Guild Leader banned?
Quote "You may not advertise the intent to or commit the act of buying, selling, trading, sharing, or transferring access to any Guild Wars account for real-world cash or for in-game gold or items."
This comment is in the rules of conduct. Our guild leader yesturday purchased a GW account for 10K, was inspecting it, and the seller came in and started deleting everything. Then he complained to anet and said our guild leader hacked the account.
Anet says every case is reviewed carefully.......yea ok. Because our guild leader got scammed in the purchase of this account......not only did he lose the gold he gave the guy, he was just permanently banned code 045 by anet and so he lost ALOT of time, items, and characters.
I can understand that buying another user account is a breach of the rules, but shouldnt ANET be banning the people who sell them, not the buyers?
This comment is in the rules of conduct. Our guild leader yesturday purchased a GW account for 10K, was inspecting it, and the seller came in and started deleting everything. Then he complained to anet and said our guild leader hacked the account.
Anet says every case is reviewed carefully.......yea ok. Because our guild leader got scammed in the purchase of this account......not only did he lose the gold he gave the guy, he was just permanently banned code 045 by anet and so he lost ALOT of time, items, and characters.
I can understand that buying another user account is a breach of the rules, but shouldnt ANET be banning the people who sell them, not the buyers?
Samuel Anders
Both the seller and the buyer should be banned, IMO. They're both breaking the EULA.
This thread will probably be locked, anyway, since none of the admins/moderators here can help with this problem.
This thread will probably be locked, anyway, since none of the admins/moderators here can help with this problem.
Annoy Mous
I don't think that the either should be permanently banned, just if they had any other marks on their accounts, a permaban would sound good to me.
Don't buy know you're breaking the rules there.
Take the risk, witness the consequences.
Take the risk, witness the consequences.
Terra Xin
Take the risk, witness the consequences. |
Kuldebar Valiturus
While coming back from robbing a bank someone rear ended me and drove away from the scene of the accident!
I best go to the police to report them, eh?
I best go to the police to report them, eh?
I actually hope the thread doesn't get closed and more folks who buy accts as well as people who sell accts get banned and posted here. Why you ask?
just like with drugs, there will be no sellers if nobody wants to buy. If everyone KNOWS they'll get banned perhaps this totally idiotic practice of buying and selling accts will finally grind to a near halt!
In *my opinion* your guild leader not only deserves to get banned for violating the eula, but they need a boot to the head for being gullible enough to be so obviously scammed. I know I'd kick myself out of my own guild for just the embarassment of this scam...
edit: this was your *guild LEADER????* some leader
just like with drugs, there will be no sellers if nobody wants to buy. If everyone KNOWS they'll get banned perhaps this totally idiotic practice of buying and selling accts will finally grind to a near halt!
In *my opinion* your guild leader not only deserves to get banned for violating the eula, but they need a boot to the head for being gullible enough to be so obviously scammed. I know I'd kick myself out of my own guild for just the embarassment of this scam...
edit: this was your *guild LEADER????* some leader
Kais Unduli
Everyone should know already that buying/selling accounts is wrong. Don't know how it's not common knowledge by now.
Learn the lesson and don't be dumb enough to try buying someone else's account - for RW money or IG gold. I've got no sympathy for anyone who falls for this bit of silliness.
Are you just assuming that the other player didn't get banned? Or do you know that he/she didn't?
Originally Posted by Tentigers
I can understand that buying another user account is a breach of the rules, but shouldnt ANET be banning the people who sell them, not the buyers?
everyone knows its against the eula, but not everyone knows the buyer (even if they aren't necessarily stupid enough to complain to anet about getting scammed while breaking the eula) will get banned....
I got a great idea, anet should make a Jail zone in the battle isles (so everone can access), and have all the characters/accounts that get perma banned crucified in there, and what stupid stunt they pulled to get perma banned. Might increase awareness...
I got a great idea, anet should make a Jail zone in the battle isles (so everone can access), and have all the characters/accounts that get perma banned crucified in there, and what stupid stunt they pulled to get perma banned. Might increase awareness...
I wont defend my guild leader, even he knows it was a stupid thing to do. But, this is what I found out since I made the post;
Seller sold the account to 5 or 6 people for anywhere from 10K to 100K each, price varied.
After each sale....he filed a Violation report on the buyer saying he was hacked. Re accessed the account (because the buyer cant change the password without the cd code) and deleted everything.
Remade all 6 or 8 PVP characters, then resold again. Another buyer, he reports them, deletes everything....remakes....then sells again.
It seems theres a loophole in ANET policies. If this guy reports a violation after each sale, he doesnt get banned because he saying its hackers. And of course ANET investigates LOL more like blindly banning the people
PS the seller of the account in question HAS NOT been banned
Seller sold the account to 5 or 6 people for anywhere from 10K to 100K each, price varied.
After each sale....he filed a Violation report on the buyer saying he was hacked. Re accessed the account (because the buyer cant change the password without the cd code) and deleted everything.
Remade all 6 or 8 PVP characters, then resold again. Another buyer, he reports them, deletes everything....remakes....then sells again.
It seems theres a loophole in ANET policies. If this guy reports a violation after each sale, he doesnt get banned because he saying its hackers. And of course ANET investigates LOL more like blindly banning the people
PS the seller of the account in question HAS NOT been banned
If the seller hasn't been banned, then someone needs to come up with screenshots of him selling the acconut, and handing over the access info. Then turn that over to Anet support to get the guy banned.
Phaern Majes
Problem with that is, the guy won't turn over the info until you pay him for it, and once you do that you're violating EULA yourself.
All you have to do is screenshot them spamming "WTS Account for 100k" or however much and send that in. They aren't allowed to even try to sell accounts. A guy in my guild was trying to sell his buddy key that came with NF. He was perma banned the next day, he didn't even manage to sell the key. I'm not saying Anet was in the wrong, I'm just pointing out all you have to do is try to sell it, and they can ban you for it.
All you have to do is screenshot them spamming "WTS Account for 100k" or however much and send that in. They aren't allowed to even try to sell accounts. A guy in my guild was trying to sell his buddy key that came with NF. He was perma banned the next day, he didn't even manage to sell the key. I'm not saying Anet was in the wrong, I'm just pointing out all you have to do is try to sell it, and they can ban you for it.
personaly this is an other example of how anets banning policies dont work. If the same person (did he use the some account) is constantly reporting to anet that he got hacked (i mean it would "raise" a red flag in my book), but what im saying is anet must just look at the complaint and say, "humm...ok, well he hacked, so he gets banded. Im not trying to defend that guild leader ( he was at falt as well). All im saying is anet needs to change their policies on sorting out problems. Thats the only problem i have with anet, and i wish i could talk to one of them in person to have them explain how the settle compaints. o well....
Phantom Flux
I believe ANET should allow people to buy gold or whatever off the internet. Most people who argue against this say it's wrong because it would ruin the market. Well not thee market, but their market. Most players want to rip off one another by selling something rare worth 10 to 20k for 100k + more which means a lot of our time sold to something that isn't worth that much of value.
So it's NOT that this is a matter of what is wrong or right, but what is convenient and not.
I feel the Guild Leader was very stupid for even consulting ANET on the matter. HELLO!!! Yeah what that person did to you was screwed up, but everyone, especially a Guild leader with so much experience should already know that mentioning that you did such a trade is like making your own drug-bust based off GW (odd) Policies.
Just to add that anyone that sell their account for imaginary-video game gold is just wasting a lot of time. If you know how to market your items, or just market better you can make a lot of gold in not a lot of time. It's called common sense. lol
So it's NOT that this is a matter of what is wrong or right, but what is convenient and not.
I feel the Guild Leader was very stupid for even consulting ANET on the matter. HELLO!!! Yeah what that person did to you was screwed up, but everyone, especially a Guild leader with so much experience should already know that mentioning that you did such a trade is like making your own drug-bust based off GW (odd) Policies.
Just to add that anyone that sell their account for imaginary-video game gold is just wasting a lot of time. If you know how to market your items, or just market better you can make a lot of gold in not a lot of time. It's called common sense. lol
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by Phantom Flux
I believe ANET should allow people to buy gold or whatever off the internet. Most people who argue against this say it's wrong because it would ruin the market. Well not thee market, but their market. Most players want to rip off one another by selling something rare worth 10 to 20k for 100k + more which means a lot of our time sold to something that isn't worth that much of value.
So it's NOT that this is a matter of what is wrong or right, but what is convenient and not. |
Phantom Flux
As I said, convenience. It's about what floats everyone's boat and mine floats for those that actually have a real life. A lot of us likes to spend time playing guild wars, but not forever. For those who don't, ok I can see where ya'll feel it's taking your only moments of doing anything away.
However, it's just a game and we should be able to have it be played out in any way that makes us happy. And I say, let's allow gold to be traded for money. I hope Anet allows that one day.
However, it's just a game and we should be able to have it be played out in any way that makes us happy. And I say, let's allow gold to be traded for money. I hope Anet allows that one day.
Knightsaber Sith
Saying that people that have earned what they wanted have no lives isn't a very compeling argument. If you want the "convenience" of being able to do whatever you want, there's no point in playing an online game. Perhaps playing pokemon with a gameshark would be more your style.
But it's already been confirmed Anet will never allow the sale of gold so the point is moot.
But it's already been confirmed Anet will never allow the sale of gold so the point is moot.
TBH, i dont see where the "need" for so much money comes from. As long as I got my 1.5k armor and a decent max damage weapon, i'm good. I dont need to get the ultimate "1337 fellblade of superior pwnage" in order to be competitive. This game isnt item based, its skill based. Heck, i could probably get a non-max weapon and still be almost as effective.
Also, Anet is never going to allowing gold buying on Ebay
that is like the people saying "i should automatically have my 15k armor and the ability to go to UW and FoW whenever I want, afterall, I paid for it" except ur justification for this point of view is you have a real life. There are lots of other people with real lives here that are fine with going through the game like everybody else. Plus this would mean that the people with the most money to spend in RL are going to dominate the market in GW.
very well put
Also, Anet is never going to allowing gold buying on Ebay
Originally Posted by Phantom Flux
However, it's just a game and we should be able to have it be played out in any way that makes us happy. And I say, let's allow gold to be traded for money. I hope Anet allows that one day.
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Perhaps playing pokemon with a gameshark would be more your style.
Kuldebar Valiturus
In my opinion, gold selling and buying make for poor players in the game.
A player buys the gold, usually a fairly large amount at a time.
That player then spends that gold on items in the game with out the same discretion as a player who had actually earned that amount of gold.
Prices become inflated because of gold buying players.
It becomes a revolving market, players buy gold and usually end up spending the gold on roughly the same things which in turn supplies th gold which gets sold to gold buying players.
The game's market signals become distorted and players that actually play the game start getting squeezed out by gold farmers.
Additionally, they tend to be inexperienced or poor players. Players that tend to stay away from the more difficult aspects of the game and have little aptitude for teamwork or missions.
Gold market discussion aside: I am becoming more and more convinced that people don't know how play games anymore.
People rush through a game, don't do quests, run through whole zones thus skipping content and then have the audacity to say they are bored. Gold buying is part of this whole silliness, but the trend of rushing through is also part of the problem.
Why the hell you in such a hurry?
A player buys the gold, usually a fairly large amount at a time.
That player then spends that gold on items in the game with out the same discretion as a player who had actually earned that amount of gold.
Prices become inflated because of gold buying players.
It becomes a revolving market, players buy gold and usually end up spending the gold on roughly the same things which in turn supplies th gold which gets sold to gold buying players.
The game's market signals become distorted and players that actually play the game start getting squeezed out by gold farmers.
Additionally, they tend to be inexperienced or poor players. Players that tend to stay away from the more difficult aspects of the game and have little aptitude for teamwork or missions.
Gold market discussion aside: I am becoming more and more convinced that people don't know how play games anymore.
People rush through a game, don't do quests, run through whole zones thus skipping content and then have the audacity to say they are bored. Gold buying is part of this whole silliness, but the trend of rushing through is also part of the problem.
Why the hell you in such a hurry?
Its just a game u know ...
Anet makes the rules, you break the rules u get banned its easy as that.
Anet makes the rules, you break the rules u get banned its easy as that.
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by Phantom Flux
I believe ANET should allow people to buy gold or whatever off the internet. Most people who argue against this say it's wrong because it would ruin the market. Well not thee market, but their market. Most players want to rip off one another by selling something rare worth 10 to 20k for 100k + more which means a lot of our time sold to something that isn't worth that much of value.
So it's NOT that this is a matter of what is wrong or right, but what is convenient and not. |
Originally Posted by RPGmaniac
TBH, i dont see where the "need" for so much money comes from. As long as I got my 1.5k armor and a decent max damage weapon, i'm good. I dont need to get the ultimate "1337 fellblade of superior pwnage" in order to be competitive. This game isnt item based, its skill based. Heck, i could probably get a non-max weapon and still be almost as effective.
And then, there's an easy way. From in-game, nobody, and just nobody can tell, whether you bought your FoW with self-earned money or eBayed it. That is the apeal.
The "I have a life" arguments don't count. How about I send a letter to my employer: "I'll take the 20% raise, but I won't be coming to work anymore. I have a life, you know". And if so, why does it matter to you if someone has more GW gold than you?
It is a game. A game has rules. Kill a mob - get loot - buy items.
The eBaying of money is same as selling Pacman score. So, you buy an account with hi-score of 1,342,955 points. Whoopte-doo. Doesn't make much sense, does it.
The reason this, that the virtual worlds establish social rules. The rich, the poor, the knowledgable, etc. And then, there's an easy way to go from poor to rich. Some will of course use it. People scam, cheat, lie, steal, rob in real life every minute of every day. Why should a game be different?
But do have some common sense. If you buy an account, prepare to be scammed. And then, nobody will even remotely come to your help, and you can get banned for it. Not only that, but scammers do it for a living. They know how to evade bans themself. People get scammed big time in real life, they go bankrupt, go to jail and worse. The scammers however, keep going unharmed.
I got a reply from ANET, this is what they say;
Response (GM David) 11/17/2006 03:15 PM
Thanks for getting in touch with the Guild Wars Support Team regarding a potential rules violation. However, our system works best when the report is submitted by the person who directly experienced the rules violation.
If the person involved in the incident would like to contact us with details of the situation, please ask that person to do so using the "Ask a Question" feature at If you like, please forward them the following list of facts that will help any investigation into the incident:
- What was the date and time (including time zone) of the incident(s)?
- What is the name of the character(s) you are reporting?
- What is the name of the character you were playing at time of incident(s)?
- Did you have any screenshots of the incident? (If so, please ensure they are under 2MB and in JPEG/.jpg or GIF/.gif format and attach them to this message.)
- Do you recall any additional details since you sent us your initial message?
We appreciate your support of Guild Wars and your interest in keeping the game world pleasant for all players.
The Guild Wars Support Team
Anyone notice a problem here?
The player in question has been permanently banned. He has tried at least 4 times I know of to try and email them, and gets to same code 45.
It seems when you are banned, even though they say you can appeal the decision, you cant contact them to appeal it because you are banned.
Response (GM David) 11/17/2006 03:15 PM
Thanks for getting in touch with the Guild Wars Support Team regarding a potential rules violation. However, our system works best when the report is submitted by the person who directly experienced the rules violation.
If the person involved in the incident would like to contact us with details of the situation, please ask that person to do so using the "Ask a Question" feature at If you like, please forward them the following list of facts that will help any investigation into the incident:
- What was the date and time (including time zone) of the incident(s)?
- What is the name of the character(s) you are reporting?
- What is the name of the character you were playing at time of incident(s)?
- Did you have any screenshots of the incident? (If so, please ensure they are under 2MB and in JPEG/.jpg or GIF/.gif format and attach them to this message.)
- Do you recall any additional details since you sent us your initial message?
We appreciate your support of Guild Wars and your interest in keeping the game world pleasant for all players.
The Guild Wars Support Team
Anyone notice a problem here?
The player in question has been permanently banned. He has tried at least 4 times I know of to try and email them, and gets to same code 45.
It seems when you are banned, even though they say you can appeal the decision, you cant contact them to appeal it because you are banned.
I got a reply from ANET, this is what they say;
Response (GM David) 11/17/2006 03:15 PM
Thanks for getting in touch with the Guild Wars Support Team regarding a potential rules violation. However, our system works best when the report is submitted by the person who directly experienced the rules violation.
If the person involved in the incident would like to contact us with details of the situation, please ask that person to do so using the "Ask a Question" feature at If you like, please forward them the following list of facts that will help any investigation into the incident:
- What was the date and time (including time zone) of the incident(s)?
- What is the name of the character(s) you are reporting?
- What is the name of the character you were playing at time of incident(s)?
- Did you have any screenshots of the incident? (If so, please ensure they are under 2MB and in JPEG/.jpg or GIF/.gif format and attach them to this message.)
- Do you recall any additional details since you sent us your initial message?
We appreciate your support of Guild Wars and your interest in keeping the game world pleasant for all players.
The Guild Wars Support Team
Anyone notice a problem here?
The player in question has been permanently banned. He has tried at least 4 times I know of to try and email them, and gets to same code 45.
It seems when you are banned, even though they say you can appeal the decision, you cant contact them to appeal it because you are banned.
As far as I am concerned, Guild wars has lost a decent player to a scam artist. Its beyond me why they didnt ban him, it was sooo obvious what he was doing if they just take the time to look at his account.
As for the issue, its dead, and the player is gone.......
Response (GM David) 11/17/2006 03:15 PM
Thanks for getting in touch with the Guild Wars Support Team regarding a potential rules violation. However, our system works best when the report is submitted by the person who directly experienced the rules violation.
If the person involved in the incident would like to contact us with details of the situation, please ask that person to do so using the "Ask a Question" feature at If you like, please forward them the following list of facts that will help any investigation into the incident:
- What was the date and time (including time zone) of the incident(s)?
- What is the name of the character(s) you are reporting?
- What is the name of the character you were playing at time of incident(s)?
- Did you have any screenshots of the incident? (If so, please ensure they are under 2MB and in JPEG/.jpg or GIF/.gif format and attach them to this message.)
- Do you recall any additional details since you sent us your initial message?
We appreciate your support of Guild Wars and your interest in keeping the game world pleasant for all players.
The Guild Wars Support Team
Anyone notice a problem here?
The player in question has been permanently banned. He has tried at least 4 times I know of to try and email them, and gets to same code 45.
It seems when you are banned, even though they say you can appeal the decision, you cant contact them to appeal it because you are banned.
As far as I am concerned, Guild wars has lost a decent player to a scam artist. Its beyond me why they didnt ban him, it was sooo obvious what he was doing if they just take the time to look at his account.
As for the issue, its dead, and the player is gone.......
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
It's not a matter of right or wrong, nor being convenient or not. It's about playability. Having ingame benefits (such as gold) only obtainable through playing the game gives people a reason to play. If they allowed users to buy gold online; people wouldn't need to play as much to get all the things they wanted. It would be so boring that people would be playing less and less until they stop playing all together.

Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
It's not a matter of right or wrong, nor being convenient or not. It's about playability. Having ingame benefits (such as gold) only obtainable through playing the game gives people a reason to play. If they allowed users to buy gold online; people wouldn't need to play as much to get all the things they wanted. It would be so boring that people would be playing less and less until they stop playing all together.

Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by lacasner
I don't see why this matters. Because this game has no monthly fee, why would Anet really care what happens after you pay your 50 bucks? People here have said they would buy the next chapters anyway.
![]() |
In summation, Anet really cares what happens after you pay your 50 bucks because they want to keep the franchise alive as a viable source of revenue. They could allow you to do whatever you want after you pay your initial $50, but then the series would flop after the first campaign and not allowing the sale of gold is far more profitable for Anet in the end.
Hephaestus Ram
Originally Posted by Tentigers
I wont defend my guild leader, even he knows it was a stupid thing to do. But, this is what I found out since I made the post;
Seller sold the account to 5 or 6 people for anywhere from 10K to 100K each, price varied. After each sale....he filed a Violation report on the buyer saying he was hacked. Re accessed the account (because the buyer cant change the password without the cd code) and deleted everything. Remade all 6 or 8 PVP characters, then resold again. Another buyer, he reports them, deletes everything....remakes....then sells again. It seems theres a loophole in ANET policies. If this guy reports a violation after each sale, he doesnt get banned because he saying its hackers. And of course ANET investigates LOL more like blindly banning the people PS the seller of the account in question HAS NOT been banned |
I was watching one of those Nightline "pervert" things, you know,
the ones where the people meet under aged girls on "Myspace"
and arrange to "meet" them, the other day.
Your guildleaders story sounds a lot like what I'd imagine those
guys would claim after they got busted. But I agree... unless your
guildleader was caught up in a "sting", the seller should have
been banned too.
Originally Posted by Tentigers
I wont defend my guild leader, even he knows it was a stupid thing to do. But, this is what I found out since I made the post;
Seller sold the account to 5 or 6 people for anywhere from 10K to 100K each, price varied. After each sale....he filed a Violation report on the buyer saying he was hacked. Re accessed the account (because the buyer cant change the password without the cd code) and deleted everything. Remade all 6 or 8 PVP characters, then resold again. Another buyer, he reports them, deletes everything....remakes....then sells again. It seems theres a loophole in ANET policies. If this guy reports a violation after each sale, he doesnt get banned because he saying its hackers. And of course ANET investigates LOL more like blindly banning the people PS the seller of the account in question HAS NOT been banned |
Maria The Princess
seriously, how did he not think that 10k is alittle bit too cheap for an account?
and just out of curiosity, since hes the leader and hes banned, what is happening to the guild? is he replaced automayicly by soeone else or just appears inactive forever?
and just out of curiosity, since hes the leader and hes banned, what is happening to the guild? is he replaced automayicly by soeone else or just appears inactive forever?
Originally Posted by Antheus
It comes from the fact, that majority doesn't eBay money. Hence, it takes them long time to acquire items and gold.
And then, there's an easy way. From in-game, nobody, and just nobody can tell, whether you bought your FoW with self-earned money or eBayed it. That is the apeal. The "I have a life" arguments don't count. How about I send a letter to my employer: "I'll take the 20% raise, but I won't be coming to work anymore. I have a life, you know". And if so, why does it matter to you if someone has more GW gold than you? It is a game. A game has rules. Kill a mob - get loot - buy items. The eBaying of money is same as selling Pacman score. So, you buy an account with hi-score of 1,342,955 points. Whoopte-doo. Doesn't make much sense, does it. The reason this, that the virtual worlds establish social rules. The rich, the poor, the knowledgable, etc. And then, there's an easy way to go from poor to rich. Some will of course use it. People scam, cheat, lie, steal, rob in real life every minute of every day. Why should a game be different? But do have some common sense. If you buy an account, prepare to be scammed. And then, nobody will even remotely come to your help, and you can get banned for it. Not only that, but scammers do it for a living. They know how to evade bans themself. People get scammed big time in real life, they go bankrupt, go to jail and worse. The scammers however, keep going unharmed. |
as to add to the last part; those of you who think that banning the seller would do anything...think again.
its pretty obvious that this guy bought 2 accounts, probably 2 different methods, registered to 2 different names; uses 1 to scam people by the aforementioned method, then mules the gold off to his main account, and repeats the process.
even if the account gets banned, it wouldnt be the one that counts.
the fact of the matter is, scammers know how to evade responsibility. and if you try to excell by illigitimate means, you become prey to them. buying accounts for 10k, or 100k or whatever, you're asking to get scammed, and possibly banned.
your guild leader was banned for a flat out violation of the rules. kudos anet for removing 1 more scumbag from the GW population.
yeah, the scammer should be banned too, but as i said, it wouldnt do much good anyway.
if anet enlists a faulty ban on you, thats another story. once upon a time, i myself got banned, illigitimatly, and fought it to my victory. turns out i was one of many victims in (at the time) one of anets multiple indiscriminate ban-sweeps, even though they probably nailed more rule-abiding players than not but thats another story. however, this is not the case, your guild leader violated one of the major rules in the GW EULA, and got banned for it. in my eyes, the only thing keeping this from being a total victory, is the lack of banning of the scammers account (and his main accounts), and the banning of the other people who attempted to purchase the account. hopefully, though, the fact that they got relieved of some of their money will be motivation enough to place them back ont he strait&narrow.
Originally Posted by Tentigers
As far as I am concerned, Guild wars has lost a decent player to a scam artist. Its beyond me why they didnt ban him, it was sooo obvious what he was doing if they just take the time to look at his account.
If he were a great player, dedicated GW fan, he would have bought another copy of the game.
The more people that get banned like this, the fewer will be spamming "WT S/W T B GW account 100k" in spatial chat, and the less scammers will be around.
It's absurd that just by going into any trading dis 1, seeing all the account (GW, Runescape, and an odd WoW account) sales being spammed without a hint of fear.
"You cannot scam an honest person. It's impossible." - paraphrased after some TV series
Your guildleaders story sounds a lot like what I'd imagine those guys would claim after they got busted. But I agree... unless your guildleader was caught up in a "sting", the seller should have been banned too. |
Heh, that would be funny if Arena Net had undercover account sellers to find and ban buyers. My respect for them would go way up if they did.

Dart The Eternal
Well, as far as buying/selling accounts and gold go, I have four children and have enjoyed getting the 3 GW games. I like to log in after my kids go to sleep, whipe an area clear of its denizens, and hope I get enough gold to supply my next trips worth of keys, lol. I have read some very interesting posts in this topic thread, and players beware, it is a game, but it has its rules like all games, go out play how you like and have a good time doing it. But this is also a community based game, so sometimes you have to take into consideration the players around you and be mindful of your actions/comments when dealing with others. We all learned basic social skills in Kindergarten, whats up with people. Why cant we all get along? Have fun all, maybe see ya in game some time. Work hard, play hard and kick some Margonite/Stone Summit/ Mantis kiester.
First I would like to compliment you for your loyalty to your friend.
That said, ANet makes you agree to the EULA when you first register your game and whenever they make a major change (such as Online Store). If you are agreeing to it without reading it, you are doing something foolish. Due to constant complaints about vague wording, ANet is getting more and more specific. Their "Thou Shalt Not" list has grown immensely since I bought the game almost a year ago.
There is no vagueness about the account selling and the consequences. Your guild leader knowingly broke that rule. He admits that so ANet sees no need to discuss his ban with him as there is nothing to discuss.
The scammer feels safe because he can prove he bought the game, but he will be watched by ANet. The problem is that usually the one buying the account from him is not going to report anything or screenshot the transaction. If they report with screenshots, the scammer will immediately get banned also, but the reporter is also gone. Few people are that noble.
If your guild would like to "avenge" your ex-leader, spend time screenshotting anyone trying to sell an account and report them. Remember to include date, time and district in the report. Don't concentrate on the scammer from this incident - including all of them will add validity to your reports. Don't consider it "squealing", these people are no one's friend and are hurting other players constantly.
Off Topic - As to off-line sale of GW gold and items - if you wonder how serious ANet/NC Soft takes it - think of the amount of money they have invested in tracking down gold farmers and bot users and prosecuting them.
That said, ANet makes you agree to the EULA when you first register your game and whenever they make a major change (such as Online Store). If you are agreeing to it without reading it, you are doing something foolish. Due to constant complaints about vague wording, ANet is getting more and more specific. Their "Thou Shalt Not" list has grown immensely since I bought the game almost a year ago.
There is no vagueness about the account selling and the consequences. Your guild leader knowingly broke that rule. He admits that so ANet sees no need to discuss his ban with him as there is nothing to discuss.
The scammer feels safe because he can prove he bought the game, but he will be watched by ANet. The problem is that usually the one buying the account from him is not going to report anything or screenshot the transaction. If they report with screenshots, the scammer will immediately get banned also, but the reporter is also gone. Few people are that noble.
If your guild would like to "avenge" your ex-leader, spend time screenshotting anyone trying to sell an account and report them. Remember to include date, time and district in the report. Don't concentrate on the scammer from this incident - including all of them will add validity to your reports. Don't consider it "squealing", these people are no one's friend and are hurting other players constantly.
Off Topic - As to off-line sale of GW gold and items - if you wonder how serious ANet/NC Soft takes it - think of the amount of money they have invested in tracking down gold farmers and bot users and prosecuting them.
You say you lost a "great player". Let me explain this to you. A GREAT player wouldn't NEED to buy an account. A GREAT player would also realise that it's VERY easy to be scammed when dealing with other's accounts. As far as it goes, your leader deserved to be banned. But so does the seller. It's confusing me how this person can claim to be "hacked" by around 5 or 6 different people and they're not questioning it. There's no real reason to buy accounts.
As for buying Guild Wars gold, why? It's not hard to make gold in the game. Don't say it is. "Long" isn't "hard". Green items from drops, runes from armour, weapon mods that people want, a few crafting materials, all easy cash. There's a difference between PLAYING the game and having things HANDED to you. I can tell you that the working man has more gloating rights than some one than some one who just had the money handed to them.
As for buying Guild Wars gold, why? It's not hard to make gold in the game. Don't say it is. "Long" isn't "hard". Green items from drops, runes from armour, weapon mods that people want, a few crafting materials, all easy cash. There's a difference between PLAYING the game and having things HANDED to you. I can tell you that the working man has more gloating rights than some one than some one who just had the money handed to them.
He bought an account for 10k? : /
I know people who've been scammed for seven times that.
I know people who've been scammed for seven times that.