inscriptions and weapon value

Dutch Masterr

Dutch Masterr

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Long Island, NY

Elite Knights [SWAT]


with these incriptions im having a very hard time determining the value of elonian weapons. i have found a crested machete req9 with a 15^50 inscription. is this worth alot? are weapons with nice skins such as elemental swords with an inscription slot worth alot even if it has bad mods? do all gold items in nightfall have inscription slots? do any core weapons have inscription slots? it seems to me all weapons are now...worthless, i cant sell anything with inscriptions on it for more than 5k!



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

You have to sell weapons for their skins now, common weapons with nice mods don't immediately mean expensive items.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Kansas City Hotsteppers

However on the other hand a nice skin with trash inscription doesn't automatically mean it goes to the merchant.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


The value of a gold Elonian weapon totally depends on its Requirement and Skin.

Tyrian and Canthan weapons still drop like old style.

Some old popular skins now have Elonian versions though, like Sephis Axe, and Dead Bow (among others).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


That's what I've been thinking too. Makes it kinda hard for people like me that only dabbled in tradding, but I'm sure that there'll be a list of the more-rare skinned Elonian weapons.

Nine Soul

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Slotting Crew


Look at it this way: anything with a rare skin and an inscrip slot is worth a lot simply because you can change the inscrip to a 15^50 or +5 (the former run about 10k or so these days).

If you have a normal weapon with a 15^50, it's either merch material or just salvage the inscrip. So yeah, rare skins are the only things that fetch money nowadays (from Elona anyway).

Also, a small tip - core stuff like Storm Bows and such that drop in Elona and have a 15^50 will not be worth as much as the same item that dropped in Prophecies. Hell, if anything has an Elona variety of it (meaning an inscribable version of it drops somewhere), its value will drop even if it dropped in Tyria (and is perfect and non-inscribable), since perfects will not be all that rare anymore.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Originally Posted by Nine Soul
Also, a small tip - core stuff like Storm Bows and such that drop in Elona and have a 15^50 will not be worth as much as the same item that dropped in Prophecies.
IMO both prices will drop, but the Tyrian variants will be hard to sell and their prices will drop faster... Can you give me a reason why to buy a stormbow (or other wanted skin that drops both in Tyria and Elona) that is not inscriptable?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


what i don't understand why did they go with the inscription? i think it's a great concept but it seems that all elonian weapons have the +5 or 15^50 on them. i got 2 gold unids from the same person and got 2 15^50's. before than i was able to buy the 15^50 inscription for 2k it's basically messed up the economy in game.

the other thing that i don't understand is why have the higher end weapons from tryria and all drop in elonia with inscription slots? was this done on purpose?

does any site have a list of what's a rare skin in elonia? since it will only be skins from elonia selling and not the mods on the weapon. people have got to have an idea on what is rare there. and i'm not talking about the elemental swords either which seems to be the rarest of the rare.

Texas Flood

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Wiltwangsons legionnaires


So is what you are saying is that even a perfect inscription won't go for that much?

It is better to have a good skin and good inherent mods with no incription?