Which one to buy?
Hi guys, I'd like to start playing Guild Wars, but I'm not sure which one to buy.
Which one should I buy? I LOVE to PvP. I used to play WoW, but I don't like it because its just based on gear.
Anyways, I checked the prices on EB games, there seemed like alot of Guild Wars expansions or something? Should I buy factions or nightfall? Do i have to buy the original guild wars to install factions or nightfall? I am kinda confused on the factions and nightfall part. Are they linked or 2 different "games" ?
Thanks in advance.
Which one should I buy? I LOVE to PvP. I used to play WoW, but I don't like it because its just based on gear.
Anyways, I checked the prices on EB games, there seemed like alot of Guild Wars expansions or something? Should I buy factions or nightfall? Do i have to buy the original guild wars to install factions or nightfall? I am kinda confused on the factions and nightfall part. Are they linked or 2 different "games" ?
Thanks in advance.
You can buy any of them, in any order. I reccommend you buy prophecies, go through the PVE sie of the game. Then do some PVP after a bit, when you get the hang of it.
Then you can buy the PVP Editions in the online store. =)
Then you can buy the PVP Editions in the online store. =)
Jumping Is Uselss
I recommend Prophecies because they have quests in PVE that give you skills to use in PVP. In the 2 new expansions there are no quests that give you the skills so you need to buy them from an npc.
Aww, kinda on a budget here hehe. So I should buy Guild Wars: Prophecies first?? Do I have to have just Guild Wars then buy Guild Wars: Prophecies? After Prophecies what shall I buy next?
Also 1 more question;
Are we all on 1 server or is there alot of choose from? And because of so many editions of guildwars, are we all on different servers or in 1 large server? Like are the people playing prophecies connected with people playing factions, etc ?
Thanks again
Also 1 more question;
Are we all on 1 server or is there alot of choose from? And because of so many editions of guildwars, are we all on different servers or in 1 large server? Like are the people playing prophecies connected with people playing factions, etc ?
Thanks again

Fury Incarnate
The Guild Wars line currently consists of 3 titles, or "Campaigns": Guild Wars Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. Each game can be played seperately without having either of the others, but characters from one campaign can travel to and play in the other ones as well. Each game has its own flavor - Prophecies draws on European medieval architecture and themes, while Factions is based in Southeastern Asian Culture and Nightfall is modelled after Africa and Southwestern Asia.
The major playing differences between the campaigns are as follows:
Prophecies contains 6 "core" classes, the warrior, the ranger, the monk, the elementalist, the necromancer, and the mesmer. With a Prophecies account, you can create and play any of these 6 professions. Factions and Factions-enabled accounts also have access to the Assassin, a quick and deadly melee-based class, and the Ritualist, who wield a combination of supporting spells, spirit-summoning powers, and lightning attacks, while Nightfall introduced the Paragon, a holy spear warrior with party-boosting shouts, and the Dervish, a whirling scythe warrior who uses enchantments to great benefit. Note that you can always access the 6 core classes from any campaign, but the other characters are specific to the campaign they were introduced in.
As far as PvE play, Prophecies consists of 25 storyline missions which include a main objective and a bonus objective. Factions consists of 13 missions with a single objective, but the party is awarded additional gold and experience if other criteria are met, generally if the mission is completed in a certain amount of time or certain NPC(s) stay alive. Nightfall works much like Factions, although it includes 20 missions.
Factions and Nightfall also introduced Challenge and Elite missions, harder non-storyline missions that require team coordination but can be extremely rewarding for any adventurers who brave them.
All three titles include Henchmen, prebuilt NPC's who can be included in the party. But Nightfall also introduced Heros, unlockable NPC's who can be levelled up and customized both in terms of skills and gear.
In PvP, Prophecies has 4v4 random and prebuilt team arenas, 6 man "Hero's Ascent" games in which players play single or several other teams under varying conditions, and 8v8 Guild battles between guilds. Factions introduced two new PvP styles, 8-man random games in which teams must hold points and get kills to add to thier team score (the first team to a certain score wins), and 12-man games with 3 pre-built teams of 4 on each side - victory conditions work on the same "point" system. Nightfall also added a new form of PvP, Hero battles, in which two teams of 1 player and 3 heros, fight to the death. As with classes, the PvP styles from Prophecies are accessable from any campaign, while the campaign specific ones require your account to have that campaign included.
The bottom line is that each Guild Wars title adds a huge amount of new content, and any of the three would be a good choice. Ultimately, your choice should be based on what you're looking for in your MMORPG experience. All three have amazing roleplaying and player combat, but Prophecies is the most "traditional" and balanced of the three games in terms of PvE and PvP, while Factions is conducent to large PvP games, and Nightfall boasts an incredible PvE environment. Again, your best bet is to think about what you want in your gaming experience and look at what each campaign offers.
I saw your second post after i posted this. There are a small number of servers: an America one, a European one, a Korean one, etc. However, each play area in GW is instanced, while each town is seperated into districts to keep the number of players in any particular area down to a reasonable number. Private messages, guild chat, and alliance chat allow for communication between servers and areas, while the international districts allow people from any server to meet people from other servers.
The major playing differences between the campaigns are as follows:
Prophecies contains 6 "core" classes, the warrior, the ranger, the monk, the elementalist, the necromancer, and the mesmer. With a Prophecies account, you can create and play any of these 6 professions. Factions and Factions-enabled accounts also have access to the Assassin, a quick and deadly melee-based class, and the Ritualist, who wield a combination of supporting spells, spirit-summoning powers, and lightning attacks, while Nightfall introduced the Paragon, a holy spear warrior with party-boosting shouts, and the Dervish, a whirling scythe warrior who uses enchantments to great benefit. Note that you can always access the 6 core classes from any campaign, but the other characters are specific to the campaign they were introduced in.
As far as PvE play, Prophecies consists of 25 storyline missions which include a main objective and a bonus objective. Factions consists of 13 missions with a single objective, but the party is awarded additional gold and experience if other criteria are met, generally if the mission is completed in a certain amount of time or certain NPC(s) stay alive. Nightfall works much like Factions, although it includes 20 missions.
Factions and Nightfall also introduced Challenge and Elite missions, harder non-storyline missions that require team coordination but can be extremely rewarding for any adventurers who brave them.
All three titles include Henchmen, prebuilt NPC's who can be included in the party. But Nightfall also introduced Heros, unlockable NPC's who can be levelled up and customized both in terms of skills and gear.
In PvP, Prophecies has 4v4 random and prebuilt team arenas, 6 man "Hero's Ascent" games in which players play single or several other teams under varying conditions, and 8v8 Guild battles between guilds. Factions introduced two new PvP styles, 8-man random games in which teams must hold points and get kills to add to thier team score (the first team to a certain score wins), and 12-man games with 3 pre-built teams of 4 on each side - victory conditions work on the same "point" system. Nightfall also added a new form of PvP, Hero battles, in which two teams of 1 player and 3 heros, fight to the death. As with classes, the PvP styles from Prophecies are accessable from any campaign, while the campaign specific ones require your account to have that campaign included.
The bottom line is that each Guild Wars title adds a huge amount of new content, and any of the three would be a good choice. Ultimately, your choice should be based on what you're looking for in your MMORPG experience. All three have amazing roleplaying and player combat, but Prophecies is the most "traditional" and balanced of the three games in terms of PvE and PvP, while Factions is conducent to large PvP games, and Nightfall boasts an incredible PvE environment. Again, your best bet is to think about what you want in your gaming experience and look at what each campaign offers.
I saw your second post after i posted this. There are a small number of servers: an America one, a European one, a Korean one, etc. However, each play area in GW is instanced, while each town is seperated into districts to keep the number of players in any particular area down to a reasonable number. Private messages, guild chat, and alliance chat allow for communication between servers and areas, while the international districts allow people from any server to meet people from other servers.
Hmmm, I think I will get Factions; mainly because I am a hardcore PvPer (going for an assassin) and I was looking to get this game because for PvP, gear didn't matter. It was about skill. (Am I right?)
Fury Incarnate
Gear certainly plays a role, but GW is based on the idea that maxed gear is readily available - any PvP-only characters can create max-stated gear (which only they can use) for free.
Guild Wars is more about skills than gear, first and foremost in PvP. You also have to think hard about what skills you take with you, as you can only equip eight at a time. This makes for a very strategic game and it sets those with a good knowledge of what skills they use above those who don't.
Personally, I'm more into PvE and I must say, for that Nightfall is the best.
1. There are more people to party with, as it's still new and "the" campaign to play.
2. The scenery is to die for!
3. With heroes you can try and brave it alone, if you prefer to do so.
In the end, it's you choice, so choose well
P.S. to clarify, Guild Wars: Prophecies is the first campaign, sold as just "Guild Wars"
Personally, I'm more into PvE and I must say, for that Nightfall is the best.
1. There are more people to party with, as it's still new and "the" campaign to play.
2. The scenery is to die for!
3. With heroes you can try and brave it alone, if you prefer to do so.
In the end, it's you choice, so choose well

P.S. to clarify, Guild Wars: Prophecies is the first campaign, sold as just "Guild Wars"
Originally Posted by Fury Incarnate
Gear certainly plays a role, but GW is based on the idea that maxed gear is readily available - any PvP-only characters can create max-stated gear (which only they can use) for free.

Also, if I get factions; am I able to interact with other people that are playing other expansions such as NightFall??
If I get nightfall & factions, do I have to use the nightfall CD to play the PvE stuff, and then use factions for PvP?
I am worried if I just get factions, and not much people will be there because they would all be moving on to nightfall.
Ulivious The Reaper
Originally Posted by ANGRY_KOREA_MAN
Wow, even better! Thanks for all of your help guys
![]() Also, if I get factions; am I able to interact with other people that are playing other expansions such as NightFall?? If I get nightfall & factions, do I have to use the nightfall CD to play the PvE stuff, and then use factions for PvP? I am worried if I just get factions, and not much people will be there because they would all be moving on to nightfall. |
Answer to question 2: once you add the cd keys to your account, you don't need the cd ever again, hell you don't even need the cd to install it, you can get the client then go, thats what i did ofr nightfall, i had Propehcies already installed and factions to so i just decided to let nightfall stream in,
Answer 3: i'd get Propehcies & nightfall over factions and nightfall or propehcies and nightfall, but if i were you i'd get all three over just one or two

hope i helped any
You don't need a CD to play any of the GW games. you install it, create account, add key, login, play.
If you get a second campaign and add the key to your existing account (recommended) your characters can travel to the other continents that you have unlocked. (Prophecies = Tyria, Factions = Cantha, Nightfall = Elona)
Even if you don't add any other campaigns, you can play with other people form other campaigns, as long as they have both and travel to your continent.
If you get a second campaign and add the key to your existing account (recommended) your characters can travel to the other continents that you have unlocked. (Prophecies = Tyria, Factions = Cantha, Nightfall = Elona)
Even if you don't add any other campaigns, you can play with other people form other campaigns, as long as they have both and travel to your continent.
Wow. This system is AMAZING!! I LOVE GUILD WARS!!!!!
Thanks for all of you for answering my questions! I've decided to get Prophecies and Nightfall for tomorrow, then get factions when I get more used to the game.
Thanks again y'all!
Thanks for all of you for answering my questions! I've decided to get Prophecies and Nightfall for tomorrow, then get factions when I get more used to the game.

Fury Incarnate
First off, there are still plenty of die-hard Factions fans just waiting to go kill stuff with you. As to interacting with NF/Proph players from a Factions account, you cannot go to Elona or Tyria (the continents on which the other two campaigns take place) unless you have that expansion, but you can meet them in the various PvP arenas and in your Guild Hall if you share a guild or alliance with them, and they can come to Cantha to meet you if they have Factions. As to CD's, one great thing about Guild Wars is that you don't need the CD. The CD will have an installation for the Guild Wars client, which can also be downloaded from The GW Web Site. Once you have the client, the game will automatically download updates, and does not require a CD. Just boot it up and off you go! By the way, if you're worried about finding people to play with, the best advice I can give you is to look for a medium-to-large, highly active guild. Most active guilds will have plenty of people willing to come play with you.
See you ingame. Also make sure to add your key to the account and not create a new one.. my friend did that :S
Originally Posted by Erudition
See you ingame. Also make sure to add your key to the account and not create a new one.. my friend did that :S

And also thank you, Fury Incarnate, and to all the people who helped me, thank you very much! I can't wait to play

you can only meet in the common PVP area *BATTLE ISLES* if you both dont have both chapters.
otherwise as said the person with both has to meet you as you cant travel to them.
these should get you off to a good start in Prophesies
you can only meet in the common PVP area *BATTLE ISLES* if you both dont have both chapters.
otherwise as said the person with both has to meet you as you cant travel to them.
these should get you off to a good start in Prophesies