007ed everytime I log into Ascalon Academy


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Lion Arch Guards


This is my first post, so please bare with this helpless newbie.

Everytime whenever I create a new character and moving on to the Post Searing Ascalon, I always get stuck on Ascalon Academy. To tell you th truth, I made 5 rangers, and it happens all the time.

The error Code is 007, and I am aware of what that code mean. However, how does this code relates to my character being stuck in Ascalon Academy? Everytime when I tried to log into that character, it just gives me that message all the time.

Indeed, this is getting really irritating. Can it be possible that my Gw.dat is corrupted? Or maybe something else..


This is the support ticket I send to the PlayNC support site.

First off, I would like to thank you for your contribution in reading this.

I've been experiencing a very annoying problem ever since I bought Guild Wars: Prophencies everytime I created a character in the Pre-searing Ascalon City. Whenever I got my character to the level I desire to move him/her out of the pre-searing to the post-searing of Ascalon, my character will always be stuck on the location under the heading of 'Ascalon Academy'. The error code I received are always the same... "Please check your internet connection. Code=007". Strangely, whenever I move my character to Ascalon Academy, I would received the error code with an IP address (Most likely Class C IP address). After that, it will just give me the error message without showing the IP address.

I've tried numerous methods of trying to resolve this situation:

1. Repair Gw.dat
2. Reinstall Gw.dat
3. Log GW on my friend's computer
4. Redownload the entire Gw.dat
5. Decompressed Gw.dat
6. Defragged Gw.dat
7. Contacted ISP, speed is still 2mbps, showing no problems

All of them came with no luck in resolving my situation.

Just a quick summary of the symptom.

Log into account > Select a Prophencies character > Loading screen showing under the heading of 'Ascalon Academy' > Loading complete > Immediately boot out and give error message.

I thank you again for taking your time in reading this long letter that I'd sent to you. Please, it would be really helpful if you can resolve this problem, as I am already getting really irritated by this error message everytime I tried to play on my existing character.




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


hello welcome to gwg

as for your question i will try to answer to the best of my knowlege.. but im hoping a mod will move this thread into the tech forum cause those dudes are mad crazy hecka dope good with computer stuff

But i actually had a similar problem with my gw and i belive if you can withstand a reinstall of guildwars. that would be your best bet..

then once you get a fresh copy of fully updated gw on your hard drive.. if you got a dvd burner you can backup your datfile so you dont have to suffer through almost 2 gigs of updates

hope this helps bud and again welcome to the forums


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Lion Arch Guards


I thank you for your quick response, and I am terribly sorry for posting this at the wrong section.

I am planning to reinstall GW, however, I am currently on a dial up, which causes a real hassle of reupdating everything (All 3 campaigns) to its current state.

If there is any other solutions, please do share it in this thread. I really want this situation to be solved, since I wasted pretty much 25 hours of recreating and deleting characters without realising its symptoms.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




Does that mean you don't error 7 with other characters that are not in pre searing?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Lion Arch Guards


Originally Posted by Poison Ivy
Does that mean you don't error 7 with other characters that are not in pre searing?
I only get code=007 whenever my ISP has drastically slowed down my internet speed due to extensive usage (All the way to Dial Up speed). Right now, I'm at full speed, and still experiencing this problem only to characters that are in Ascaon Academy. (Inbetween Pre-searing and Post Searing).

Strangely enough, this only happens in characters I made for Prophencies. Every single time I tried making a new one, it always landed me with the same results whenever I move him/her to Ascalon Academy, which I must say is very annoying.

Just to note Narutocryd's suggestion. I tried reinstalling and updated to its latest version at my friend's house and it still came up with the code=007 result. :'( I also tried with my friend's computer. same result. Can it be my account based problem?

*P.S I would like to thank the moderator for moving this thread for my inconvenience.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Lion Arch Guards


Just edited my first post with the information I provided to the PlayNC support site. This is they're reply...

From Mike
Hello Peter,

Thanks for contacting the Guild Wars customer support team. We received your ticket regarding the connection problems you are experiencing. The Error 7 you have been experiencing indicates an “ordinary” disconnect from the game. This disconnect can have many possible reasons.
At first, they completely ignored the information I provided... So I replied...

I thank you for your quick response, but...

I believe you misunderstood my current situation. I've already tried the method you speified (Sorry for not mentioning), and as stated... It happens not only my computer, but my friends as well (and he can get to Post Searing no poblem at all).

I would like you to thoroughly read my previous letter I sent more carefully.
Now finally they taken my problem into the account by giving me the following reply...

From GM Chuck

Thank you very much for contacting the Guild Wars Customer Support Team. We are going to escalate your request to a senior technical support representative to further investigate your problem. We will get back to you as soon as possible to provide a solution for the issue you reported.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.

Though... It has been over 12 hours already.. I'm not even sure whether they are taking it into the account of my problem. =_="

I believe I am not the only victim in this situation. I read somewhere in the 'Err's solution and explanation' that one of the member also too experienced the exact same problem as me.


I did some experiment just later today, and I found out that any character that is over level 3 will not be able to proceed through the Post-searing portion of the game. And whenever you disconnect within Phase 1 and 2 of Ascalon Academy, it will give out the error code, hence disallowing the character to continue.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

I have just encountered this exact same problem. I was taking my newest character Karia through the Ascalon Academy Mission to Post-Searing. As she was working on the survivor title, I exited out of the PvP battle before the mission. When atempting to log back in it would reach 100% on the loading screen, and then it would give error code 007, then throw me straight back out to the character selection screen. There is nothing wrong with my conection or computer, I can log in all my other characters fine. And the error still happens when tested on another computer. I am really concerned at this, as I have spent a lot of time on this character and she was carrying some black and white dyes on her. Restarting her is not an option.

I have sent a ticket to NCsoft support, but meanwhile I cannot access this character and her items. Has anyone found a solution to this problem?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



You should both try running guildwars with the -diag switch. It will output a file to your guildwars game folder. You can then examine the active route you have and it may give you an indication of were the problem lies. Since there appears to be a number of servers that are used during the login, character selection, and game areas access procedures the problem area could be in any number of areas.

Goto Start -> run


"C:\Program Files\Guildwars\gw.exe" -diag

This might also be a helpful addition to your support tickets.
You should also include your region, timezone, Time and date of the error, and if at all possible the server you were connecting to.

A great number of connectivity issues that have plagued this game are in most cases a result of routing issues coupled with a thin client. Very often these issues are outside of the control of both of the service providers.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Thanks for responding. A GW diagnostic was done and sent as an attachment to the tech support. Nothing in it was obviously wrong. Server connectivity was uniformly good.

Just letting everyone know that after repeated attempts to load into Ascalon Academy I finally, within 24 hours, reached a screen which flashed a few times then showed a status bar for downloading files, at which point my character finally loaded into the Ascalon Academy mission which I completed, although at the end of the cut scene I was disconnected with error 007 again. Re-logging in fortunately brought my chatacter into Ascalon, and there have been no disconnect problems since.

So to anyone encountering the same glitch with Ascalon Academy all I can suggest is that perseverance pays off, which is better than deleting your character and items and starting over.