To get to Tyria???

guild boy

guild boy

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006




I was just wondering that if one of your chars in prophecies finish the quest Sunspears in Kryta, does that also enable your character u made in Nightfall to go to LA? or if it doesn't, what quest do you need to do to get to tyria and also where do you get it from?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

There are two NPCs (Deras Tenderlin and Funwa Shento) in the south of Kamadan which have the quests 'Terror in Tyria' and 'Plague in Cantha'. You have to have attained the Sunspear Captain rank and finished 'The Time is Nigh' quest. I think they're the only prerequisites. Do those quests and Elonian characters can go to Tyria and Cantha.

Kais Unduli

Kais Unduli

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Room V

Cool, I was wondering the same thing. I just completed The Time is Nigh with my first Elonian character, but didn't get prompted for the quests to travel. Thanks.