well i've took a loong break from GW and now i wanted to came back, however i would want to buy one of the expansions, and i'm asking wich one should i buy?. I just want to know the diferences before buying them.
i'm thinking of buying Nightfall since i love Devrish
help me choose plz :P
Wtf Its A Monk
the main difference i can see is that......Nightfall is a great game and factions....well lets not go there XD
in other words i suggest nightfall
in other words i suggest nightfall
For PvP you want both of them
For PvE go nightfall its the best of all three IMO
For PvE go nightfall its the best of all three IMO
S h e r r y
well its a dervish not a devrish xD and nighfall is mucho grande better then factions
Originally Posted by S h e r r y
well its a dervish not a devrish xD and nighfall is mucho grande better then factions
Comparing factions to nightfall is like comparing EviL to a newbie PvE guild.
Lmao Roflus
You should stick with the newer stuff so go for Nightfall since this is what we are all playing.
nightfall ftw