Hex Removal and Nightfall

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



I've always been frustrated with our choices for hex removal in pve. Many people say Holy Veil is still the best option, but after 2 new campaigns,you would think we would have something better.

I checked the nightfall monk and mesmer skills on guildwiki and didn't see any viable options for a pure healing build.

My question is: Did Nightfall give us a better rex removal for monks to use in pve?

Note: I did see a nice new protection elite hex removal; Divert Hexes, but I want to keep my points in healing.

Thx for any suggestions .



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2006



The hex removal tools available across all three campaigns are so limited - there are many condition removal tools even down to "repeat" skills (ones with the same atributes in energy cost/cast and recharge times), but nothing that makes a really effective hex removal against the mass hexing those horrible "bogies" do in NF. I have resorted to using healing breeze (never in my tool bar when monking for a group) as a stop-gap while remove hex is recharging (7 seconds!!!).

In the two previous campaigns the required two hex removers on my tool bar were managable - but now I have to spam healing breeze in between when six of eight party members suddenly go pink and hp drops on all like a stone - with a 20 second recharge and a 7 second recharge on the two skills I can use at the moment - I would LOVE to see a new skill on the par of all the 5e and 2s recharge ones we have for condition removal. I havent seen the new elite Divert Hexes yet (not far enough to know where to cap it etc - still playing slow and helping others get to the mainland)

And it would be nice if it were either in Divine Favour or Healing Prayers as these are the skills I max when monking for a group - even under No Atribute would be great!

I would also appreciate any suggestions from others out there. Thaks in advance.




Join Date: Jul 2005

Australian Discussion Posse HQ - Glorious leader

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I find in PvE you can just do a prot monk with high divine and a 85~ point Gift of health and you can still heal for a decent amount.

And divert hexes heals for alot as you already know.

Running a pure heal monk is abit overkill I think.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



@ ZenRgy- You make a good point, and trust me I have played prot monk many times. Though as far as elite hex removal skills go I imagine Blessed Light would beat out Divert Hexes. Someone else can do the math on that lol.

I prefer playing a WoH monk for the energy management and even in areas with tons of hexes I can usually heal over the hexes. But it's frustrating to have to save your hex removal for the bad hexes (backfire, diversion, clumsiness etc.) and have to just leave the conjure phantasms on when fighting in a hex heavy area.

I was hoping with Nightfalls release, we would get a spammable hex removal similar to Mend Condition.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


Diabolic Influence [Di]


Expel Hexes is alway great to have on a backline if were talking Gvg or HA. Some see it as a wasted elite but it'll be the decider when coming up against a hex build. Its useless against builds such as NR/Tranq and dual smite(common builds) which is probably the reason why its rarely seen. Anyways most people just settle for blessed light as their hex removal.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


In PvE - You can run about any non-suck monk build and get away with it in most areas...

Hex Removal isn't widely avialable like condition removal - Because conditions are for the most part (barring Dazed, and such) spammable and easy to reapply while the worthwhile hexes usually come with some form of either high recharge or high cost.

Hex removal is meant for you only to pick out the "bad hexes" like you mentioned and remove them, you aren't meant to be able to keep your party clean of hexes.

Some "major hex cover":
Expel hexes - Elite. Good for getting a once covered hex removed and has a good cost/cast/recharge, but doesn't heal for anything (not even divine favor because it isnt monk), or give any other extras. So its pretty niched into 1 job - and it can't compete with hex spam like you want.

Convert hexes - Is nonelite but has a 2 sec cast and high 15 cost. Was brought in pvp at one point because of rampant use of SB/RI spike. But thats about it.

Withdraw hexes - Elite. The most hex removal (removes ALL hexes from target and adjacent both) but again the cost is huge for a monk, and the recharge is insane if you remove multiple hexes.

Divert hexes - The most popular choice as you figured. It removes 3 which is enough usually to uncover and remove the "bad hexes" and you get ALOT of extra utility out of it (condition removal, mass healing). The energy cost is high but managable with smart skill usage and the recharge is low enough to where if you needed it quickly you could have it quickly. Because it isn't the best e-management, and its really only worth it if its hitting more than 1 hex on a person it is usually reserved for the second monk's elite and only in areas where hex is heavy, Like the current GvG meta.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


I like to run hexbreaker aria on a paragon or /paragon it at least keeps casters more hex free