Ok weird thing happened.I was going over to salvage something and before i did that i saw that my preorder scythe soulbreaker was salvagable.I didnt think much of it so i clicked salvage.......i was able to get the 20% mod off it.Same with the other preorders.its not possible to preorder command then resalvage(Thats good).I went to check it out on a frw other charrs and my post nightfall release was not able to salvage but prenightfall were able to.
I am expecting this is a bug.Green items are also salvagable for the materials.I checked that.
If it is a bug i hope it is fixed and fast.
PS i just sent in a ticket to support.
Salvaging preorders?
Neo Nugget
When the pre-NightFall update happened (the day before release) Preorder items were all salvagable for their mods. This was fixed within a couple of hours, but from what you are saying I would imagine that they only fixed the /Preorder command, rather than fixing the items themselves. IE Items created before then will still be salvagable. Certainly I cannot salvage my Preorder items anymore, though Green Items do now offer materials on salvage.
Neo Nugget
So it was intentional before?So.....thats something i never knew.
it was unintentional before, thats why it was fixed
Before Nightfall you could update the preorders with upgraded parts. Now you can't. I think when the change happened the old ones became salvageable even if you hadn't changed them. I got +5 staff head off my soulbinder even though I had only added a wrapping to it. My sin is still running around with a modified set of preorder dragon fangs that I won't be attempting to salvage.
Same, Pkest. I modded my dragon fangs a bit, never expected to salvage them. I can't think of a single reason to not let us modify them though. They're customized already, just don't let us change the salvage mods off em. Grr.
Former Ruling
Bug has already been fixed, almost a month ago - Like you said - It was a pre-nightfall release thing and only effected weapons spawned within that very short time frame before the debugging patch.
We should still be able to To replace (and loose) Mods on the ore order items, Like the old system.
Neo Nugget
Yes and when it says for greens to be salvaged for materials.It does not allow you to if you continue.