PlayNC you gonna get me insane -_-
Hello all!
Here my problem i need really bad to change my password,so i go on "editaccount" and go on the ChangePassword box,they give me a link to,here go my problem once on the site there nothing that help you say were to change password,anyways i created a playNC account which i never had cuz i never bought something from GWstore.Someone know how exactly change password,like whis steps and all.
Ty(Sorry for bad english)
Here my problem i need really bad to change my password,so i go on "editaccount" and go on the ChangePassword box,they give me a link to,here go my problem once on the site there nothing that help you say were to change password,anyways i created a playNC account which i never had cuz i never bought something from GWstore.Someone know how exactly change password,like whis steps and all.
Ty(Sorry for bad english)
Hephaestus Ram
I sympathize with you... if anyone from Anet ever went to any
of their sites and acted as though they didn't already know
the answers they were looking for, they'd go WTH!, how's
anyone ever find anything in this mess.
of their sites and acted as though they didn't already know
the answers they were looking for, they'd go WTH!, how's
anyone ever find anything in this mess.

Same problems here. I actually managed to change it once not too long ago, But I went to change it recently and I couldnt find crap on that site. Very annoying - i liked the old way they had it set up. Much easier.
Knightsaber Sith
I really have no idea why everyone has such a problem with this.
Go to and create a plaync master account.
Login to GW and open the ingame store to associate your GW account with your plaync master account.
Go to and login to your account.
Click account details under GW in your games list.
Then click reset password.
Finally it will ask you what your birthday is (the one you listed when you created the plaync master account) then you can type in a new password.
Go to and create a plaync master account.
Login to GW and open the ingame store to associate your GW account with your plaync master account.
Go to and login to your account.
Click account details under GW in your games list.
Then click reset password.
Finally it will ask you what your birthday is (the one you listed when you created the plaync master account) then you can type in a new password.
gee thanks for providing all of these kinds of idiots with "How to steal GW accounts 101"...
This is Exactly the problem with these fan forums having information that can be used against you. And why the NCsoft system is so flawed.
If you haven't yet people, Go to your user CP and hide your age and date of birth in your User profile options.
This is Exactly the problem with these fan forums having information that can be used against you. And why the NCsoft system is so flawed.
If you haven't yet people, Go to your user CP and hide your age and date of birth in your User profile options.
Kuldebar Valiturus
ADDING to the confusion:
It's a run-around.
Here's the deal. I linked my account so I could access the Guild Wars Official Store (the one you see on the character screen)
Now, every time I want to change my pass work via REST PASSWORD, I get routed to the
Which prompts me for my Account Name. The account name entry field isn't large enough to take my e-mail address. Which guess what? That's your account name in GW. O.o
Additionally the text blurb quoted above makes no mention of Guild Wars.
Long and short of it: >>>>>I CAN"T CHANGE MY PASSWORD!!!!<<<<<<<<
/sign me confused and irritated
Previously, before I decided to access the "Official Online Store", I could change my password/e-mail whenever I wished.
A PlayNC Master Account can be created free of charge, with no obligation, and is used to manage billing and administration for all of your City of Heroes, Lineage, Lineage II and Auto Assault game accounts, as well as the Dungeon Runners beta. |
Here's the deal. I linked my account so I could access the Guild Wars Official Store (the one you see on the character screen)
Now, every time I want to change my pass work via REST PASSWORD, I get routed to the
Which prompts me for my Account Name. The account name entry field isn't large enough to take my e-mail address. Which guess what? That's your account name in GW. O.o
Additionally the text blurb quoted above makes no mention of Guild Wars.
Long and short of it: >>>>>I CAN"T CHANGE MY PASSWORD!!!!<<<<<<<<
/sign me confused and irritated
Previously, before I decided to access the "Official Online Store", I could change my password/e-mail whenever I wished.

It does not want your GW account name it wants your PlayNC account name that you created. You had to create ine to link to the store. If you forgot request your username with your password it isn't a big deal. What sucks is that once you link your account you can never change your login email agin. I wanted to change email address a few weeks ago and was bummed out that I couldn't oh well. Not really a big deal.
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
ADDING to the confusion:
It's a run-around. Here's the deal. I linked my account so I could access the Guild Wars Official Store (the one you see on the character screen) Now, every time I want to change my pass work via REST PASSWORD, I get routed to the Which prompts me for my Account Name. The account name entry field isn't large enough to take my e-mail address. Which guess what? That's your account name in GW. O.o Additionally the text blurb quoted above makes no mention of Guild Wars. Long and short of it: >>>>>I CAN"T CHANGE MY PASSWORD!!!!<<<<<<<< /sign me confused and irritated Previously, before I decided to access the "Official Online Store", I could change my password/e-mail whenever I wished. ![]() |
Except not being able to change it is a security problem. Gaile once said she'd try to look into it, when I and some others made a little stink about it on the forums, but the issue appears to have dropped off the radar faster than the GW auction house.
From what I understand, Arenanet cares, PlayNC could give a [expletive goes here] about security. Could, but don't.
From what I understand, Arenanet cares, PlayNC could give a [expletive goes here] about security. Could, but don't.
Kuldebar Valiturus
Originally Posted by Tagon
It does not want your GW account name it wants your PlayNC account name that you created. You had to create ine to link to the store. If you forgot request your username with your password it isn't a big deal.
The point is THIS IS A MESS!
When you click Account Settings on the Character Screen:

Ok, I select the applicable category.

Hmm, now I need to go to a website. But, didn't I do that when I linked to get access to the store? Or is this a different thing?
I count at least 4 different log-on requirements:
-the game
-the in-game store
-the PlayNC Master Account
-to ADD a game to the PlayNC Master Account

The above image seems self-explanatory, I clicked the link provided to the 25-digit Guild Wars serial code entry. So far, no reall problems other than the time demand. (just so I can change my password)

OK, now this gets confusing. My Guild Wars game account name is my e-mail address, so obviously this isn't what they want here. So, PlayNC wants a new Account name and password, even though I just created a Play NC account that allows me to ADD a game to the Master Account.
Well, when I CREATE the account for Guild Wars the screen informs that the serial code is in use. Well, it's in use because I assume it was already applied toward my Official Guild Wars Store link...
Honestly, I am a reasonably intelligent person, and not a spring chick when it comes to software access controls...but I am having a very difficult time mapping out the linkage requirements.
I think the reason is that the PlayNC/store stuff was piled on after the fact and wasn't there when the game released.
This isn't about account security, this is about giving your customer a headache.

Ok time to tell my story...
I lost my prophecies plaync account. So I was unable to change my pass. I asked Plaync to help me retrieve it. They asked for a lot of information etc. I provided the information to them. I had already been transfered 2 times before this. After I gave them the info they transferred me to european support. After that I heard nothing. All and all it's been over 3 months since I submitted my first inquiry and over 2 months since I last had contact with them. They totally IGNORED ME. Forcing me to buy a new account.
NcSoft is a chink mofo corporation. RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO em all.
In every game NcSoft has had 70% or more of the customers are complaining. I know this because I played 2 of their games (Lineage 2 and Auto Assault) also I know another guy that played CoH and CoV.
I lost my prophecies plaync account. So I was unable to change my pass. I asked Plaync to help me retrieve it. They asked for a lot of information etc. I provided the information to them. I had already been transfered 2 times before this. After I gave them the info they transferred me to european support. After that I heard nothing. All and all it's been over 3 months since I submitted my first inquiry and over 2 months since I last had contact with them. They totally IGNORED ME. Forcing me to buy a new account.
NcSoft is a chink mofo corporation. RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO em all.
In every game NcSoft has had 70% or more of the customers are complaining. I know this because I played 2 of their games (Lineage 2 and Auto Assault) also I know another guy that played CoH and CoV.
Kuldebar Valiturus
NcSoft is a... |
The proper thing to do is to act constructively.
Had I been in your shoes and received the run around you detailed, I would have been posting on these forums with the facts/screenshots/quotes, etc.
However, as soon as you go ballistic with f-bombs and what have lose. It sends a signal to other people that maybe the problem isn't "them"'s you.
NOW, I am not saying that you ARE the problem, I am saying that there are better ways to work with people and a "corporation" is very much made up of people.
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
Well, when I CREATE the account for Guild Wars the screen informs that the serial code is in use. Well, it's in use because I assume it was already applied toward my Official Guild Wars Store link...
Honestly, I am a reasonably intelligent person, and not a spring chick when it comes to software access controls...but I am having a very difficult time mapping out the linkage requirements. |
The only way to associate an existing GW game account with a plaync master account is through the ingame store. The first time you connect to the store, you will have two options:
1) Connect your GW account to an existing plaync master account
2) Make a new plaync master account to connect it to on the spot.
Reading through your story, it sounds like you made a new account but don't remember what you put down for the account name.
Try doing what it describes here:
Kuldebar Valiturus
Thanks, sounds like that might be a good recourse. But, I am done jumping through hurdles. If I had known linking my account to get access to the in-game store would create this nuisance, I'd never have done it.
A NCsoft Master Account is the least thing I need, NCsoft is certainly not the reason I bought Guild Wars, not after I was exposed to Lineage II lol.
No, I'll just wait til ANet and NCsoft get their crap together. I expect hurdles and obstacles in the game, I don't expect them when it comes to managing my account.
My game log in should allow me to do everything I need to manage my game account. Period.
Anything else, is poorly designed kluge.
A NCsoft Master Account is the least thing I need, NCsoft is certainly not the reason I bought Guild Wars, not after I was exposed to Lineage II lol.
No, I'll just wait til ANet and NCsoft get their crap together. I expect hurdles and obstacles in the game, I don't expect them when it comes to managing my account.
My game log in should allow me to do everything I need to manage my game account. Period.
Anything else, is poorly designed kluge.
i have the same problem, i cant seem to be able to change my password no more, dont trust the ncsoft site for it, i rather have the old ingame system back, the fact of periodcaly change the password assured my security, you tell me typin it on a htm page is more secure ??
dont want them to reset my pass i want to build new ones anytime i want as was, youre actually ruinin my security.
dont want them to reset my pass i want to build new ones anytime i want as was, youre actually ruinin my security.