New paragon shout
"Stop! Drop! And Roll!"
Shout. All Allies within earshot if burning, are knocked down for 1/2 a second. All Allies that were burning gain 7...24 health for each second they were on fire. (Attribute: Leadership).
(5) Energy
(1) Activation Time
(20) Recharge Time
Shout. All Allies within earshot if burning, are knocked down for 1/2 a second. All Allies that were burning gain 7...24 health for each second they were on fire. (Attribute: Leadership).
(5) Energy
(1) Activation Time
(20) Recharge Time
Half a second knockdown? Isn't that like, getting interrupted?
Funny idea, but I fear it just won't work, technically.
Funny idea, but I fear it just won't work, technically.
Ultra Mega
I can see griefers using this to cause havoc on their own team. In AB it would be crazy people interrupting people on their own side, maybe to help the other team win.
AW Lore
Originally Posted by floppinghog
"Stop! Drop! And Roll!"
Shout. All Allies within earshot if burning, are knocked down for 1/2 a second. All Allies that were burning gain 7...24 health for each second they were on fire. (Attribute: Leadership). (5) Energy (1) Activation Time (20) Recharge Time |
Phoenix Arrows
I don't like the part where you can control when your allies get Knocked-Down...
Knockdown is worse than burning, especially since your likely to remedy 2 seconds of burning. It is a very funny cliche, but a bad skill.
Now if it were some sort of offensive skill on singular skill with significant benifits it would be much better. But trying to throw a knockdown on your teammate in the 3 seconds he suffers from burning which will likely interrupt his skill, chasing, retreating, or any number of actions, is very bad. And since we have extinguish, this is also unneccessary.
Now if it were some sort of offensive skill on singular skill with significant benifits it would be much better. But trying to throw a knockdown on your teammate in the 3 seconds he suffers from burning which will likely interrupt his skill, chasing, retreating, or any number of actions, is very bad. And since we have extinguish, this is also unneccessary.
Mercury Angel
For the record, shouts have no cast time by precedent.
Chants are fundamentally shouts, and work just like them, except they DO have cast times.
Therefore, I doubt they'd add in a cast-less Chant or a Shout with a cast time.
Chants are fundamentally shouts, and work just like them, except they DO have cast times.
Therefore, I doubt they'd add in a cast-less Chant or a Shout with a cast time.
Tide to Go
thats a pretty good one i like it, but the time needs to be alittle more harsh
Kool Pajamas
I dont like the idea of causing a knockdown/interupt on your own team memebers. If it needs balanced then add higher energy cost or something but no negative effects on your own team.
There should be no skills that can harm your own team. I like the idea though.

there are skils that are negative against your team, rangers use them, and my enemy is Fertile Season.
people need to read, the K/D was only on burning allies, so you wudnt K/D your entire team, tbh tho, i dont see the benefits of this outweighing the negatives.
people need to read, the K/D was only on burning allies, so you wudnt K/D your entire team, tbh tho, i dont see the benefits of this outweighing the negatives.
Kool Pajamas
Nature Rituals are designed to affect all sides. Thats different.
This could be funnier than using Vengence on an unsuspecting team mate.

why do people make threads about random dumb ideas that pop into their heads?
"Stop Drop and Roll!" 5 Energy, 20 Recharge
Shout. All enemies within your area, who are suffering from burning are knocked down and take 20....65 damage. Afterwards they no longer suffer from burning.
Shout. All enemies within your area, who are suffering from burning are knocked down and take 20....65 damage. Afterwards they no longer suffer from burning.
why not instead of allies.. make it enemies
shout-foes whitin earshot that are burning get knoked down for xxxx secs
shout-foes whitin earshot that are burning get knoked down for xxxx secs