concept class: Gargon (glaive warrior)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Crimson Claw


ok before I put together a 5 page essay... tell me what you guys think

The main concepts behind this idea are as follows:

first of all this class will have both melee and ranged weapons in hand (claw and glaive)

the normal attack would be determined by the distance of the target.. and skilled attackes would have their own attribute line. normal glaive attacks that are blocked disable glaive skills for xxsec

playing this character would be much like having a bow in one hand and a sword in another...

glaive attacks will cause certain effects when evaded/blocked

some skill ideas

~~~cruel returning glaive 10nrgy 30 sec

throw glaive at target foe causing deep wound if it hits, if it is evaded you receive a deep wound.

~~~chained glaive 8adr

all nearby enemies take xxdmg and start bleeding for xxsec, if blocked you begin bleeding for xxsec

~~~power throw 5nrgy 10sec

target takes +xxdmg, if evaded, nearby foe starts bleeding for xxsec

~~~glaive bomb Elite 5nrgy 15sec

target foe takes xx damage after 3 sec, target foe and nearby foes take xxfire dmg, if blocked target takes xx firedamage

I got more ideas, but i dont wanna be cought up in my own little world if everyone hates it...tell me what u think ... I will post pics and more details later...after work, and some feedback

need help on the primary attribute... thinking of fortune/agility...increasing chance to evade attacks/hexes.

this class needs to be hard to hit, as it would not have many self heals.. and there is a chance to hit urself...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Heightened state of mind.


Sound vaguely familiar, and just plain vague in general.

Back damage attacks are not very good, and if they cost at all, the cost should be significantly low, since it backfires if it fails.

I would point out several improvements, but I basicly developed this idea already and just didn't give it a seperate post, I can copy my progress here if you wish, and you can use what I have developed on your idea.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Crimson Claw


ya that would be great... or give me a link to similar ideas... as I would like to develop this...

this probably sounds vague cuz I havent gone into great detail... I havnt posted lore or pics or general playability yet...

regarding the back damage... I was thinking that this class would be a risk taker... sure deep wound on self is bad... but it is meant to balance the large damage caused by the attack. And if it hits, it can be used in conjunction with a claw attack i.e.

~~~Gouge (claw attack) 5nrgy
strike for xxdmg, if recharging glaive skill, strike for additional damage and cause blindness for xxsec

also...some glaive attacks would cause the "enemy" even more greif if evaded/blocked i.e.

~~~power glaive 8adr
target takes XXdmg, if evaded one enemy nearby suffers deep wound, if blocked 2 enemies near target suffer bleeding

Over all... you wil try to manipulate blocks and evades (while glaive skills disable themselves when used for xseconds) then charge in to cause additional damage. Gargons (name in progress) are much like pirates in spirit and flavour, and would fit well in a new chapter with a similar theme.

Ill get to it as soon as I work i think about home Im on guild wars



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Heightened state of mind.


I looked all over but I could not find the work that I suggested, only some related threads by others.

I have written alot about this class here and there, but never a real thread about the class itself, first of all, I can't think of a good name, yours is probably the best I have seen.

The idea I had for a Glaive throwing class was a hulking barbarian type, very simular looking to Kratos from God of War. Not just Glaives, but Boomerangs and Chackrums as well, large ones, huge ones. The outstanding difference between this kind of ranged attack and exsisting ones is the flight path, instead of throwing a projectile in straight line, it moves in a circle or oval toward the targeted enemy, dealing damage to all foes it comes in contact on the way to the target and on the way back.

Now here is where it gets complicated, when you throw the Glaive, it makes a oval path at about 75% of the speed a normal projectile does, since it covers far more space and moves slow, the....Gargon.... cannot use Glaive attacks until the Glaive returns to him, during that time he can only use melee attacks with his hands.

Additional originality points, instead of an actual glaive weapon equip on your character, the glaive would actually be a skill, equipping the skill would grant you use of a glaive, and like a pet, it would be available with the skill equip. The skill has a dual purpose, equiping it allows you to bring the skill, selecting it in combat commands your character to throw it. Typical return time on the glaive would be 3 seconds. There can also be other skills for different throwing weapons, like a large boomerang, or large chackrum, only one can be equip at a time. Other glaive skills can be used to throw the glaive different ways, throw it faster, deal more damage, throw it in a different flight pattern. But you can only use the glaive when it is available, so if you throw the glaive, you have to wait for it to return to use another glaive skill. The Glaive itself would deal higher damage depending the amount of attribute points in this attribute.

Wile the Glaive is flying the Gargon uses his equipted weapon to attack, the weapon available to this class would be something like clawed gauntlets. If you have a glaive equip wile fighting with gauntlets, the Gargon actually does his attacks with the glaive in his hand adding the damage of the glaive to the damage of the attack. These boxing type attacks (Mui Thai is my suggestion), and glaive attacks would be in seperate attributes.

Basicly what would happen is the Gargon throws his glaive at the enemy, closes and deals melee attacks, catches his glaive and starts swinging it around with his melee attacks, than throws it some more. If he decides to use another classes melee weapons or other weapons, his glaive is simply returned to his shoulder or attached to the outside of his right arm (thrown with the left) until thrown again, only the gauntlet (boxing) attribute gains additional damage by swinging the glaive wile the glaive is available.

Primary attribute would increase the speed of the Glaive, thereby making the glaive attacks harder to dodge, and increasing the speed at which the skills can be used since the glaive comes back faster. And also some skills in this attribute which produce.... nice effects....

The path the Glaive normally flies would likely be a narrow oval, the normal projectile travels in a straight line, the glaive travels on the left of that line hitting all foes on that side leaving the thrower, and deals damage to anyone on the right side of that line on the way back, people standing in the middle of that line get hit twice. With a weapon that does the equivalent of hammer damage, this is not something you want to get hit by, but with a large thing flying across the field it is easy to spot, and can be avoided. The Glaive would travel about 75% of the distance of normal projectiles, just a little less or the same distance as spears. But all of those factors are simply what the glaive does when you activate the skill that also counts as equiping it to yourself, the other glaive throwing skills can deal added damage, fly further, or faster, or in a different pattern, like a dual spiral around the player, or in a wide circle or in the opposite direction. If the enemy is closer than the full range of the attack than it will pass through them in that direction, the maximum damage opportunity is getting half the glaives throwing distance and hitting them twice with the attack.

Basicly that is all that I developed for what I originally called a Juggernaut class. It lacks another attribute for defense and healing skills, and there are plenty of ways to twist it, but those are the complicated and original functions you need to make it into a working idea.

Notice, I placed the enphasis of the exchange on the returning time of the glaive and the fact that it takes a skill just to use it, so tradeoffs like recieving damage if it doesn't land arn't neccessary. In actuality, my idea for the glaive is an attack that cannot be blocked or evaded, like a spell, it does slashing or blunt damage, but it is a singular damage factor like a spell, not a range like an actual equipped weapon.

There are quite a few more fine points to add to make it functional, not that Anet couldn't take it from there and make it work, as if they wouldn't try to do something like make their own version (see how that worked for Assassin), but we can discuss that later.

Feel free to take what you need and edit your original post with what you like, we can discuss new ideas or ideas you don't like later. Perferably I like to discuss the idea and refine it with others instead of just making an idea on my own, but there are so few people worth doing that with.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Crimson Claw


Hey thanks for the posts... those are some awesome ideas. I will definitly mull this stuff over and edit above posts.