Account Drop Rates ? Broken

torgan skullkrusher

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

The Red Hand


I have played my way through all of the chapters and have reached the end of the vabbi area in nightfall. never considered myself to be lucky with drops but i have noticed since adding Nightfall i now get nothing but common crafting items and gold.

Now ive done quite a bit of farming in the past months since finishing Factions and i know when drops fall off but theyve never really got started in nightfall.

Ive so far had 3 gold drops total. No greens or rare crafting items. When my guildies are having at least 1 - 3 golds a week drop, and at least 1 green one guys had 5 greens in 2 weeks travelling with a full party of heroes and hench.

I even went out, to prove a point, to farm darksong last night 3 hours and all i got were 2 white bows and gold half the time he dropped nothing, i had 3 heroes with me. At the same time a guildy farmed him 5 times , with 3 heoes, and got the green drop !!

My question is, is it possible that somehow my account has got some form of anti farming flag stuck on since upgrading to nightfall ?

And has anyone else noticed a significant lessening in the quality of drops?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006


You know i thought it was me, all i seem to get are white steel daggers and scythes, got a green bow but i went out solo for that and it still took me over 25 goes to get it.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



I have had the same problem unitl i reached the desolation. I have still yet to get a green but have had a couple of gold drops now and the chests seem to drop vastly better items. I spents hours famring a area I found in vabbi with 6 bosses close together did the area 10 times and all I got was 67 gold and a blue spear.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


Purple Puzycats


Nope you are not alone, if you are very lucky you might get a blue every once in a great while! The only time I get colored drops is out of a chest and they are always purple, not worth the cost of the key!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006



All my drops so far have been at best Blue items, and even those not very often. If I was asked I'd say Nightfall drops have been messed about with compated to other chapters.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

With 3 heroes you are only getting about 25% of the drops, less if that also includes henchies. Gold drops for everyone on the team so you always see those but you won't see anything that drops for a henchie or hero.

A boss will not always drop the green, the odds for most are actually low and if you have henchies or heroes along then you are reducing the odds even lower. Honestly I would not plan on seeing any greens if not solo and if they do drop then consider yourself quite lucky.

Chests don't even figure into the equations, they are separate from monster drops.

Try going out somewhere solo, anywhere you can survive on your own and see what happens.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006



@DeanBB: I am aware of all of all that and STILL the drops are lower considering the other chapters. Having played GW for almost 1.5 years now I can say that even with hero's / hench the good drops in Nightfall are a LOT less than in the preceding chapters.

I personally wasnt talking about green items, just the common everyday variety of drops. Factor green items into the equation, and you have an even worse drop rate, but thats a common factor throughout the chapters.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006



-_- i think ive gotten one gold drop in all of elona, and im in the realm of torment now... then again, i have 620 plat in storage...maybe the more gp you have the worse the drops?



Sins FTW!

Join Date: Mar 2005


Angel Sharks [AS]

You're not alone.

Quality and quantity of drops seem to be less for a lot of people.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Yeah, take it to the discussion thread there, since it's really more of a discussion than a question that can have a definitive answer. Closed.