completley pointless observation...
Cottage Pie
i was monking in the FoW and was admiring a sword stuck into the ground, a doodad/skin whatever you call them, you can't pick it up. It was an elonian gladius. Elonian skin in the long has that been there i wonder ^^
Priest Of Sin
a LOOOOOOOONG time... it caught my eye while I was there during the 18 seconds America had favor. Being a battery in FoW leaves me alot of time to stand around and stare at things.
btw, why do monks get so offended when I say "Does the term 'High Maintainance' mean anything to you?"
btw, why do monks get so offended when I say "Does the term 'High Maintainance' mean anything to you?"
Cottage Pie
Originally Posted by Priest Of Sin
a LOOOOOOOONG time... it caught my eye while I was there during the 18 seconds America had favor. Being a battery in FoW leaves me alot of time to stand around and stare at things.
btw, why do monks get so offended when I say "Does the term 'High Maintainance' mean anything to you?" |
I have no idea, i've taken to using glyph of lesser energy for energy management these days, it's really good for monk e-man