
Armor: 16, dmg -5 (20%), HP +30
You need max armor. I use a mix of Dreadnought and Knights. Just choose whatever suits you best, just keep in mind that you will recieve quite some damage and hits.
Superior Vigor and Superior Absorbtion are highly recommended, but you can do without. For this build I'm using my Tactics Helmet with a Superior Tactics Rune and a Minor Strength Rune on my armor. I had no place for a swordsman rune because I placed a minor tactics on my armor and I can't be bothered to remove it just for this build.
Arkjok Ward Solo W/X -Tusked, Termites & Ntouka
Strength: 9+1(Minor Rune)
Swordmanship: 12
Tactics: 9+1(Helmet)+3(Superior Rune)
From Left to Right:
Dolyak Signet, Victory is Mine! [e], Sever Artery, Gash, Desperation Blow, Sun and Moon Slash, Shields Up!, Lion's Comfort.
Dolyak Signet is there for a nice armor boost, and keeps you from getting knocked down when using Desperation Blow.
Sever Artery, Gash and Desperation Blow are there for conditions and damage at the same time. With the conditions applied you will gain benefit from ViM (Victory Is Mine!), which is your primary Heal.
Sun and Moon Slash serves two purposes: First is extra damage ofcourse and second is adrenaline gain.
Shields Up! Helps when fighting the tusked creatures (paragons) and the Beetle Paragons.
Lion's Comfort is another heal. When you fight bladed termites you usually don't have enough conditions applied to your target to make ViM useful -They die really fast due to their use of "Frenzy" and to their low level. When fighting the other creatures you will rarely have to use this.
Learn your skills
The Actual Farm:
Exit from Johlon Haven and enter Arkjok Ward. Once outside you see the area's I marked in the map above. I suggest clearing the area's in the order I mentioned. Area 1 -> 2 -> 3, that is.
First Area is full of Tusked Howlers and Hunters, don't let their names confuse you, they are no Necromancers and Rangers. No, they are paragons, and easy to kill too! Run in and kill them by using your attack skills, apply conditions and use ViM when you are in need of energy, or health. Try to keep Dolyak Signet up at all times, as it gives a nice little armor boost. Shields Up! (I name it an optional skill, but it helps a lot) can be used when you see fit, note that it makes you block 50% of their attacks.
When things go out of hand, use Lion's Comfort to heal yourself, just be careful when using this skill, because it disables your signet rings (Dolyak Signet) for 12 seconds. I used this skill when I just used Dolyak Signet, but if you really have to you should use it no matter what.
The tusked, or apes, should be really easy to kill. Just be careful with the nearby Mandragor, aggro one and you are certain of a death.
Second Area really depends on the spawn you get. You should see a huge group of termites sitting there. These are actually 3 seperate groups, and 1 is almost always available for a lure. So get these first and pull them back to where you came from. If there is a Queen in this group, kill her first. It is rather time consuming but you can kill her. Once she is dead kill the others. Save the Lance for the last as the blades are easier to kill. If you have multiple lanced lured in this group you can hide behind a rock or something to protect you from their spears. This is not necessary at all, it just makes things a bit easier.
When fighting the blades you will face a problem I faced: You kill the creatures to fast to gain benefit from ViM. So use Lion's Comfort on occasion.
Blades are pussies, Queens are time-consuming and Lances are like the Tusked -Easy.
When you killed the first group you can try to pull the second and third group (you will most likely get them both -so watch that. If you think you cannot take them, leave them. If there are 2 Queens in this group, leave them. You will not be able to kill them. If you have a lucky spawn do the same as I told you above, use terrain to your advantage, kill the queen first and whack away.
Third Area:
Termites, again. This is only one group and should be easy. Do the same as I said above.
Now it is time to go to the fourth area, here are still some tusked creatures and a Ntouka Boss (warrior, carries a Elite as well). When running to the fourth area follow the path I took and evade all other groups at all costs. Mandragor group with the ele's means death. The Mesmer creatures (Crested Ntouka Birds) and their Elementalist companions deal a lot of damage and will likely result in a death as well. Cracked Mesa's are not a real problem as they are warriors and will drop the chase soon, Stone Shard Crags however do pose a threat. Try to evade everything untill the fourth area. (Area 5 is the most difficult part to run through -try not to aggro anything in here)
Fourth Area is the area where you will find the Warrior boss with some Tusked. Aggro them and pull them to a save spot. I found a nice hill in this area and walked to it to hide from the tusked so I could savely kill the boss. I highly suggest you do this as well. The boss is a easy. He dies quick and poses no real threat if faced alone. Kill him, hope for a green, and move on to the tusked. That concludes this farming run.
A very easy farm run with a chance of some very nice drops. I hoped you learned a thing or two and that you enjoyed reading it. Even though it is quite lengthy
It got duplicated it seems, please delete this one.
Original Thread: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10077137
Original Thread: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10077137
Great job.. Good work on the Farming