bug that needs MAJOR looking into


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

Runners of Fury


so recently i went on a cap craze and tryied to cap some elite paragon skills all was great untill i wanted to cap SoR. i cant seem to get ino garden of serahim.

i already beat jahnurs horde. and wut not but still i keep going into NF garden. is it a bug? i highly think so because the whole point of JH was to stop NF garden.

is tere aany other way to cap SoR?

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


You currently have to sometimes beat the game before it will revert apparently (because beating the game "clears" Abbadon's influence on our world).

But I hear some people can get it to revert beforehand, so the process might be bugged at some point, but Once you beat the beat it should revert for everyone.