Guild Wars Expansions: Disappointing armor variety for new professions...
Guild Wars Expansions:
There is a disappointing amount of armor variety for the new professions. The 6 original professions get new armor sets in every game, but not the new professions. Anyone else think the new professions should get more armor sets that are on an equal variety of the 6 original professions? Perhaps allow the new professions to craft exclusive armors from other chapters? How your character looks may not be a big deal to some people, but it is to others--especially in a highly populated online RPG game.
There is a disappointing amount of armor variety for the new professions. The 6 original professions get new armor sets in every game, but not the new professions. Anyone else think the new professions should get more armor sets that are on an equal variety of the 6 original professions? Perhaps allow the new professions to craft exclusive armors from other chapters? How your character looks may not be a big deal to some people, but it is to others--especially in a highly populated online RPG game.
Neo Nugget
i dont think theres as many armors in general.I loved how factions had the 3 from kianeng,and then tyrian/imperial, and then kyrtan/exotic or whichever.Then luxon and kurzick.Thats 7 1.5k's. then 3 more 15k's.
But!I forgive the lack of armors because i can always get other campaigns armors.
But!I forgive the lack of armors because i can always get other campaigns armors.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
the armor selection sucked...whatcha gonna do about it?
Originally Posted by Kijik Oni Hanryuu
the armor selection sucked...whatcha gonna do about it?
yeah... most of the dervish armor leaves something to be desired :-S
Originally Posted by Sidra
yeah... most of the dervish armor leaves something to be desired :-S
As I see it i'm gonna stick with my 15k canthan armor for my ele.
Knightsaber Sith
I think the armor variety is varied enough. It wouldn't make any sense to go back and add armor to old campaigns. Also, what if someone that only had Nightfall saw a dervish armor they wanted that was only available in Tyria? It wouldn't be very fair to restrict some of the armors for the new professions to people that also have the old campaigns (not having access to armor from an even newer campaign would be a different story though).
I think the armor variety is varied enough. It wouldn't make any sense to go back and add armor to old campaigns. Also, what if someone that only had Nightfall saw a dervish armor they wanted that was only available in Tyria? It wouldn't be very fair to restrict some of the armors for the new professions to people that also have the old campaigns (not having access to armor from an even newer campaign would be a different story though).
even tho I like Factions variety the best, theres enough variety in NF
I do think Nightfall has the weakest variety of the 3 chapters
even tho I like Factions variety the best, theres enough variety in NF
I do think Nightfall has the weakest variety of the 3 chapters
Yes, because your armour skin matters in GW.
King Kong
Originally Posted by
Yes, because your armour skin matters in GW.
/sarcasm |
I tend to look at other players to see what they're doing...
Fiendz Bane
Originally Posted by
I tend to look at other players to see what they're doing...

Loki Seiguro
stop complaining about that its just the way things go. When GW 4 comes out youre going to be $%^#*ing about how the 1-2 maybe even 3 new porfession only get 1 lands set of armor
I love the Vabbi Armor for all classes o.O
Originally Posted by
I tend to look at other players to see what they're doing...
So really, the armour skins are entirely for their benefit.
I've had W/Mos stalk me and spam /dance more now that I have my 5k Vabbi Armor for my lovely female Necromancer.
So I agree with Cjlr.
So I agree with Cjlr.
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by realoddsman
The elementalists really got the short end of the stick with the endgame imo.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
I've had W/Mos stalk me and spam /dance more now that I have my 5k Vabbi Armor for my lovely female Necromancer.
I think there are plenty of armor varieties for the old classes, but I think the new classes got ripped off a bit. I don't understand why the male paragon and dervish armor has to look exactly like the female armor, skirts/dress and all. I think there should have one or two selections (1 at least!) with pants instead of the skirt/kilt/dress.
Maybe if the skirts looked a little bit more like a kilt it would be ok, but the paragon armor literally looks like a larger version of the female armor. Too many cross-dressers in the game now...
Maybe if the skirts looked a little bit more like a kilt it would be ok, but the paragon armor literally looks like a larger version of the female armor. Too many cross-dressers in the game now...
paragon armor all look too similar
The paragon armours are all too similar yeah - looking at the male ones, my choices seem to be - bracers, cuirass, skirt and greaves - bare midriff or not? And that's the only thing I look at!
Well ok, some of them have little wings and things stuck on, but it's basically the same bracers, cuirass, skirt and greaves - in white - for every set.
I'd have liked some angelic stylized plate for them - perhaps three-quarters plate or half-plate with some flowing white cloth involved, that sort of thing.

I'd have liked some angelic stylized plate for them - perhaps three-quarters plate or half-plate with some flowing white cloth involved, that sort of thing.
Zoom out on Elonian male paragon armor while running and you see your black butt, glitch of the skirt.
If you have certain hairstyles you puncture the collar of your armor.
One more stone old example: The piss spot on male 15k Gladiator. Or the Cultist armor with the shoulder issue.
What really bugs me is that the wonderful female 15k Sunspear always presents me a ugly polygon crack at the rear half of the bra, right in the middle. Had to put a cape over that shame!
I think they are pressed too hard, many of the armors look like they were transformed into armor right after the design stage, haute couture, but not pret-a-porter, nothing you can or would wear really, more a design study than an armor.
Then armors and hairstyles/faces as well are all a bit sloppy, especially in conjunction with armor hairstyles often do horrible things - see the other thread.
No Glitch Wars - more quality and selection for armors. Even if that means 3 months delay. Nothing can be done against the fact that players do not like the style of a certain armor, but sloppy armor glitches become too common IMO.
If you have certain hairstyles you puncture the collar of your armor.
One more stone old example: The piss spot on male 15k Gladiator. Or the Cultist armor with the shoulder issue.
What really bugs me is that the wonderful female 15k Sunspear always presents me a ugly polygon crack at the rear half of the bra, right in the middle. Had to put a cape over that shame!
I think they are pressed too hard, many of the armors look like they were transformed into armor right after the design stage, haute couture, but not pret-a-porter, nothing you can or would wear really, more a design study than an armor.
Then armors and hairstyles/faces as well are all a bit sloppy, especially in conjunction with armor hairstyles often do horrible things - see the other thread.
No Glitch Wars - more quality and selection for armors. Even if that means 3 months delay. Nothing can be done against the fact that players do not like the style of a certain armor, but sloppy armor glitches become too common IMO.
nope/not signed
It makes sense the way it is.
New professions can only get armor from their existing campaign or any campaigns released after theirs, and obsidian.
Because otherwise Anet would have to spend time going back over older campaigns and updating them too.
Imagine if we were up to game 6, and game 7 was being released in a months time. We have a new profession from game 6 and a new one in game 7.
They can either just give them new armor in the game 7 AND give the new profession in game 7 armor in games 1-6. HUGE UPDATE.
They can either just give them new armor in the game 7, and just give the new profession from game 7, armor in JUST game 7. MUCH SMALLER UPDATE.
If we went with the first option, It would be an ever increasing amount of updates everytime. Any new future games would be bigger, and bigger and bigger. Take more money and more time. Costing us more and taking longer to update.
Its best to leave the older games alone after a while, or it would take an increasing amount of time and effort and resources to released any future games.
It makes sense the way it is.
New professions can only get armor from their existing campaign or any campaigns released after theirs, and obsidian.
Because otherwise Anet would have to spend time going back over older campaigns and updating them too.
Imagine if we were up to game 6, and game 7 was being released in a months time. We have a new profession from game 6 and a new one in game 7.
They can either just give them new armor in the game 7 AND give the new profession in game 7 armor in games 1-6. HUGE UPDATE.
They can either just give them new armor in the game 7, and just give the new profession from game 7, armor in JUST game 7. MUCH SMALLER UPDATE.
If we went with the first option, It would be an ever increasing amount of updates everytime. Any new future games would be bigger, and bigger and bigger. Take more money and more time. Costing us more and taking longer to update.
Its best to leave the older games alone after a while, or it would take an increasing amount of time and effort and resources to released any future games.
Originally Posted by realoddsman
Get the 15k endgame and forget all about it. The elementalists really got the short end of the stick with the endgame imo.
Man in Drag!!!
Bryant Again
Well, like it's already been stated, it just wouldn't make sense to add new armors.
However, I agree that the new armors are terribly disappointing. The only armors I've truly liked so far are 15k Sunspear and Male 5k Vabbian (probably the only person who likes that set).
However, I agree that the new armors are terribly disappointing. The only armors I've truly liked so far are 15k Sunspear and Male 5k Vabbian (probably the only person who likes that set).
Knightsaber Sith
I don't like most of the Nightfall armors either. But I don't think it's fair to flat out say it's because the armors are bad/ugly/disappointing. The armors were designed to match the N African theme; I for one don't happen to care for the kinds of clothes associated with north Africa so much. It would be difficult for them to make an armor that both fits the motif and that we like if we don't like the N African style of clothes.
Even; if you don't like the whole N Africa trip so much you can still enjoy playing through the game. But it's understandable you might not like such clothes on a character that represents you. You can say you don't like the armor if it doesn't suit your tastes; but it's not fair to say you're disappointed or that they did a bad job.
Even; if you don't like the whole N Africa trip so much you can still enjoy playing through the game. But it's understandable you might not like such clothes on a character that represents you. You can say you don't like the armor if it doesn't suit your tastes; but it's not fair to say you're disappointed or that they did a bad job.
Griff Mon
I am looking at the 15K Dervish armour and it looks fine to me. It is a little strange to go to a armourer in Tyria or Factions and get a blank page if you are one of the new professions. Or especially odd, go to a collector in Factions or Tyria that gives armour and to be told that they cann't help you and suggest you sell the stuff at a merchant!
Agree with ele armor... Ancient looks 3x better.
The vabbi armor looks pretty good too.. but way to expensive.
I had to verify with guildwiki the different armor err bling variation on paragon armor.
The vabbi armor looks pretty good too.. but way to expensive.
I had to verify with guildwiki the different armor err bling variation on paragon armor.
King's Spectre
Guild Wars III: Men in Skirts
For the new profs, I'm not concerned about the # of armors. It's just that they all look the same. Hmm.. do I go nipples with no belly button or do I go for that sexy open midrif look?
For the new profs, I'm not concerned about the # of armors. It's just that they all look the same. Hmm.. do I go nipples with no belly button or do I go for that sexy open midrif look?
It's all a matter of taste. I rather like the primeval elementalist armor. If you prefer the plebian skanky outfits, there's plenty to be had from previous compaigns.
I think the only nice part about the paragon armors is that you can mix different armor pieces and it will all still match.
I think the only nice part about the paragon armors is that you can mix different armor pieces and it will all still match.
Originally Posted by Chop it Off
there isnt a single monk armor i like.
the only warrior armor i like is primevil 10k rangers is the only decent. necros can now officially fly eh*shrugz* the list goes on. and whats worse. half the item skins are regurgitated crap. eww lets get an endgame bow!!! |
While its true that the two new professions didn't get a great choice of armor, the primary classes definatly did, not only that, but.. for me, it's not going to be expensive.
I love the female necro 1k Istan and the female monk 1k Istan armor, though I have to admit to wanting the Vabbi female mes armor, which might just send me bankrupt, at least, if the prices stay the way they are

almost all dervish armor still has the old "base color" blue, bleeding out of all the armors, even looking at it close up, it bleeds around the edges into your own dyed colors..... really, really, >> disappointing <<
i saw more glitches, cutting issues, low resolution detail, and sloppy armors this time around. for god sakes almost all of the primeval armors are lower res than the previously top notch detail in armors (when zoomed in, of course)
factions had more armors i believe, and they werent this badly made, probably due to rush to deadlines
to be perfectly honest, they shouldnt have deadline to armors anymore, forget the release date, keep working on the armors after, make sure theres way less clipping issues, ESPECIALLY with the campaign's OWN face/hair combos..... come on Anet. i dont care if i buy endgame armor without having the real armor's look until an update.... just make sure it aint glitched/sloppy/low res or have any serious clipping issues.
i saw more glitches, cutting issues, low resolution detail, and sloppy armors this time around. for god sakes almost all of the primeval armors are lower res than the previously top notch detail in armors (when zoomed in, of course)
factions had more armors i believe, and they werent this badly made, probably due to rush to deadlines
to be perfectly honest, they shouldnt have deadline to armors anymore, forget the release date, keep working on the armors after, make sure theres way less clipping issues, ESPECIALLY with the campaign's OWN face/hair combos..... come on Anet. i dont care if i buy endgame armor without having the real armor's look until an update.... just make sure it aint glitched/sloppy/low res or have any serious clipping issues.