Wierd All-zone aggro?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Southern Farmers Union

This should be in a game-mechanics/combat/how-things-work question forum..but cant seem to see where it would fit in but here...

The scene: Southern Shiverpeaks

Players: Two PC's, 6 Henchies

Situation: Just got wiped by overaggroing tons of D. Masters and their luvly Ranger friends... Tried running past them, but aggroed even more mobs. Have just respawned at rez shrine.

Problem: Now whenever we go NEAR the mobs, as in radar range NOT aggro range, they come running and gunning for us, and of course all their friends too. Then the mobs we aggroed while trying to run past them even comes along too, from across the zone. This starts whenever we respawn...

Question: Arent the monsters suppused to loose aggro when u die, and respawn out of their aggro circle? We have NO party-members even close to the monsters, even when we respawn?

And furthermore, why do the mobs even further away also come hunting for us?

Funny aggro, huh?

PS: Please, no flaming/trolling and so on, please just answer my question in a proper, constructive way. And yes, the aggro has changed with the last update, but this much?? And yes i'm a noob for going out in S.Shivers with henchies, but bear with me ok?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Dark Guild of War [dgw]

hm... this is weird... it never happened to me...

the only problem i ever had was dying right next to a rez shrine, then rezzing there, then dying again ...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Force of Arms [FoA]


I've been having similar problem throughout the game so I don't think it is a rare glitch. I do think it has something to do with the new AI, once you aggro a group and proceed to lose aggro. They will attack you more easily than before. This goes for all the groups you have aggroed. Its kinda like dominoes, once you push over one, the resh follow. Its really annoying but I don't think there is anything you can do about it except be more careful about aggro.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Guardians of the Vault [GotV]


I've seen this as well...in all three campaigns, as a matter of fact. I haven't really considered it a bug or anything, I just figure the aggroed mobs "remember" my character:

"Hey, guys, look! There's that pesky mesmer again! Get her!"

One good suggestion made by a guildmate is to use one of your character's weapon slots for a longbow, no matter what kind of character it is. Careful pulling can cut down on incidents like this.


Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Certain mobs can "remember" you, and will re-aggro you upon you reentering their area.

This has been going on since Chapter 1 as far as I have played.



i-map person

Join Date: Apr 2005

Raisu(Rice) Palace, talking to like Suki

Hired Goons

This might be similar to the situation where some enemies will try to chase after you further than normal in order to finish an attack of theirs (mostly spell casting).

Once they’ve finished their attack that they wanted to do, they often just forget about you.

When I was attempting to solo for an IDS when they were first discovered, a guide I read on this forum somewhere said that the Avicara may chase after you, and if they do, just stop for a moment, let them cast their spell, and then run away again. I did just that, and the Avicara did stop chasing after me.

Often when a mob does what the OP described and I end up dying to the mob again, they stop running for me outside of the aggro range. I'm guessing it's cuz they've finished doing what they wanted to do to me.

Sadly I don’t know if this "trick" still works, since I haven’t been able to play again for awhile, and so the AI update might have changed it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

I've also had this problem recently.

If some will remember, this happened some time ago also. If I recall correctly just after the AI change where monsters scatter from AI damage, a later update fixed it. The Droks runners really complained about it.

And, like the original poster, I've had them run from the other end of the map to the rez shrine - all of them. Except for that short period of time where the above bug was in place, that never happens. Dieing should break the agro, even wanting to cast a spell (and I've known to do the "let them cast a spell" thing since early in Prophecies also).

Phoenix Arrows

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

With many other ugly people

We Are All Pretty [ugly]


I've had this recently as well. I was running my friend through Ascalon and places and the monsters seemed to never lose aggro...and it never happened before.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



I have had since this chapter 1 too. And its goten even worse in nightfall. Now they re-aggro me from 3 rader screens away.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Southern Farmers Union

Thank you all for your clear and concise answers. It has been a pleasure (not that there's anything nice about it) to hear that i'm not the only one the little buggers are chasing around a zone...

Oh, and Tanith? Thank you for the longbow reminder, it's one of those things i always seem to remember just as i'm overaggroing... Maybe this'll teach me for good.

Cheers mates!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Prefer Unlight Beer [PuB]

I actually was able to use "You're all alone!" with my warrior. When they where at the end of the minimap. ;O


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

I have had enemy cross the map to get to me after I had died and thought what the hell?!? As they are well of the compass and just come running in.
I have had it a number of times when really they should have no idea where I have spawned.

Them chasing you still after you have died and coming to the res shrine to get you again from so far away is daft...

However I dont mind that they seem to come after you again from a small distance after you have made agro once with them as its sort of them looking for you again. Just think they They were minding there own business b4 agro and once its happened they are on the lookout for you.
One bad point with this is that it makes a few of the res skills/spells usless as if you are a last man standing you cant res without everythign chasing you again lol.

On a side note: I dont like the way diff enemys dont attack each other that also seems stupid to me.

Also I would like to thank ANet for the 'fixed' AI lol... its mostly just the casters that chase you for miles and not the fighters, this is now allowing you to agro a mob run far away with just casters in tow. Then just turn back and kill casters while they are on there own without the fighter classes protecting them (just bring a cripple skill) then go and kill the fighters easily as they now have no caster support. Far easier to clear and farm some mobs that were a little tricky b4 hehehe well done ANet.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

I was doing a run and I found out that the signet users chase you in certain places for non stop as long as they are in your radar they will continue for awhile..Not sure if its everywhere. I was running to ascalon..

star firefly

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006



Originally Posted by Slomo
Question: Arent the monsters suppused to loose aggro when u die, and respawn out of their aggro circle? We have NO party-members even close to the monsters, even when we respawn?
Same thing happened to me recently in Crystal desert with a group of Hydras with Ele boss. I died and after the respawn, everytime I tried to get close to them (at least 3 aggro circles away) they were "spotting" me and running toward me.

Texas Flood

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Wiltwangsons legionnaires


I discovered that "spotters" are able to agro out of agro ranfe...I guess this is just because that is their duty...

kind of annoying though

Dart The Eternal

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

Shiverpeak Construction Company/SCC


While exploring for my title in Twin Serpents Lake region (Prophecies) I had a mob of 12 grawl chase me from 1 end of the zone to the other, I realize the AI has changed, but wow, glad I had my run skills packed, lol.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Spike
I have had since this chapter 1 too. And its goten even worse in nightfall. Now they re-aggro me from 3 rader screens away.
Ive played a year, myself, and never had this happen untill the recent AI update. But it IS annoying as hell.