What the hell.
Can anybody tell me what the hell this statue is? It is in Crystal overlook near the teleportation to the Tyria Crystal Desert

That looks like the really big statue in the Arid Desert. And if it is, then it's confirmed then that Elona is just south of Tyria.
Knightsaber Sith
It's a big statue of a female warr in knight's armor. When you get close it's actually in pieces on the ground which is kinda wierd...
*Possibly a spoiler, this whole thread*
That's the same statue that can be seen in the Arid Sea, in Tyria. It's only a ghostly visage though, as when you approach it you realise it has toppled over and been destroyed.
That's the same statue that can be seen in the Arid Sea, in Tyria. It's only a ghostly visage though, as when you approach it you realise it has toppled over and been destroyed.
Its female knights armor.
That is where you go after you have done the forgotten ones to do the secoundary part of the quest The forgetten wisdom and yes it is in the Arid Sea.That statue is laying down when you get there are to make bridge for you.
yeah ... first 15 attribute point for Tyria born character, Canthan and Elona attribute quests are so easy as compare to this one.
yea if you are a tyrian born character you can talk 2 a that forgotten guy there and he will teleport u to the arid sea, and u can teleport back.
Ole Man Bourbon
Ghostly visage, or collapsed statue? I guess the timing would be kinda lucky to see a collossus randomly choose to fall right before your eyes.
actually it falls as you approach it, just keep an eye on it as you walk toward it and you can see it fall
Originally Posted by darkMishkin
*Possibly a spoiler, this whole thread*
That's the same statue that can be seen in the Arid Sea, in Tyria. It's only a ghostly visage though, as when you approach it you realise it has toppled over and been destroyed. |

Originally Posted by thelegendozelda
actually it falls as you approach it, just keep an eye on it as you walk toward it and you can see it fall
I didn;t know there was a tele link to Tyria from NF. Where is the Crystal Overlook>
Originally Posted by Riplox
That looks like the really big statue in the Arid Desert. And if it is, then it's confirmed then that Elona is just south of Tyria.
Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
Ghostly visage, or collapsed statue? I guess the timing would be kinda lucky to see a collossus randomly choose to fall right before your eyes.
king proculus
seen it my self thought i was going to see a big warrior then when i got close it was all over the ground lol
Cow Tale
Do U Have To Be Tyrian To Tele Back And Forth?
Sophitia Leafblade
Nope but u do have to own both campaigns to be able to
Cow Tale
well that was a given. thnx for the info! my character is canthan and was hopin i could still telport.
***Spoiler Warning***
I wisited that place yesterday and i find it really amazing that the Crystal Desert is so close to the Elona border, closer then i first thought.
Just a mountain or sand dunes that devide them. That's really cool!
And it's indeed the Colossus that collapses in the Crystal Desert (Arid Sea) as you aproch it. (Atlest it looks like it does untill you see it shatterd on the ground, like most of the statues there) I agree on the Ghostly Visage theory, a mere print in the old days that it's still standing.
Here's some pic i took, from Elona and the Crystal Desert in Tyria.
Even the lineup of it is perfect (the back showing to Elona, aswell for the teleporter is centerd) you arrive slightly behind it (a rock wall) and to the left of it in Tyria.
I wisited that place yesterday and i find it really amazing that the Crystal Desert is so close to the Elona border, closer then i first thought.
Just a mountain or sand dunes that devide them. That's really cool!
And it's indeed the Colossus that collapses in the Crystal Desert (Arid Sea) as you aproch it. (Atlest it looks like it does untill you see it shatterd on the ground, like most of the statues there) I agree on the Ghostly Visage theory, a mere print in the old days that it's still standing.
Here's some pic i took, from Elona and the Crystal Desert in Tyria.
Even the lineup of it is perfect (the back showing to Elona, aswell for the teleporter is centerd) you arrive slightly behind it (a rock wall) and to the left of it in Tyria.
There's a portal in the c.d that warps to Elona if you have Nightfall

Vahn Roi
A friend showed me this a few days ago.
Note: This SS was taken in Elona, not the Crystal Desert
Note: This SS was taken in Elona, not the Crystal Desert
Where exactly is that in Elona? I know where I can find the statue from in Tyria, but I had no clue you could see it from Elona. I'd like to see it for myself, along with the teleport thing.

I Might Avenge U
Here's the location from were you can see the statue and the teleporter to Tyria (Crystal Desert)
1 = The Statue overlook
2 = The Teleporter
Colossus Location.jpg
Note the name of the area at the Teleporter "Crystal Overlook" A suting name indeed!
(A overlook twords the Crystal Desert). Even the sand and buildings there are the same like in Tyria, Crystal Desert. Really nice to se!
1 = The Statue overlook
2 = The Teleporter
Colossus Location.jpg
Note the name of the area at the Teleporter "Crystal Overlook" A suting name indeed!

(A overlook twords the Crystal Desert). Even the sand and buildings there are the same like in Tyria, Crystal Desert. Really nice to se!
Loki Seiguro
if it is the statue from tyria then i salute the creators for adding t in. little deatails like this is what makes oir breaks a game for some people
And it is that Statue/Colossus from Tyria, Crystal Desert. All fits in, feel free to look at my pics on the previous page.
Indeed, thoes things makes it great, and since i love the Prophecies this find is great!

Indeed, thoes things makes it great, and since i love the Prophecies this find is great!