Questions on Monk and Elementalist Weapons!!!!

Xeones The Great

Xeones The Great


Join Date: Nov 2006

American District 1

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ok should i get for elementalist:

koosun's fire staff, rago's flame staff, or exuro's will

koosuns: 11-22 req9 energy+10 hp+30 hp+30 (yes 60 hp) HCT fire HSR fire

ragos: 11-22 req9 energy+10 energy +5 (yes 15 energy) enchant +20% HCT fire HSR fire

exuros: 11-22 req9 energy+10 hp+60 energy+5^50hp HSR all spells

and for monk:

the scar eater or hahan's oath?

scar eater: 11-22 req9 divine hp+30 hp+30 (yes 60 hp) HCT heal HSR heal

hahans: 15-22 req9 healing hp+30 energy+5^50 hp HSR all spells HCT heal




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



I would get Rago just for the 20% time since as an ele, most of the time you are enchanted.

As for the monk I would go for one that has a 20% as well.
Try Kophet's refuge or get a collector one and put a 20% on it.

But if you have to pick from the 2 listed I would say Hahans


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Koosun's if you run a build without attunements. Rago's if you rely on your attunements.

Hahans for the monk if you are a healer. If you are prot, Kephket's is fine. And actually, my preference is Wneslauss's Faith. It's cheap, readily available, and has +5e/+30hp HCT10%(all)/HSR20%(all).



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

this is your....3rd thread asking people to tell you what weapons to get, in these cases it's best to decide for yourself, i mean, what build do you plan to run, how often, and pick the one that adapts best to your needs.

Random Dude

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

it completley depends on what build u r using
i constantly have ele attunment + the fire/earth/air/water attunment on
(depending on what i'm using so i dodn't get energy issues)

so experiment with both see which 1 works out best to suit your needs and go for it



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken


or, make your own. A HSR 20%, HCT fire 20%, HCT fire 20%, Enchant 20% staff could be interesting. Or a staff with 25 energy, HCT fire 20%, fire +1 20%.

Greens aren't the only way to go. (in fact it is cheaper to make a copy of Rago than it is to buy the actual thing)

Xeones The Great

Xeones The Great


Join Date: Nov 2006

American District 1

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ok my build is:
phoenix, fire storm, immolate, searing heat, fireball, healing hands, healing breeze, rebirth

do not comment my build just what weapon is good with build

also, isnt exumos better than koosuns just wondering

and anyone wanna answer monk question: hahans or scareater?

Xeones The Great

Xeones The Great


Join Date: Nov 2006

American District 1

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wow never mind wenslauss' faith is better ill go with it thx

and for ele, i think ill go exuros will, or is that too rare?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


Originally Posted by Xeones The Great
ok my build is:
phoenix, fire storm, immolate, searing heat, fireball, healing hands, healing breeze, rebirth

do not comment my build just what weapon is good with build
Sooooooooooooooooooooo tempting though. I am having a hard time fighting the urge!

Ok first depends on what tpye of ele you are running for a particular situation. There are times that being a nuker isn't necessary the best option. With your build I would go with Rago's because some of your skills in your build are enchantments (healing breeze, healing hands) and might help out if you are in a tough fight. It would be good if you ever happen to throw an attunement in there. But if you decide to go without enchantments....go with Koosuns.

As far as the monk goes, you never said what type of monk you run. From the weapons you are asking about, it seems you are going as a healing monk. I would go with Hahans. I think of it this extra 30 health...woopde do. Having an extra 5 eng ^ 50 so I can cast WoH or some other 5 eng spell an extra time to keep an ally from dieing......yay!!! If your a good monk, having 30 less health is no big deal.

I hope that helps.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken


I dont like Koosuns much. The +60hp just isn't that big of a help if you and your team are playing right. I'd rather have extra energy, especially since you aren't using any energy management. Fire skills, especially the ones you are using, have long cast times, so having a HCT 20% comes in handy, something that you loose out on if you go with Exuro's.

Again, consider making your own staff, they are typically cheaper and give you more flexibility.