Will there ever be time to where we can change our hair and face appearance?
The Pointless
I doubt it, and to be honest, I see no sense in asking a question that nobody will have a definite answer to.

Free Runner
Originally Posted by BeeHatch
Will there ever be time to where we can change our hair and face appearance?

Originally Posted by Free Runner
There may be a time when hairstyles will be able to be changed for a price (hairstylist NPC as suggested countless times)...but i dont see it coming anytime soon
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for those without a clue appearance is part of that NOT ABLE TO CHANGE.
so no hairstylist.
and use the search before making another pointless dupid thread.
just the first page of many on your idea
Thread / Thread Starter Created Replies Views Hair style and color change please!!! Dj Tano 13:06 27-Jul-06 0 22 in the middle of the game i thought theyr hair style sucked and im about to do the same thing with pretty much all of my remaining characters..names or face and stuff but i think chang... Hair style + color changer NPC lustymuffins 14:43 2-Jan-06 2 77 The same hairstyle and color all the time just doesnt compliment the veriety of armor and colors you can get..... Ugly Nightfall Monk Hair styles in Nightfall please fix CrystalM 02:02 25-Sep-06 7 238 Wars give us more choices other than short braided bald monk hair styles in Nightfall?It seems the hair designer only has seen 1 type of hair - short braided hair and the one hair s... Alesia got a new Hair Style MMSDome 01:20 6-Jul-06 18 661 Dont ask what i was doing here in Lornars with these henchies, i dont even know... 7/28 Gaile Gray: how could they change hair styles on existing characters?!? milias 15:01 28-Jul-06 16 836 7/28 Gaile Gray: how could they change hair styles on existing characters?!? Quote... Hair Dresser Merchant Fr_3_aK 06:15 20-Apr-06 3 48 I hate my hair style, i wanna change it..PVE players to change their hair.Thanks... hair problems X-DARKFIRE 23:18 27-Jul-06 48 1009 in the new update anet to screwed up my warriors hair style. i used to have the same style as devonna and now its changed to some old granny hair style... Chest Hair Chewbacca Defense 15:33 16-Nov-06 28 358 With the awesome mustaches and mad hair styles that came with Nightfall, chest and back hair would be the next logical step for more awesomeness... Hair Dresser and Plastic Surgeons for Guild Wars ![]() Tydra 11:16 9-Aug-06 3 28 it might be nice if u could change ur hair style or ur face after ur character is made... introducin sum kind of hair dresser and a plastic surgeon into the game (as NPCs): u could cha... Long overdue suggestion: Let there be a barber in towns to change hair!! Bellucci 18:24 9-May-06 3 29 or if not an NPC, we need some sort of method where we can change out hair style for gold.. I know i'd be willing to spend like 4 platinum to change my hair. I dont know about everyon... Graphical bug? (A new hair do for my Monk) nossac 13:42 16-Nov-06 13 383 Monks new hair style!? 68 ... Hair cuts in chapter 2 LifeInfusion 17:47 23-Feb-06 17 752 get some of those books there with all the hair designs.. Because only about 2 or 3 of the hair styles are actually used, per class.All the male monk ones have pony tails and stuff..... Hair cuts / plastic surgery? wankey 22:49 19-Jun-06 2 175 allow original prophecy players with faction accounts to have hair cuts or (to the extreme) have plastic surgery to change our facial appearance and hair style... Variation for faces and hairs! Ricebox 17:36 1-Oct-06 5 53 specifically for hair and face customization!For example: I will be able to create a Warrior that has a face from Nightfall and a hair style from.. Players can only apply faces an... Annoying: Inconsistent dye and hair colors... TsunamiZ 22:32 22-Jun-06 11 216 Anyone else find it ANNOYING that dye and hair colors are inconsistent throughout Guild Wars? The dye and hair colors system feels FLAWED...DYE: - The SAME dye or dye.. - The... Facial hair Massassi 23:30 19-May-05 10 206 I say that not only should male facial hair (not just full beards but beards minus the mustache and mustaches alone) be expanded upon in character creation but that it should..NPC be ... Petition to allow face/hair color style/skin tone changes Vel 15:19 18-Oct-06 3 27 we need to have some way to to modify face/hair color style/skin tone of our characters.. an option to choose another set of styles from the assortment of that Tyrian character.I thi... character aesthetic customization teklis 03:18 18-Nov-06 0 4 has come the addition of new hair styles and faces.. I think it would be great if we had the ability to change hair styles, and if possible the face to some of the new additions that ... A+ on Ritualist. Assassin however.... eh... (mild spoiler) jestx 13:18 27-Apr-06 30 2908 Every hair style is great, she looks hawt...So yeah, A+ on the Rit, but totally skimped on the assassin's look.. I get the whole "short hair shogun ninja" thing, even f... Needs to be put into Guild wars Tien ak 19:09 3-May-06 1 44 I must say some of the new hair styles look amazing, certainly the male Ranger with the spikey hair and spikey pony tail So My suggestion is to put a hair stylist..Guild wars so if... Something I really hope for Factions... lzlz 14:21 24-Mar-06 2 77 1) You can use ANY face/hair style you like of all classes (regardless of your first/secondary professions) Female warriors are soooo ugly I want some other..More variety of style in ... New faces for old characters? Unnamed 00:13 6-Mar-06 40 907 They say that new hair styles and other character attributes when creating are for all classes.. What about for our old characters? Will we be able to edit they're hair or face at lea... A Collection of Ranger Suggestions Meneldil 02:11 11-Jan-06 124 2273 For example, the first ranger hair shown when making a ranger has a hairline that is way too low in front, and the hair in back "magically" hovers in air.. The headband in... Another Option to Consider for Future Updates Laurelin Goldtree 06:11 7-Nov-05 17 148 cooler hair style that I like more.. but changing hair color and style would be so convenient! It may cost something to change, you may be able to change only so many times within a... Final Say about Appearance Changes? knives 02:43 13-Apr-06 14 589 another existing form of a tyrian face / hair style / hair color / skin color or from Tyrian - Canthan style features... |
It would be nice though if you could change hairstyles or appearance. I'd be keen to change a few chars I have

answer is: yes, in the character selection screen
after that you are SOL so choose wisely (or don't care cuz its just pixels)
after that you are SOL so choose wisely (or don't care cuz its just pixels)