Now I'm sure this is just a conspiracy theory but it seems that it is much harder to simply run thru a mob now. wheather I'm trying to help a guildmate run thru the desert or get that last couple feet to get thru a portal or simply trying to avoid a fight I seem to 'magically' get caught up and die.
Basically I deftly run thru/around the edge of a mob and cruise right along for as much as an inch or more on the U map zoomed all the way out. The entire time I'm taking damage and often I fail to see more monters on me or infront. Eventually having run out of healing I die, only to find my self WAaaaaaaay back 'there' surrounded by bad guys. Now I get map credit for having gone to this place that I saw but my body never made it, or something.
I'm sure that this is just a lag issue (that I'd love to have fixed), but it is Thursday and as all of the best conspiracy theories come from Thursdays, I stipulate that I think that Anet had created code that watches for running and then causes this astral projection such that your body stays put but you see yourself keep running.
What say you?
Anti running code?
No, when you get surrounded by a group of anything when lagging, it still shows you running forward, but generally once you activate a skill or die, the lag catches back up and returns you to where the server thinks you are (aka surrounded by the mob). It's just a lag issue, and there's nothing anyone can do about it besides getting a better internet and hoping gw servers can handle it.
Moon Bladestar
yeah ive had that happen to me a few times so i hit heal breeze straight away so i pop back to where im apparentaly getting hammered. however of course it just keeps happening and by that time i feel like killing someone
so i either just fight my way through or chuck a hissy fit and quit gw altogether lol

Yeah well my runner doesn't have much a chance typically against 6+ guys, so...
Rage-quit FTW!
Rage-quit FTW!
Originally Posted by holymasamune
No, when you get surrounded by a group of anything when lagging, it still shows you running forward, but generally once you activate a skill or die, the lag catches back up and returns you to where the server thinks you are (aka surrounded by the mob). It's just a lag issue, and there's nothing anyone can do about it besides getting a better internet and hoping gw servers can handle it.