I know to use an adv when you want to salvage soemthing special, but on reg white items and white armors that you find should those be salvaged with a reg or adv kit?
Which is at the end of the day more affordable?
Reg or adv salvage?
Texas Flood
A regular salvage kit for all whites and some blues you don't want make sure to id the blues first.
If you want a chance a rare materials from the salvage you have to use the adv kit. If I clean an area and go to the merchant I will look at the price of things. If I have 2 or 3 of the same white and 1 has a higher merch value I will use the advanced kit on it and often get rare mats. For armors I will advanced salvage anything over 25-27 value.
I always expert salvage armor, as it could get you linen, parchment, steel, leather, etc.
Former Ruling
In High level (near-max, to max items) areas, you should never have to use a normal slavage kit, Experts all the way :\
I agree with Age - blues regular salvage.
I carry a regular salvage kit so that I can stack materials, even when farming max areas. I don't want the mods from blues and most bows I'd rather have the wood instead of bones, etc.
I carry a regular salvage kit so that I can stack materials, even when farming max areas. I don't want the mods from blues and most bows I'd rather have the wood instead of bones, etc.
Expert kits are so cheap, I don't see the problem. I expert salvage everything, because what's the point if you don't get rares. Mats are so cheap these days anyway, the rare mats are the ones you want to stockpile.
I use a superior on everything I want to salvage now. With Factions and Nightfall, quartermasters were introduced and I get my superior salvage kits from them. 5 imperial commendations for a superior salvage kit with 100 uses. I assume that the battle commendations, luxon totems, etc are the same rate. I'm still working on my stack of imperials, so I haven't had to go check the others yet. I don't salvage unless it's from a highend area.
Also with an expert/superior salvage kit, you have a chance of getting rare crafting materials.
Also with an expert/superior salvage kit, you have a chance of getting rare crafting materials.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
In High level (near-max, to max items) areas, you should never have to use a normal slavage kit, Experts all the way :\
I expert salvage all metal and gem equipment, merch the rest, regular salvage if I'm running out of space. Regular materials and even many rare materials aren't worth much nowadays, so typically you just get more from the merchant. Steel's just nice right now, and gems are a bonus if you get those.