This idea is absolutely different from Ian Savage's summoner. And it's one of my 'love or hate' ideas (you can only love or hate it, XD).
The main purpose of this class is to have an 'army of one' class without using corpses. But it will be versatile as all the other many other classes. Let's get started. First of all...:
- Spuring on - Primary atribute, for each level of this atribute, any damage dealt by any allied non party creature will be increased by n% (Spirits, Minions, Pets, and Summoned Creatures). The idea would be that at rank 12, the damage dealt were +15%, of course, numers are secondary in a preliminary idea as they would be fixed based on testing. Command skills are centered in buffing allies, and they rarely affect the caster, most of them ill affect allies like pets, spirits, minions and even allied NPCs and creatures, and some even party members. Most of this skills are shouts and auras.
- Summoning - All the creature summoning skills will be here, and ONLY creature summoning related skills. Skill linked to this atribute
For each three levels of this atribute, player have one aditional summoning slot for a maximun of five. - Whip mastery - Weapon atribute. Whips deal very low damage, and whip attack skills focus on conditions and interruptions. This atribute is unique as it can target many skills in allied creatures, like party members, ally npcs, and ally creatures. Whip skills targeted on allies creatures sacrifice target HP in order to buff it (beware of traitors, Yay!).
- Capture - This atribute is centered in disabling enemies, making them slower, weaker, etc... The main purpose of this atribute is 'do not let them scape'. It has a unique skill 'Cage Signet' that will be
Invokers have typical 'caster' armor.
AL: 60
+2 regen
+10 Energy
- Horde Master's: +3 armor for each summon slot used (for a total of +15)
- Fustigator's: +15 if any whip-buffed ally is near.
- Gate Keeper: +20 armor while opening a rift (sumonning).
Females will feature leather outfits (XD Whips and black leather, XD).
Headgear would be full-head masks, showing only the mouth, like Skree Harpy ones.
Capturing the creatures, the Cage signet
This is the part that could be easily changed, many people won't like to have to capture creatuers and instead want to buy the skill, of course, this idea was originally meant to add a new gameplay style.
- Summoning skills will NEVER be abailable in skill trainers UNTIL UNLOCKED. This includes the 'last trainer' that tipically teaches all non-elite skills of a campaing.
- There will be only three ways to unlock a creature skill and they are
- Using the 'Cage signet' on a dead boss of that type of creature.
- Using a Signet of Capture on an Invoker Boss.
- By Balthazar faction.
- The Cage Signet will be a PvE Only skill that only human players will be able to use, at least until Heroes can use Signets of Capture. It will be used like the Signet of capture, on a dead corpse of a boss if you don't have that skill, a Notice panel will show that you captured the creature and it will appear un the Skill and atributes panel, otherwhise, a 'Creature already captured' red failed action message will appear. Cage signet will have 2seconds casting time and 2 seconds reload time.
- The cage Signet will NOT be replaced by the skill, so, the work you have to do in order to capture all those creatures is balanced with the gold you save. Also, in order to summon a newly captured creature you have to enter an outpost and chage the skillbar.
- Not all creatures will be capturable. Summoner won't summon creatures like Abaddon demons, Undead, Shiro'ken, Constructs, Titans, Dwarven, Tengu, Forgotten Ones, Charr neither any creature from any of the Realms of the gods (Including the Torment). But they will be able to summon giants, trolls, plants, skales, gargoyles, arthropods, oni, golems, beastly monsters, drakes, elementals, etc...
The invoked creatures
- - This is the main feature of the 'invoker'. The creatures this class members call to battle are REAL creatures of the PvE Campaings.
- - Each summoning skill uses one 'summon slot', even if it summons more than one creature. Summon skill invoking low level creatures will summon more than one of them. The summon slot will not be released until all the summoned creatures with that slot are killed or banished.
- - Summoning skill will be quite slow, specially the 'everlasting ones'.
- - Some creatures will last until they die, but some other will be summoned only for a certain amount of time. Creatures summoned until death will leave corpses, creatures summoned with a timer will just banish once the timer finished or they HP goes to 0.
- - Summoned creatures will have the original creature IA and act just as they would. They will just think the Invoker is their 'boss' and will follow the character even leaving the battle behind.
- - Any creature over level 20 will be summoned by a elite skill.
Whips will look like melee weapons, but the game will deal with them as one-handed ranged ones. It will be possible, thought hard, to dodge them just by moving around and strafing.
This will be the first class that will have a 'martial weapon+focus' items with it's atributes, instead 'martial weapon+shield' or 'caster weapon+focus'.
- Damage type: Piercing damage
- Minimum damage: 1-3
- Maximum damage: 7-17
- One handed
- Attack interval: 2.10 seconds
- Range: Half shortbow range
- Arc size: Directly horizontal
- Projectile speed: 0.25 Seconds
The Invoker will mainly stay a few steps behind the tanks and melee damage dealers. He will try to raise a wall of allies and stay behind it, but near.
Celestal skill.
'Celestial invokation'. I think a good idea of the celestial skill would be randomly invoke one a downsized version of the celestial creatures of the Nahpui Quarter mission for a fixed amount of time. Or maybe more or even all four of them.
Invokers were orginally from Orr, and they developed their powers thanks to the orrian knowledge, some of them could scape the orrian disater and traveled far away from Orr to the land of (put campaing region here here

Please... no references to that 'gotta chatch'em all' thing... remeber the skill hunter title, eh?
More ideas of mine: